View Full Version : seer or lvl10 leak need help??

09-22-2002, 02:38 PM
I have a Classic RT with LVL10 and Z-Grip, Everything works fine, BUT I get a small leak down the barrel when I'm not touching the trigger.

When I put a small ammount of pressure on the trigger rod, the leak stops. But when I'm not touching the trigger the leaking starts again. I just had LVL10 put on, Is this an on/off pin problem? A Seer Problem? A LVL10 problem?

I need some help... Thanks

also while I'm here... I chopped a ball with my LVL10 today, (When I loosed the back field strip screw and fired in runway)

HOW can I adjust the pressure in which the bolt vents? I want to make it softer

09-22-2002, 03:56 PM
well to kill 2 birds with 1 stone in your case got the next longer spring in the LvX kit.....

the spring will push against the bolt harder making a tighter seal in the power tube.... and will allow the bolt to be softer on the paint.....

what setup are you using for the LvX.... ie spring, # of shims, carrier...... we may be able to help ou fine tune it from there....

09-23-2002, 09:32 AM
Remove a shim from the power tube.

When the bolt is at rest the air is leaking out the vent hole. As you apply pressure to the trigger, you move the sear down and it pushes the bolt back ever so slightly. This pushes the vent hole back behind the carrier o-ring so air no longer leaks out the vent hole. By removing a shim from your setup, you effectively move the carrier o-ring farther forward to a point where it is in front of the bolt stem vent holt, thus preventing any leaks out the front.

To make the level 10 softer on paint, put in the next longer bolt spring and adjust your velocity settings back to the proper fps.

09-23-2002, 05:03 PM
you just broke in your carrier o'ring, goto the next size smaller carrier and it will stop the leak

dont count chopping a ball when you loosened the field strip screw, you should'nt do that(that could be why it chopped). also make sure it was a chop and not a barrel break.

HOW can I adjust the pressure in which the bolt vents? I want to make it softer that doesnt make it softer, a longer spring makes it softer, dont switch springs though until you goto the next smaller carrier, that may do the trick alone, if it's still not soft enough for you after you do that, switch to a longer spring.

09-23-2002, 08:01 PM
ok the problem is...

I DIDN'T install the LVL10!! I'm going to read through all in the info and change out that little o-ring your talking about... I still think it hits to hard (I bend a straw in half and stuck it in there.. and WAM! it smashed the straw.. I was drunk and put my finger in there... it doesn't hit too hard, but it still hits!

I won't unscrew that naughty little fieldstrip scew any more! :(

I'll get back with you in a day or two, let me get air and change it all out.

09-23-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot

I still think it hits to hard (I bend a straw in half and stuck it in there.. and WAM! it smashed the straw.. I was drunk and put my finger in there... it doesn't hit too hard, but it still hits!

The level 10 only softens the blow in the first half of the bolt cycle. A straw would get pushed forward with the bolt and crushed because the bolt would be at full force. When you put your finger in the breach the bolt hits it during the first half of the cycle which is softer.

09-26-2002, 10:12 PM
I went up a spring size, and gased it up.. still leaked. *small ammount*

so I took the lvl10 out, and changed the Carrier O-Ring, the carrier in has two groves on it, so I changed the o-ring with the one that had 3 groves. And placed it back,
now everything works fine, BUT it leaks MORE . But only when the trigger isn't being held.. I can rest my finger on the trigger and no leak, but if I'm not touching the trigger then.. it leaks.

I put the longest spring in, and it still leaks. I can cut my vol any higher without it leaking from the back,

I shoot a classic RT ... with Z-Grip..

09-26-2002, 10:55 PM

I went down a size with the carrier, dropped a shem and went to a longer spring... the one in the middle... =]

no more leaks, and the gun fire perfect!!!!

thanks for your help... :rolleyes:

09-27-2002, 04:25 AM
thanks for your help...:rolleyes:what is that suposed to mean? We didnt help huh, did you ever even read my post? the part in bold it would have saved you a lot of time.

09-27-2002, 10:51 AM

and the little guy with his eyes.. was more like.. duh.

.... now just be quiet, and say your welcome!!! lol! :p

09-27-2002, 11:51 AM
ok, your welcome...:rolleyes: (lol/j/k)