View Full Version : what does the paintball community need?

09-22-2002, 03:45 PM
I dunno... im bored and tired and thought id just post this... Everything needs improvement right...eh..

oh boy..

big E kingpin
09-22-2002, 04:15 PM

09-22-2002, 04:39 PM

09-22-2002, 05:42 PM
girls, cheaper high quality paint, cheaper angels:)

09-22-2002, 06:54 PM
I think it needs to get over the "my gun is better than your gun" business and just play the game.

Just my opinion;)

09-22-2002, 07:25 PM
RPS paint for $10 a case.

09-22-2002, 10:33 PM
i think lower paint prices would help, by allowing for kids to be able to play more often. we need a good video game game too, not the poor quality paintbrawl but a nice councel game featuring pro teams like avalance and iron men, and play like halo, only in arena's; look at what tony hawk pro skater did for skating.

09-22-2002, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by marley618
RPS paint for $10 a case.

Cheaper paint which would put this sport into the I can go play once a week and not be broke after a month.

09-22-2002, 10:58 PM
I feel the game needs to get away from the, my gun can shoot 20 balls per second, and get back to the idea that every shot matters. When I first played 10 years ago, I can remember going through 100 to 150 rounds per day. Now people are expelling that much in about 3 minutes of play. I don't think that the price of paint is too much when you consider how much you are getting; I just think the way we play needs to be toned down. That would open up the game to a bunch more people, and make the community a lot better. I mean expelling upwards of two cases a day is ridiculous to me.

09-22-2002, 11:10 PM
every person in paintball should have an Angel ....:D

09-22-2002, 11:12 PM
oh ya

09-23-2002, 12:55 AM
we need to change the fields so it doesnt force every player to shoot tons of paint. got news people the price of paint isnt gonna come down much we already have huge mass production. we have to rework the game itself so people dont have to shoot as much. that starts with field layout

09-23-2002, 02:20 PM
rudy: sorry but i couldn't disagree more with what you said. Lets see some layouts what would force players to use less paint. I dont think it has anything to do with the layout. I've seen 5 on 5 games on 3 man field and 5 on 5 games on a 10 man field and niether forced any players to shoot less.

Guys face it. Paintball is an expensive sport. If you want to play, you pay the price. If you dont want to play it as a sport, just play rec and you dont have to shoot a half case a game.

09-23-2002, 03:17 PM
While the responses for more girls in the game were a bit...short, they make some sense.

Half the population is not particating. Now there are a few reasons why this is so, having to do with some girls/women not being very keen on getting dirty/sweaty/welted up, there are a vast amount who do not mind. (A little rascal by the name of Capoeira comes to mind)

Who can change this? You and me, my fellow males. Invite your girlfriends and female friends for a freindly day of paintballin'. Be sure to warn them ahead of time of what they are about to engage in and see what happens.

09-23-2002, 03:19 PM
Well I think those are fine and dandy ideas but what it comes down to is media coverage. Not the, "Today three boys violently attacked an elderly woman with paintguns." but instead more like a football or baseball annoucement, "Today Team So-So maxed out Team ? in the 5 man tournament in the new X-ball arena in San Diego. Joe Schome is live there with the story." We also need sponsors like Burger King or Blockbuster or something, not just inside sport sponsors(i.e. Kingman, AGD, Tippman, Worr, etc., etc.) Well, I'm digressing(sp?) so I'm just gonna stop and let it sink in. It's really a no brainer.:cool:

09-23-2002, 08:55 PM

Lets see some layouts what would force players to use less paint

you will have to read my post more carefully. Notice I did not say force people to use less paint. I said

we need to change the fields so it doesnt force every player to shoot tons of paint

There will allways be an advantage to shooting more paint. except in very particular carefully laid out fields that probably require more work and are way to hard to ref to be reasonable to build and put to use. So i do not expect to force people to shoot less. If you wanna blow 8 million rounds a game go ahead. But i do not believe it should be the way you are forced to play. which most fields are. You should be able to play with less paint and still be able to win and there are plenty of ways to do that. here is the prime example of what im talking about. the other day I go out to the field and observe paint ussage vs winning team. of course i take into account how even the teams are. On a rec feild you can do this cause not everyone is willing to shoot lots of paint. as players run out of paint near the end of the day the players who still have plenty are clearly making many more eliminations. the team who shoots more paint is winning even when it is short handed. why? cause players cant move. why? cause the field is poorly designed. You should be able to get players to cover you so you can move for a time not be forced to shoot the entire time. as you watched the game you see the winning players arent out aiming they arent out moving they are just laying so much paint that they are increasing thier odds. and the field design does not allow for a more accurate player to get them, it doesnt allow for a player who moves to get good angles. and almost all the fields I see are getting like this.

I cant take away the advantage of putting out more paint but other skills should be worth more then they are currently. then players will not be forced to shoot tons of paitn just to be a productive member of the team.

ALSO whoever was looking for the good paintball video game try this mod for HL
www.digitalpaintball.net, its ok now but it will get better with time and its the best one currently out.

09-23-2002, 10:40 PM
There is a way to limit paint usage, it's called hopperball.

Let's imagine how the game would progress if everybody went on the field with 400 rounds.

It wouldn't matter how fast you wanted to shoot, some quickly some slowly. The kids would at least be able to keep up with the adults that only play once a year and have deep pockets. In this case you can't afford not to go out with as much as the next guy because you know that volume gets more elims. More fields have to separate their experienced players because the paint volume, while good for paint business, will scare off the infrequent players. I've met many people that played a long time ago and thought semis were scary against their field pumps. Now I tell them about the top of the line guns that will make those semis look like pump guns and they don't even want to try to compete.

09-23-2002, 11:03 PM
There is a way to limit paint usage, it's called hopperball.

Let's imagine how the game would progress if everybody went on the field with 400 rounds.

It wouldn't matter how fast you wanted to shoot, some quickly some slowly. The kids would at least be able to keep up with the adults that only play once a year and have deep pockets. In this case you can't afford not to go out with as much as the next guy because you know that volume gets more elims. More fields have to separate their experienced players because the paint volume, while good for paint business, will scare off the infrequent players. I've met many people that played a long time ago and thought semis were scary against their field pumps. Now I tell them about the top of the line guns that will make those semis look like pump guns and they don't even want to try to compete.

09-23-2002, 11:27 PM
I think we need less people making the sport look bad by vandalizing and other stupid crap giving the great sport of paintball a bad name

09-23-2002, 11:50 PM
Invite your girlfriends and female friends for a freindly day of paintballin'.

she would beat me down afterwards for maken her go.....

09-24-2002, 08:17 AM
If you would have to "make" her go then she should not be there in the first place.


big E kingpin
09-24-2002, 03:31 PM
i agree with an earlier post that stated paintball is an expensive sport, owe up and pay or play less. as far as shooting 20 balls a second goes, if you need to shoot that much sell your angle and learn to shoot a cocker. haha. i have been clocked at shooting my mag at about 11 balls sec. that fast i dont care what you say. one time i saw a guy and started to unload on him, my hopper emptied and as i was refilling he shot me in the ankle. one shot. thats all it took. what i am saying is for every high volume shooter, there is someone with patiants to wait and pick their shots. in the past 3 years i have learned to wait. i also bought a cocker, which helps alot.

09-24-2002, 10:00 PM
i agree with an earlier post that stated paintball is an expensive sport, owe up and pay or play less. as far as shooting 20 balls a second goes, if you need to shoot that much sell your angle and learn to shoot a cocker. haha. i have been clocked at shooting my mag at about 11 balls sec. that fast i dont care what you say. one time i saw a guy and started to unload on him, my hopper emptied and as i was refilling he shot me in the ankle. one shot. thats all it took. what i am saying is for every high volume shooter, there is someone with patiants to wait and pick their shots. in the past 3 years i have learned to wait. i also bought a cocker, which helps alot.

owe up and pay or play less? this thread was about what people think should be changed in paintball. I for one think its kinda lame or selfserving to think that way. its self servering if your one of the people who can afford to shoot that much or is on a sponsored team. Your ability to shoot tons keeps you ahead of players who can not afford to do so. therefore they get less practice and less chances to show off thier skill. as for lame thats just whne people accept it and dotn want to improve the game.

btw its great that you learned to pick your shots and aim better with a different gun, but thats not where the sport is going cause as soon as you learn that you can learn to aim while shootign fast or using any gun. pick your shots while also keeping players pinned or just shootign lanes so players cant move and snapping to those shots that will hit. because in paitnball there is no code that decreases those skills while spamming more. all the balls shoot the same. also in the current game waiting and picking your shots doesnt keep the other team down and help you other players move and shoot more freely. so while it might give you personal satisfaction unless your playing in uneven teams you are not helpign anyone else on your team as much as you could be.