View Full Version : Wierd thing happened at the field today

09-22-2002, 10:10 PM
So, I was playing today, and I decided to splurge for some Hellfire so I could really test out the limits of my level 10. I'm glad to say no breaks at all (except for the few odd balls that managed to actually hit someone on the other team)
So anyway, a few minutes into the second game of the day I'm shooting and all of a sudden I start hearing pfft pfft pfft. Not really having the time to stop and figure it out I just assumed that my little tank was running low and continued to run from bunker to bunker drawing fire and pretending to shoot, probably got at least 50 squeezes of my trigger before I was taken out.
So I get back to the staging are and realize that I still had over 2k left in my tank. Something ain't right here. So then I take the breach off of my SFL, and see what the problem is. Somehow, a paintball shell got into one of my bags that was just that, a shell. There was a little tiny hole in it, but no paint anywhere to be seen, no residue, no nothing. Well, when that shell reached the breach, the HALO was still putting pressure on it, and it was crushed by the next ball in the stack which was now halfway in the breach. So of course when I pulled the trigger the bolt stopped on the paintball over and over again, probably at least 50 times. Definitely a problem at the field, but a testiment to the genius of the level 10. Had I been using a regular bolt that paint would have been all over the insides of my gun. Once again I stand in awe of the genius which is AGD.

09-22-2002, 10:30 PM
Well, I haven't had that type of experience but out of the tens of thousands of paintballs I have put through my E-mag, the only ones that broke are those which I had exploded in the breach.