View Full Version : Is this normal?

09-23-2002, 07:48 AM
Yesterday I finally managed to play with the level 10 installed (When I wanted to play last time, the Field's compressor was broken and they had no HP - I had to use a rental ProAm - At least I got it for free).

And I noticed something funny:

I just went for the quickstart Install on the Level 10 and had to play without furter fine-tuning (the tourey was about to start and the supply of air was limited...). Luckily the recommended initial Installation worked just fine (No leaks). And the bolt was easy on the paint.

When I ran out of air I got one last fine shot and after that the gun wouldn't shoot anymore. However, on pulling the trigger bolt still cycled (partially I guess) and pushed the ball into the barrel. So I ended up with 8 or 9 balls in my barrel.

So is this normal when you run out of air on the level 10 or does the gun require further fine tuning?

09-23-2002, 07:51 AM
It's normal. The gun runs out of shots much more abruptly.


09-23-2002, 08:03 AM
Well I sure have not seen a partial cycling situation when running out of air. In all of mine it just flat out quits cycling at a higher pressure in the lines...No I have not seen any partial cycling at all. And no stacking up of extra balls. However there is another thread already on this where one other member is seeing it.

I have to suspect a set up issue with carriers and seal on the carrier oring to the bolt piston as a possible contributor if the nubbin is not to blame partially as well.

09-23-2002, 09:29 AM
Hmmm, can't be the nubbin, Extremes got none :D

09-23-2002, 09:50 AM
Similar question, but more of a clarification if I may….

When the LX was being discussed (pre Beta and then Beta testing timeframe) it was asked if it would cause the marker to be a bit more gas hungry. The answer that seemed to pop up the most was a resounding “NO!”. However, this last thread, would almost indicate the opposite, or at least bring doubts.

I would like a clarification if I may from you LX owners….. does it indeed seem to use more gas (i.e. get less shots per tank)? This would not be a major issue for me because I don’t mind filling as often as need be when playing. I can generally get a good afternoon of playing in on one tank… so I am not that worried, but would not want to get LESS than I do now (at least not substantially less) since I do most of my playing now on my own field (easier to make time to play that way).

But like I said, I would run to get a fill twice a day if NEED be. It would however be nice to plan for this, or at least know for sure that this is, or is not, going to happen with LX.

Thanks in advance…

09-23-2002, 10:19 AM
hmmm.. do i get less shots per fill.... yes.... alot less... dont know..... i was always in the habit of getting a fill between games..... though i did go 3 games back to back with no fills... started off the 1st at 4k in the tank.... about 900 rounds and 3 games later there was a visual difference in my shots... so i then switched over to bunker taging people and just shooting around their bunker to keep them down....

also i run 1200psi into my valve.... so i kinda get 3 clues that i'm running out before i do..... see the slow shots, trigger going to mush, and i feel lighter on my feet for the lack of paint on my back =)

09-23-2002, 11:20 AM
Well this has turned into something other than the posters original question...BUT THATS COOL TOO! :D

Extremes do have a nubbin as as such..an Angel detante...and those do fail to do their jobs at times.

Volume use of air is not his question at all. It's why his marker is partialy cycling as it's running out of air. Almost, to a man, everyone elses is dead stopping at a certain tank psi.

Consumption increase from the tank with lvl 10 now is a whole different subject. It can vary somewhat. In fact it might increase if you had to reset often from a missfeed issue. That might bring it up. I would estimate though that I am seeing a 5% more air consumption. I have heard others estimate a 10% increase. I think its somewhere in there. If we could get some real numbers that would be nice. Those are only observations. And it was Toms early on notation that consumption would go up. However he never did put a number on it but was talking in the 5-15% range then. Not sure why some people try and deny that. It's always been the case. Prehaps its not as noticable as they thought it would be but to me it is "noticable". Not Huge mind you. Livable is how I would put it.

But even so nothing to do with his cycling and feed problems...Although I too did kind of want to know his input pressure and how his carriers were fitting. I think it in there somewhere but I am not sure which direction to go with it.

09-23-2002, 11:38 AM
I thought I had worse efficiency since level 10, but now I did the math it seems pretty good - with my 4500 tank and a fill to about 4000psi, I seem to use about 1000psi for one hopper (revy) and two pods (140 each), so about 450 balls? I guess that's not too bad, since that would give me almost 1400 shots before I hit 1000psi.. seemed like less on the field :) Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems like pretty damn good efficiency on paper.. I haven't really tested it though, I just remember playing a round of speedball last saturday and dropping from 2000psi to 1000psi after emptying my hopper and 2 pods.

09-23-2002, 11:47 AM
OK, a little clarification:

The setup is like in the quickstart instructions: Carrier 2, 2 shims, medium spring.
Input pressure 650 psi

As for efficiancy, I can't really say anything, since I didn't get good fills yesterday (2300 psi max).

Oh, and just to make sure: The gun didn't push the 8 balls into the barrel on one trigger pull. it took 8 trigger pulls.
And yes, the ball detent does work ;)

09-23-2002, 11:48 AM
I don't really know how many shots I could get before the level 10 upgrade. It does not SEEM any less now. I carry four 140 round tubes and with a 68/3000 tank I can shoot everything I have. I chrono at 284 and am using the stock eMag barrel. I am using the longest spring (because I can) and the 1.5 carrier and 1 shim. I have noticed that I shoot more now with level 10. But, that's a difference subject. ;)

I have never run out of air in the field, but if I turn the tank off I can fire twice, after that nothing happens whe I pull the trigger.

09-23-2002, 12:15 PM
Thanks eveyone! That is what I wanted to know.

(And thanks Syn for your PM on the matter as well. :D)

09-23-2002, 02:15 PM
Same here Hitech, I can shoot twice if I turn off. There is still air in the gun though, just not enough to fire.

I had to put the shortest spring in mine though, otherwise the valve kept venting, even though I have the high pressure piston. Kinda sucks :(