View Full Version : is this bad??

09-23-2002, 06:13 PM
alright for some reason or another my mag's velocity dropped really low. I fixed it by turnign it up but the thing is, last time i touched it it was at 270 (when i was firign it today it was only goign about 30 feet). I have taken it apart sevral times since i set the velocity at 270 though. Last time i checked (about 3 days ago) the spring was normal, i was wonderign if this sudden droo in velcity is normal because of me taking it apart or what. Oh and when this first started happening it was pretty cold out from when i set the velocity back in july, but i run a nitro system so i doubt that was the problem.

super-mag 52
09-23-2002, 08:27 PM
put about 10 or so drops of bp oil in the valve whear air gose in.. air it up fire it a cuple of times...is should fix it.. i had simular prob when i left it sitten for a wile (3 months) oil fixed it.. hope i helped

09-23-2002, 09:07 PM
is hpees #9 a good oil for mags?

09-23-2002, 11:13 PM
just use autolube, if you have it. i dont know what else you can use without it, but dont be stupid and put something in there you think could mess it up.

09-24-2002, 01:54 PM
where can i get autolube?

also, shold i turn the velocity back down once i do this, since if this fixes the problem, wouldnt the velocity be super high?

09-24-2002, 02:25 PM
The best way is to chrono in REAL low and work your way up.

I turn my velocity adjuster WAAAAAAAAY down, gas up and then turn until I hear it click. Then I chrono in and make final adjustments.

09-24-2002, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by DA SKUNK
where can i get autolube?

The online store and "fine paintball stores everywhere". If you don't have any paintball marker oil you can use air tool oil. Better yet, follow the link in my sig for some real paintball marker oil. :D

09-24-2002, 05:04 PM
dont put oil on the air connections. it will go BOOM!!!!!

09-24-2002, 06:46 PM
Hmm unless your running a very high preassure through your gun you can put oil in air connections. Putting it into your valve from the side is probably the best idea. I know what you mean thou, if anyone knows about diesl fuel you know that it ignties when it is compressed not like gas which needs a spark. This happens because the diesl's flashpoint was lowered, what is a flashpoint? A flashpoint is where fuel starts burning (i mean fuel by the stuff which fire eats) when something is mixed with compressed O2 its flashpoint gets lowered, it can get lowerd to the ambient temperature with enough preasure. Now with oil, its flashpoint can be lowered to room temperature with enough preassure also, there is enough preassure inside a full tank for this to happen, which is why you shouldnt out oil in tanks.