View Full Version : Reg for a RTPro

09-24-2002, 07:26 AM
This is as simple a question as you guys probably get. I have a RTpro and I need a Reg but I can never get any type of straight answer when it comes to what Reg work well with the RT. If you have a RT and your reg is working great let me know what you have or any suggugestion would help.

09-24-2002, 08:41 AM
The reason you cannot get an answer is because other than the regulator on the Air tank itself you do not need another regulator. The back half of the RT valve IS a regulator! It's the only one you need and it does all the regulation down to operating pressure for you.

Simple answer is you do not need nor even want another regulator.

09-24-2002, 09:10 AM
So nobody runs any type of Reg on there RT? and even if they did it would be pointless?

09-24-2002, 10:59 AM
pretty much..... there is no need to triple reg it.....

also the same holds true on a regular mag valve if using hpa.... all mag valves are like this

09-24-2002, 11:12 AM
Virus... thanks. one other question you said triple... that means you have your Valve = 1 then you put a other Reg on your Air tank? or are player just putting the air tank on and bang don't need anything else? Here's my situation in a little more Detail. I'm running a RTpro with a PMI pure Energy 3000psi 48ci... should I put a other Reg on the tank? is so I have the same question.. what Reg? The guys at the local field I play have been bugging me and telling me every time I go down. telling me Put a reg on that thing you need one. bla bla you'll get your Reactive trigger to work the way it should.. what should I do?

09-24-2002, 11:58 AM
They are both wrong and right.

No, you don't need another regulator on your setup. The Air Tank has one to regulate the pressure from the tank down to around 800psi. The RT Pro valve is another regulator. This brings the input pressure down to the operating pressure of around 400psi. This is about as stable a setup as you get.

The only reason they said to add the 3rd reg is because with an adjustable reg, you can control the input pressure, thereby controlling the pressure kicking the trigger back. The easiest solution for this is to get an adjustable tank instead of a screw on. 3 regulators can cause flow issues, the most prominent being starving the gun. This causes shootdown. BAD.

I find that with a Crossfire 68 Stub/3kpsi, the trigger is perfect(for me) other tastes may vary.

09-26-2002, 08:23 AM
Right now you have a fixed output air tank that will always pump the same air pressure into the RT valve until the tank is depleted to its operating pressure.

When folks are telling you to get a reg I believe they must mean getting an adjustable output air system such as an AGD Flatline. This type of air system will allow you to vary the output pressure of the air tank into your retro valve. By being able to dial the air pressure input up or down you will be able to change how reactive the trigger is on the RT. RT's work fine with preset tanks but they really shine when you use an adjustable output air tank.