View Full Version : This is kinda... ...funny!

09-24-2002, 10:24 AM
I just browsed the US online shop of AGD, to get a price comparison on the 4.5k flatline. I saw it's outta stock at the moment.

So I didn't order it at AGDE's online store but called them instead to ask if they got it in stock. And Jackie told me sure they have it.

Come on, whats up with that AGD is an American company after all :D

First I get my Extreme in May :p

And now the 4.5k Flatline is more available in Europe than in America? :p

That's just mixed up (not that I complain)

Oh and before someone asks: I did not have any serious problems with my WDP AIR its just that with the Warp Feed installed you cant see the display, let alone read it and Also I'm missing a on-off on it.

09-24-2002, 03:00 PM
First I get my Extreme in May

Poor baby! :)

09-24-2002, 04:37 PM
Sounds a little bass ackword to me to!!