View Full Version : Different bolts, Different efficiencies?

09-24-2002, 04:10 PM
Can you get better or worse efficiency (shots per fill) depending on what bolt you're using? I'm using an ANS bolt right now, it works extremely well but it seems to be quite a gas hog. Should I put the stock bolt back in? I'm not sure if my effiency right now is good or bad. What's the average shots per 68/45 fill? My tank is down to 3k after a hopper and 2&1/2-3 pods.
Also, is LV 10 any better on air or does it use up more?

Info about my gun: Micro mag w/ 14" boomstick. Paint to barrel match is good, no problems there. Preset 68/45. Using an ANS bolt right now (have the stock one too).


Load SM5
09-24-2002, 06:39 PM
A far as bolts go, stock is always best. But that has very little to do with efficiency. Your gas consumption does'nt sound too bad, if you want better I'd go with a less ported barrel. Level 10 is reported to be anywhere from none to %15 less efficient than stock but most tend to live with that as opposed to squeeging.