View Full Version : need help finding a price?

09-24-2002, 04:39 PM
Im having problems finding a price for my automag?
Because im gettiing a extreem emag later
This is what i have on it:
1.Standard feed automag
2.warp feed
3.total freak 12in
4.kapp dropzone 3
5.32 dergees universal srew adpter
7.intell frame(blade)
8.kapp for grip
9.98 4500 nitro duck tuff skin tank

Thanks for your time!

09-24-2002, 05:22 PM
With everything included in there I think about 300 to 400 or more. You would get more if you part out.

09-24-2002, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by 56kSomeGuy
With everything included in there I think about 300 to 400 or more. You would get more if you part out.

Well, the Warp, Freak, and LevX alone are like 325 parted out.
Say tank is 175 and your estimate is off :)

I'd say around 550 if you packaged it, closer to 700 if you parted out, but selling everything gets pesky