View Full Version : what tanks do you guys use for rt's?

09-24-2002, 05:39 PM
hey everyone,
this is my first post here. ive been reading the forums for awhile, but never joined cause i don't own a mag. hopefully by tomorrow, i will have my rtp in my hands.:) im a long time cocker owner, but i played with a mag once and love it.

anyway, ive read up alot on why you guys suggest adj tanks for the rt. im trying to figure out what kinda tanks you guys are using to get 1200psi output pressure? ive only seen 3 tanks that have been rated for that (armageddon, apoc, and 1 more i can't remember). doesn't the tank act alittle quirky at that high op?

im gonna be using a maxflow, and im wondering if i went with a good choice. im not to concerned about 1200psi, but would like to get it up there.

thanks for the help.:)

09-24-2002, 05:49 PM
I've run my RT's on many different tanks from AGD Flatlines, through AA Armaggedons and WDP A.I.R.'s.

I do recomend having an adjustable tank on an RT but other than that they all seem to work very well.

I've always tended to run my RT's at a lower input pressure... I get great results with one at 650psi and another at around 700psi. My third used to prefer 850ish. I've never run one up at 1200psi and am not sure why I would need/want to...

All of the regs I have work well (else I wouldn't have them...)

The armageddon is great because I can take a full tank off it... but since I now have QD blocks and proconnects on all my guns that's a moot point really.

I love the flatline for the on/off and compact size and weight.

I love the AIR for the looks and style and the fact it seems to match the battery pack on my C&C extreme...

Oh and welcome to AO!


nuclear zombie
09-24-2002, 06:03 PM
I don't think that you are supposed to run it at anything over 1000psi .
quote from RT manual at Airgun.com :
Your AUTOMAG RT is designed to run on compressed air only! It
will not function at all on CO 2 no matter what hoses, expansion
chambers, etc. you use. We recommend that you purchase a high-quality
3000 psi compressed air tank and regulator for your
AUTOMAG RT. The maximum input pressure to the paintball marker
should be above 600 psi and less than 1000 psi for best perfor-mance.
Pressures over 1000 psi will damage the regulator and
reduce performance."

I run mine at 700-750 works very well.


09-24-2002, 06:10 PM
is the flatline adjustable?

09-24-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
is the flatline adjustable?


Duke Henry
09-24-2002, 06:35 PM
I use an AA Apocalypse 2k on mine, and I love it since (without a drop forward) I can play with the tank on my shoulder, and my RTP millimeters from my goggles!

Jack & Coke
09-24-2002, 06:59 PM
I just picked up a Max-Flo 68/4500 for my ReTro-mag and it rocks!

I have it set at 850 psi.

With a 0.730" on/off and an Emag Quad oring, it's purring at about 18 bps (according to the sound file I recorded). :cool:

09-24-2002, 07:16 PM
well i'm one of the wackos that runs 1200 into that valve....

the valves can handle 3k... they dont like it to much but they can.... i just make sure to keep it oiled up right and look at the orings after every couple of dayz of play.....

tanks i use/used at these pressures...... 4.5k flatline, 201 hyperflow, old 3k nitroduck... though on the duck the only thing i know about it is that the tank has a 1st date of 2-89 so the reg should be from back then...... the old duck reg didn't like pressures over 1k... the flatline and teh hyperflow didnt have a problem....

also i have not noticed anything wired going on with the regs at those output pressures... other then the duck not wanting to go higher then the 1k... other then that they were fine.......

09-24-2002, 07:17 PM
theres a manual? :D

I love the Flatlines! Not just saying that either I realy do...

09-24-2002, 07:24 PM
hmm. ok thanks everyone.