View Full Version : what is the better gun and why ?

09-24-2002, 09:28 PM
What is the better gun and why?:)

09-24-2002, 09:45 PM
reliability. speed. reputation.

09-24-2002, 10:01 PM
hmmmm AGD forum i would have to say most people are gonna say Emag but that just me and thats what i vote for :)

09-24-2002, 10:31 PM
i voted intimerdater... because its spelled wrong :)

(I fixed it! Army)

09-24-2002, 11:52 PM
yes, it is. and you also failed to spell it like it is at the top :)

09-25-2002, 12:06 AM
You didn't say extreme emag or gz timmy so I voted Matrix.

09-25-2002, 09:13 AM
Out of that group I gotta go with he EMAG, it's just too versatile.

You shoulda had the Palmer Typhoon or Blazer on there too!

09-25-2002, 11:09 AM
hmm lets see,
C&C extreme (unreliable)
GZ timmy (works every time)

09-25-2002, 11:14 AM
Well, all of the Electro's I would rate about the same. They are all reliable, fast and consistent, although the build quality on the basic Timmy is not what it could be (Cheap plastic parts die often), the GZ rectifies most of those problems, also the stock board has some issues at over 14bps, this can be rectified by the WAS Equalizer board(Just Ignore WAS's crazy claims about AI on the board). The Matrix is probably the easiest of the lot to shoot fast, but is maintenance intensive(Keep it greased or else) and there are 2 similar sized O-Rings that everybody gets backwards and blow continually, also you need the Trinity and Red Bolt Kit for decent performance, it's also a gas hog. The Angel is low-maintenance and high-performance, but is expensive and a bit slower than the Matrix, and COPS doesn't work, it's still quite easy on paint. The E-Mag is an excellent gun, and has the Mechanical mode that makes it legal in non-electro tournaments, and allows you to play if your battery/electronics die, it's also very easy on paint with the Level 10, disadvantages are the wierd trigger (I frikkin hate it) and lack of barrel availability if you have a twist-lock body, the big battery is a turn-off for some, and it's not as good on air as the Angel or Timmy.

The AutoMag and MiniMag are excellent rec ball guns, but I wouldn't really consider them tournament guns, while they are quite capable, I'd go with the BKO or Impulse for tournament use, but the more rugged mag for rec ball.

09-25-2002, 12:57 PM
wyn, what is wrong with your extreme? i know there were a few problems, but its the first bath, you should have expected a few. What is the problem we could prolly fix it!

09-25-2002, 05:36 PM
minimag cus its well worth it to see the guy with the angel and angel air walking off the field with the paint from your mini on him:) (now i just need to get me a mini and it'll happen;))

09-25-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
hmm lets see,
C&C extreme (unreliable)
GZ timmy (works every time) Just because you have 1 CnC with a tolerance issue doesnt give you the right to say the entire line of markers is unreliable. That's usually a newbie assumption(they see one angel shoot fast and automaticly assume it's the fastest thing out there, or they see 1 mag break a ball and assume ALL mags are blenders) it's not unreliable, you just don't know how to adjust it. There's nothing wrong with that and I don't mean to flame but tell us every little detail to the settings and issues and we will do what we can to help you. Of course at anytime you could simply send it to AGD and let them handle it for you but you don't want to do that(but you still hold it against them that it's not working, does that seem fair?)

Your GZ works every time, awesome, I've seen a lot of them both working great and messing up, does that make me believe it's not always a good reliable marker? NO.

The best marker is ultimately preference, but tell me exactly what your like about your marker and I'll tell you why I'd choose the CnC Extreme over it.

09-26-2002, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
Just because you have 1 CnC with a tolerance issue doesnt give you the right to say the entire line of markers is unreliable.
Where in my post did I say that all AGD products where unreliable????? I was making a point about the two markers that I own.
It's just my luck that I'd get the one that has problems. I'm not going to get into it, but you saw first hand what kind of issues I was having with it.

09-26-2002, 07:29 AM
No RT Pro? Once again forgotten?

I think I need to start an RT Pro Owners Club/Group/Whatever...... :rolleyes:


09-26-2002, 07:33 AM
I have been waiting since yesterday for Sam to point that out to everyone!!!! I knew he would not let me down. :D

09-26-2002, 07:36 AM
:D I actually just got to that thread. Once again been quite busy. ;) Sorry I was late.

10-04-2002, 04:52 PM

Nothing goes wrong with it. Its more consistant than any marker on your list, and doesn't require HPA to be that consistant...


10-04-2002, 04:57 PM
fred id watch what yo say... my friends phantom cracked a power tube or sumthing and it was brand new and the thing in the quick changer that punches the co2 broke... but then again my friends an idiot:D ;)

paint magnet
10-04-2002, 05:18 PM
Your friend must have been trying to break it, because I've never had any problems with mine.

Why is there not an option for the E-Phantom?!? a gun that weighs less than 3 pounds and electropneumatically shoots 10+bps in closed bolt is just plain cool.

And why no pie?:D

10-04-2002, 06:22 PM
well a i stated hes an idiot... :D no hes not that dumb but still he took it apart and dint know how to get it ack together ( i never touchin a phantom before this put it back together , cause its remakably similar to my maverick ;) )

10-05-2002, 01:28 PM
Technically, Emag owners can be a part of that, cuz you take our battery pack off, we have an RT Pro. :D

(I was an RT Pro owner until wed. :D)

Originally posted by shartley
No RT Pro? Once again forgotten?

I think I need to start an RT Pro Owners Club/Group/Whatever...... :rolleyes:
