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View Full Version : What marker is better than an Emag (both versions)?

09-25-2002, 12:51 PM
At the risk of starting a war...

With price not a factor, what makes any other marker better than the two versions of the Emag? If you want light, the CnC Extreme. If you want rugged, the Stainless Steel Emag. I wonder if anyone can come up with something OTHER THAN PERSONAL PREFERENCES (ie, I like the feel of the xxx trigger, or I like the looks of xxx). Anyone?

09-25-2002, 01:09 PM
they are basicly the same marker. The extreme just has a different body and comes with ACE and LVL10. Triggers r they same. I havent shoot either so i cant tell u what i like better :o

09-25-2002, 01:21 PM
I think he was asking, what marker is better than an Emag, not which is the better of the two.

09-25-2002, 01:24 PM
there is no maker that is BETTER...
now if you want more style and more buttons to play with then an IR3.. ... but just to say that one is better then the EMAG.. ouch..

there isn't a gun that is FASTER with NO noticable shoot down. And with LVL10... EMAG beats all others, hands down! and weight isn't an issue. Cause the new Extreme as lighter.

my vote is Mag

09-25-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot
there is no maker that is BETTER...
now if you want more style

Then go with something really rare or unique, like something tricked out by Punisher, or a Palmer Blazer/Typhoon.

09-25-2002, 06:11 PM

paint magnet
09-25-2002, 06:54 PM
Well, I don't know why people keep comparing the Emag to the IR3, because the Emag is an open bolt gun and obviously the Angel is not. That's like comparing Cockers to mags, people do it anyway, but it doesn't make sense because they're completely different guns.

09-25-2002, 07:18 PM
psst....the IR3, to my best knowledge is still open bolt, as are most all guns...now, the mag is a blowforward while the angels are not

also, some would argue that their angel, maybe some timmys or cockers are better....but if you ask here, we are mag users/lovers. we will say emags are the best thing since mags!

09-25-2002, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
That's like comparing Cockers to mags...it doesn't make sense because they're completely different guns.

I have seen lots of posts where people claim one marker to be better than another. I was wondering WHY they think they are better. I think the comparisons are fair, they are all used to throw paintballs at an opponent. :D

09-25-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
....but if you ask here, we are mag users/lovers. we will say emags are the best thing since mags!

I thought about posting this in the Angel forum, but I didn't want to get banned for starting a war! ;)

09-25-2002, 09:30 PM
Angels are best you want light go for a fly you want rugged and light? go for any of em

09-25-2002, 10:34 PM
thanks, danism, disprove my point flat out....you suck ;)

09-25-2002, 10:41 PM
what's better than the CnC Extreme? Nothing;)

Kev, settle down, no flaming.

Dansim, tell me exactly why Angel's are better.(be specific)

09-25-2002, 10:48 PM
any gun over 1000 bucks is personal preference

if there was a better gun wouldnt everyone shoot one?

09-26-2002, 01:17 AM
With Lvl 10 and the CnC Extreems, I honestly can't see (Other than cosmetics, but fuction over fashion, right?) why you wouldn't want an E-mag.

Want fast? Emag.
No chopping? Emag.
Perdy?Emag. (at least I think so)
Magnet Trigger? Emag.

09-26-2002, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by paint magnet
the Emag is an open bolt gun and obviously the Angel is not.

The Angel very definitely IS an open bolt gun. Always has been.

But what the heck does open or closed bolt have to do with it anyway? People will always compare to see what shoots best.

I've had most guns, and used all the top end markers. If there was anything better I would use it.

I use a C&C extreme :)

I kind of agree with Cliffio that once you get to the top end thent it's pretty much down to personal choice. I do however think there is an advantage in the compact/low profile design of the Extreme for the way I play. I also think it's an advantage in that it so, so rarely breaks paint.


09-26-2002, 07:57 AM
Ahhhh!! noooooo

After meeting manike, I read all his posts while hearing his silly little accent in my head.


09-26-2002, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
Ahhhh!! noooooo

After meeting manike, I read all his posts while hearing his silly little accent in my head.


Jealousy is a bad thing!

It's ok I've now left the country so you'll have a chance with the ladies again... ;) (that's if you had one to start with... doh! :D )


09-26-2002, 08:41 AM
I dont see why any gun couldn't be compared with another regardless of operation style. Its primary function is to shoot paint. Manufacturers come up with a design that they feel will do this best. I honestly believe the only compition is between a Cocker and a EMag. EMags rule in every aspect, but you cant dispute the ability of a good Cocker. All other guns are just trying to keep up with these two. Emag wins in the end though.

09-26-2002, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
I honestly believe the only compition is between a Cocker and a EMag. All other guns are just trying to keep up with these two.

have you been takin bong rips this morning?

anyways, i dont see what this thread is really all about other than bashing other guns, i mean ok we get it, emags rule:rolleyes: but trying to ask what gun is better? come on of course everyone here will say the emag because of level 10, (which i saw chopping this weekend thank you) and the some garbage about how fast they will shoot, which everygun can shoot fast than any human (electro)

this thread is just stroking everyones ego, how oh special my gun is

come on folks, what is the real point of all this?

im not trying to win any battles here, i havent said what gun i prefer because everyone knows, but it comes back to if there were some magical tourny gun everyone would shoot it


09-26-2002, 10:06 AM
I wish I had been taking bong hits, but I dont see what that has to do with what I said. I was trying to imply that Emags and Cockers are really the only two guns in my opinion that have a noticeable performance advantage. I like my cocker. Its acurate, its consistant, and its fast for a mechanical. The Emag is very fast, simple, consistant, and is way ahead of any other electro. Most other guns are just fairly fast clones with no notable performance.
I agree that we wont get too many non-Emag answers in this thread, but we're mag owners, we already saw the light.

09-26-2002, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
I mean ok we get it, emags rule:rolleyes: but trying to ask what gun is better?

Come on guys, if your going to say the EMag is better you also have to say WHY. :rolleyes:

In the end, I hope to show that there is VERY little difference. I personally believe that the Emags manual mode and level 10 give it the edge. Manual mode is a great insurance policy and nothing is easier on paint than level 10 (when setup correctly). :D

09-26-2002, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by hitech
nothing is easier on paint than level 10

what proof do you have that it works better than ace or cops?
in fact could you not say that lx is the worst on paint? seeing as lx must first hit the ball? where as cops and ace detect it, so that no shot can occur

jedi- can not any gun be accurate, consistant and fast?

09-26-2002, 11:02 AM
Actually (this is the way I understand it all) all bolts hit the ball that is "waiting to enter" on the next shot. Just barely, but they do. And Lvl 10 hits them with less speed when it does. But then speeds up after that point to deliver fast recycling. Two speed bolt is the key thought here. And after that issue is past, no marker actualy "strikes" the ball that is being shot... a blast of air does...So that is the way it reduces ball breakage. By not damaging the ball that is waiting to enter. Those damaged balls sometimes missfeed and chop or sometimes will even break down the barrel later. It not only minimizes chops by stopping on the ball if it missfeeds but it cuts down on those "waiting" balls that may be damaged by the bolt passing by at high speed. So lets not just use the word chop here. Lets look at down the barrel breaks as well. It does help both. Almost eliminates then as a cause of ball breakage. As wew know there are soem factors left that cause balls to break that cannot be eliminted by anything. But a good percentage of them appear to have been this "damaged waiting ball" issue. At least thats now the observation we are seeing in the field.

Cliffio the real point here is its also applicable to a mechanical marker. And it does work. I have no applicable data to show you at this time just observations. But ACE will not do anything for the damage to the ball from this passing by and nicking it. Lvl 10 will. You can indeed slow down the speed of any markers bolt. But making it speed back up half way through the travel to retain ROF is not there on anything else. Thats the real genious of this thing.

However combined they are an awesome duo. I will give you that. But ACE when working does slow rate of fire slightly. It has to have time to think. But put those two things togther and its a fearsome duo.

09-26-2002, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio

what proof do you have that it works better than ace or cops?

None. I believe, based on my personal experience with level 10, that it is the easiest on paint. When you combine ACE and Level 10 I believe you have a marker that is the easiest on paint. I offer no proof, only opinion.

In case anyone is curious, I have broken (chopped) paint with my level 10 'mag. I had to have a very misshapen paintball that would not feed into the breach. My warp was constantly running (12 volts w/o a capacitor) putting pressure on the ball stack. I continued to fire until the bolt was able to rotate the paintball enough to allow the bolt to travel it's full stroke. It broke the paintball in that case. So far, that is the only way I have been able to break a ball.

09-26-2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by hitech
I wonder if anyone can come up with something OTHER THAN PERSONAL PREFERENCES


Originally posted by hitech
I believe, based on my personal experience with level 10...

i thought you wanted to keep personal preference out of this?

also, i played this weekend with illinois state, and a friend of mine had LX in his rt, now given i was chopping paint as well, more than him in fact, but he was still chopping quite a bit, lets not act like it ONLY chops on oddly shaped paint, and im sure it was tuned properly, or very close, it was bad paint, yes, but still
ive yet to see any advantage to lx, it was neat sticking my squeegie in his feedtube and pulling the trigger tho

09-26-2002, 11:31 AM
LOL! well I does always come down to that though doesn't it? No way to keep that out.

09-26-2002, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
i thought you wanted to keep personal preference out of this?

I do. Personal experence/opinions are not the same as preferences. A preference is prefering the feel of on trigger over another, preferencing the looks of one marker over another. Believing that level 10 is the easiest on paint even though I can't prove it is different.

BTW, when the Angel first came out, it was better than anything else. The electronic trigger gave it an advantage over every other marker, in my opinion. I now believe that the level 10 bolt gives the Emag(s) an advantage now.

09-26-2002, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by hitech
Personal experence/opinions are not the same as preferences. A preference is prefering the feel of on trigger over another, preferencing the looks of one marker over another. Believing that level 10 is the easiest on paint even though I can't prove it is different

i dont see your logic here, so i can say that since ive owned an emag and an angel i can say, that i believe the angel is better, altho i cant prove it, that makes it so?

Originally posted by hitech
BTW, when the Angel first came out, it was better than anything else.

it still is, but thats neither here nor there

09-26-2002, 11:42 AM

Nuff said....

09-26-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
Also, I played this weekend with Illinois state, and a friend of mine had LX in his rt. Now given I was chopping paint as well, more than him in fact, but he was still chopping quite a bit. Lets not act like it ONLY chops on oddly shaped paint, and I'm sure it was tuned properly...

The only time I was able to chop paint was in the scenario I gave. I routinely short stroke, even MORE now that I have a level 10 bolt. I would question whether the bolt was tuned for very brittle paint. Based on Manike's testing, you would have to have some VERY brittle paint with a "tuned for very brittle paint bolt" to break it. Manike was not breaking zero bounce from two feet paint.

All of this said, level 10 in an electronic triggered, ACE protected marker is a small advantage. But it is still an advantage, however small. Where it becomes a big deal is in a mechanical marker, but that is NOT what this tread is about. ;)

09-26-2002, 11:44 AM
im sorry shartly, but i dont understand what you are trying to say

what have i said to make you give me the "sarcastic face"?

09-26-2002, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
I dont see your logic here, so I can say that since I've owned an emag and an angel I can say, that I believe the angel is better, altho I cant prove it, that makes it so?

What I am trying to say is that you don't have to prove anything, only state your reasons for believing it is better. That's what I believe I have done. I didn't repeat cphilip's explaination of why level 10 is the easiest on paint since he did such a fine job. ;) Do you believe that the Angel is BETTER than the Emag? If so, why?

BTW, I can't tell if you are getting upset or not. I'm not interested in a "pissing contest". ;) If this upseting people, I'll quit.

09-26-2002, 12:03 PM
(Pulling a classic AO Avoidance Move.. patent pending.)

Who said I was giving YOU the rollie eyes? ;) I don’t believe I specified WHO or WHY I was doing it to or for. ;) Just because my post happened to follow directly after yours does not mean I was referring to anything you said.

I am however glad you like your Angel. Pride is a good thing.

GO MAGS!!!!!! I am glad I am a proud member of AO (who still thinks you should believe in what "Group" you join), owned and operated BY AGD. Too bad Angels didn’t have the same following and support from their manufacturer. ;) If they did, I am sure I would join their form and state how much better Mags are to Angels every chance I got too. :D

(Edited part was to put the W on was... LOL I hate that!)

09-26-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
no, im not angry:) i just want to know some things, i dont mean to annoy anyone, im only asking questions, i have not said what gun i think to be better, altho some of you can guess, i think the gun can only go so far, so what difference does it make if ive go dohicky J on my gun or not?
LOL I am also not upset.....

But I think you overlooked what you yourself wrote... read back about 6 posts.... ;) You didn't say which you thought was better? hmmmm ;)

09-26-2002, 12:09 PM
ok, i wasnt counting that little blip, i know what your talkin about and it was just too good to pass up, i just mean im not expressing that angels are god, im not doing that because everyone just blocks it out, and it gets annoying

09-26-2002, 12:13 PM
ahhh what happened to one of my posts,

anwyays, i tried to edit out my sig and i guess i deleted my post

im sure i messed everything up now

i suck at this whole internet thing:)
ok here is what was original said:::::::::::::::::

lets not forget that manike is a pro when it comes to this sort of thing, i doubt very much that Joe Automag can tune his LX to be the same as manike like i cant tune my angel like TAG can

thats just how it goes

i ask for proof because arent people here obsessed with it? dont we have a "roundtable" forum or whatever? im just curious as to what makes lx better for a fact

no, im not angry:) i just want to know some things, i dont mean to annoy anyone, im only asking questions, i have not said what gun i think to be better, altho some of you can guess, i think the gun can only go so far, so what difference does it make if ive go dohicky J on my gun or not?

09-26-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
Lets not forget that Manike is a pro when it comes to this sort of thing, I doubt very much that Joe Automag can tune his LX to be the same as Manike like I cant tune my angel like TAG can.

Sure, Manike is a pro. However, I believe that I can tune it to be just as easy on paint as he did. IF I ever chop a paintball I'll give it a try.

Originally posted by Cliffio
I ask for proof because aren't people here obsessed with it?

Yes they are. However, that is not what this thread was intended to be about. All I was looking for are reasons why. No proof necessary. I think the level 10 bolt is the easiest on paint, based on my experiences and some of what I have read here. I think that gives the Emag a slight advantage. If anyone else thinks another marker has something that gives it an advantage over the Emag, say so, and why.

Originally posted by Cliffio

No, I'm not angry:)

Great! The forum has been slow (pun intended) lately and I was looking for a good debate, sans flames. I love harassing my buddy who has an Angel. Last time we played he chopped a ball. In a serious voice I said, "You should be a level 10 for that", and then, "Oh yeah, YOU CAN'T". ;) I did later give him a line I got from here, "Angels only suck when you can't afford one"! ;) That shut everyone else up!

09-26-2002, 02:32 PM
the selling point on my emag wasnt the lvl 10. it wasnt the small profile. not because of the reliable simple design of mags. it wasnt because of the solid construction or even that i am a die hard mag fan.
it WAS because it has the option to go mechanical. ive never seen any Angels, imps, etc with that ability. I dont trust circuits and i have seen plenty of electros go nuts. if my emag board goes nuts in a game all i have to do is cut the power and flip a switch.
That is why I think my emag is better than your angel.

09-26-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks

Speaking from personal experience, I have to agree 100% with Covadsucks:D

09-26-2002, 10:06 PM
Whats better than an emag?

An Autococker! They are faster and have 3 times the range!!!!!

oh wait this isn't PBnation nevermind......