View Full Version : Need help....

09-26-2002, 01:37 PM
Howdy. I need help here. I was loaned the money for a drum set, and my parents want the money now, so I need to sell my minimag :mad: , But I am not sure how much I should ask. Here is what i have on it:

Minimag that was used 4 times
New style tear drop
RT barrel
Lapco df
Gas thru grip (then one on the TKO)
some assorted elbows
And maybe a 47 ci PMI aluminum tank

How much is reasonable?? And any help with online selling would be nice, since I haven't ever done it. Thanks IB.

09-26-2002, 02:40 PM
I'd say with everything... 350$ maybe 375$ since its so new. You'll still have to cut someones lawn to get that other 25$.. wish you didn't have to sell it.. :(

09-26-2002, 02:46 PM
Well, the first thing that will probably help the most is to get a picture of your marker. You will get the most money from parting your mini-mag out (selling it piece by piece) but it's more of a pain in the ***. I think 350 is reasonable especially if you include the HPA tank.

09-26-2002, 02:56 PM
You might want to take this to the classifieds forum. I know you are new, that is why I am telling you this. ;)

Now some might say, "He is not really selling it yet, only asking what a good price would be.".... to this I say... it is his intent to sell, and he even asked for assistance in doing so. Thus it is not a general question, but one that belongs in Classifieds. :)

09-26-2002, 05:11 PM
Shartley's n'forcing again ;)

09-26-2002, 05:38 PM
hmm...thanks. Actually, I am not new, just my account got deleted:( . The reason I asked here is that I wanted to know a general price that people would accept. As for piecing it out, why would I get more money? Much thanks, InvisBill