View Full Version : ***Offical eVLution II Feedback Thread***

09-28-2002, 09:00 AM
Ok this is going to be the offical eVLution II feedback thread. If anyone has experience with the eVLution II (not the original) post your thoughts here.

I received my Eggo II last week and all i can say is wow. It doesnt even seem like a brass eagle product. The shell very light and solid. Everyone who says it's ugly has no appreciation for art, this thing is beautiful in person. As for feed rate it is right up their with the halo. But for 50 bucks cheaper, less weight, smaller size, and more ball carrying capacity IMHO it is a superior to the Halo. Yes the halo does have the Eggo II bested in feed rate but in a game what is the difference between 17 and 22 balls per second? Nobody can shoot higher than 13-15 on semi so the extra 5 balls per second u gain at the cost of added weight, increaed size, and less carrying capacity is nothing more than for petty bragging rights. Overall my experience with the eVLution II has been amazing, i have tried every other hopper out there including the Halo and i would take the eVLution II over them any day.

09-28-2002, 10:36 AM
I'm interested in picking one up for testing, but only after I get replacement parts for my Eggo I. It might be interesting to see the older and newer models in side by side comparison.

09-28-2002, 10:41 AM
I just dont like the slide door as a lid, stupid design imo

09-28-2002, 10:57 AM
i would bet a hefty sum that u have never used it, because that door design greatly reduces spillage. I know it doesnt look like it would but u have to try it.

09-28-2002, 10:57 AM
hey! rabid chipmunk is my name!!!!!!!!!! copy cat....

i like how the eggo looks. havent tryed one yet but i will soon.

09-28-2002, 10:59 AM
a side by side comparison would be a blow out. the eggo I is weighed down by it's slanted angle and the solid plastic impeller.

yeahthatsme - the rabid chipmunk has been in my possession for many moons my son lol go chipmunks!!!!

09-28-2002, 11:04 AM
i dont like filling it with that door, and yes i held one and chuckled and picked my halo B back up :) but to each his own

09-28-2002, 11:23 AM
well said, im sorry the eVLution II didnt work out for u

09-28-2002, 11:50 AM
well i dont know if you have seen this yet maybe someoen hasnt


09-28-2002, 01:03 PM
dats old actually in its proto stages )=

09-28-2002, 01:35 PM
i have an EVO II and love the thing. i also have a HALO. i dont know, really, which is better, but they are both fantastic. the lid is much improved from the original. tey did a catch thinggy now that works great. it feeds just as fast as a halo(BE did the same demonstration that Oddysey did at the IAO with the Warp and the Halo/Evo. both preformed euqally well.

just thought i would share some BE loving

09-28-2002, 01:55 PM
Anybody know cheapest place to get one?

09-28-2002, 03:06 PM

09-28-2002, 05:01 PM
i can sell them. not sure of the excat price, but pretty good usually...i can check a price for ya, email me: Kevin@BEOG.org

09-28-2002, 05:49 PM
it feeds just as fast as a halo


09-28-2002, 06:11 PM
has anybody tried the eggolution 2 on a warp?

09-28-2002, 06:29 PM
hey triad, when u can shoot over 17 bps second on semi and need that extra 5 bps come tell me and i'll edit his post. maybe if u would have taken the time to read we have already given the overall bps title to halo. but the difference between 17 bps and 22 bps in a game is irrelivant so plz dont jump in with your sarcastic comments trying to prove an insignificant point.

agdemagman69 - i have used the eggo II on a warp and it performs marvelously, much better than the 12 volt rev's

09-28-2002, 08:50 PM
ok, let me rephrase that:
while in a game , it will feed just as well asa HALO

09-28-2002, 09:13 PM
how loud is it? Just a little curious..

09-29-2002, 07:52 AM
practically silent, much less noise than a rev

09-29-2002, 08:01 AM
What do these things cost? Because HALO B's are 110-115:




35 more and you go from black evvy 2 to black halo b
30 more and you go from clear evvy 2 to clear or colored halo b

When you're buying a loader of that caliber, you're looking for the epitimity of feed rate. You want the best, and the best is the Halo B. You don't buy an Evvy2 to play 13 bps semi. Any X-Board Revvy with Impeller can feed that. You buy it for that extra performance. The Halo B gives that performance, with the great customer service of Odyssey Paintball products.

09-29-2002, 08:29 AM
this has been disscussed for a long time and i will sum it all up with this table, now u see why. the 12 volt rev, with x-board and any impeller u want will still not feed a consistent stream of paint. All rev's feed in bursts of 12 bps, there are many gaps in the stream of paint from a 12 volt, so it is still very possible to chop a ball or skip a shot if u are in the gap stage while firing. eVLution II's feed a constant stream of paint. The halo is a great loader but u have to ask yourself, are u willing to pay 30-35 dollars more for less carrying capacity, more weight, and only a marginal increase in speed.

I would gladly take 200 paintballs feeding a 17 bps over 175 paintballs at 22 bps.

Triad why wouldnt u buy the Evo II to play at 13 bps semi, it feeds at 17 bps so that seems like an awesome combo?

09-29-2002, 08:30 AM
oops forgot the picture. Thier are some error's here though. they are as follows. Evo II's capacity is actually 200 balls, while the Halo's is 175. the prices are also a bit off. this test was done when halo's and evlution 2's first came out.

09-29-2002, 11:17 AM
the chart IS inflated and is VERY biased towards Evos. the HALO Does nOT cost 150


09-29-2002, 11:20 AM
directly from odyssey they do

09-29-2002, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
the chart IS inflated and is VERY biased towards Evos.

He qualified that the prices were off. Other than that it clearly shows that the HaloB has the highest rate of fire. So how is it biased towards Evos?

ZyperioN-where did this table come from? You almost have me convinced that I have to give the EvoII a try......

09-29-2002, 01:17 PM
When I first got the HALO I counted how many balls it would hold, and yes, it will hold the advertised 180.

Although I think it's great that there is a cheaper alternative out there to the HALO, I still have to say that I believe the Evo II is greatly outclassed by the HALO.

That extra little bit of feed rate will actually be of some help. Because of how consistently the things feed, you can know for sure that once one ball is shot, it will be pretty close to .06 seconds before another ball drops in. Obviously nobody can shoot 17 BPS consistently, and probably not even in bursts, but the chances of having a space between two shots of less than .06 seconds are pretty good (Remember the guy telling you he can shoot 20 BPS on his LCD? Remember how the LCD records BPS?). I have managed, once, to get my gun to chop with my HALO ("A" model, not B). My gun is a Spyder Shutter, with stock frame and Dye Stickies. The HALO A is feeding about as fast as an Evo II, and I still chopped with a Spyder. If I had had the belt drive upgrade, would it have happened? Most likely not. With the Halo B, there are .043 seconds between each ball, greatly reducing the chances of you getting off two shots too close together.

I also have to point out that, having owned two revs, which now sit in my room having their non-electronic parts parted out after having quit within a week of each other for no reason at all, I can say that nothing has the HALO beat for quality of construction. You know it as well as I do, you owned one. The rev looks like a child's plaything next to it.

And as far as aesthetics goes... The Egg should be flattered to be called anything other than hideous. Sure, there are those who like the look of them, but most people don't. The colored and clear HALO B's, on the other hand, are downright gorgeous.

One last category where I'm sure the HALO has the Evo II beat is usability with a warp. The HALO is almost like it was designed to fit on there perfectly. I don't even want to know what it looks like to put an Egg on a warp.

Again, I do realize that the Evo II is a very good loader, and if you prefer it then that's great. If you want to think that it is better than a HALO, then that's fine too; your priorities must be different than mine. I just want to see credit given where credit is due on both sides of the issue.

09-29-2002, 02:04 PM
i just thought i would add....i frequently hear my level 10 in action using my HALO(both when i had an A mdoel and my current B model). dont know if theres something wrong, but i know that im not firing 22+ bps...

09-29-2002, 02:17 PM
possible your pf plug is setup incorrectly

09-29-2002, 05:48 PM
i got this chart from another thread on Evo II's. I just came back from playing with mine, and it turned some halo users faces red. definately a hit at Skirmish USA.

09-29-2002, 05:57 PM
oh and for the eggo II haters because of looks. i will admit i have yet to see a picture that shows them correctly. in real life they are awesome looking, and with how bulky the HALO is i wouldnt go as far to called it gorgeous, pretty, but definately not gorgeous. So plz dont get turned off right away because of looks because they really dont do well in pics. I had a friend who absolutely hated the eggo look, he wouldn't even have taken one if it was free. when he saw mine today his jaw dropped a good 6 inches, and now he is considering buying one. it really does look better in person than any pic. and with the whole chopping thing wit the spyder chopping on a HALO, i would have to see it to believe it. the evolution 2's design is much like the HALO's (reason for lawsuit) and there are absolutley NO GAPS in feeding. if u can chop on spyder with a HALO and a mechanical trigger u either need to have ur HALO inspected or get ur finger checked out cause something is wrong with that picture.

09-29-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
dats old actually in its proto stages )=

No it's not, that's a review of a production model eVLution II, from that article is a link to a look at the prototype of the eVLution II, and older separate article.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

09-29-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by ZyperioN
...the evolution 2's design is much like the HALO's (reason for lawsuit)

Nope not the reason for the lawsuit at all. It was the patent on the eyes.

09-29-2002, 08:07 PM
oh yeah now i remember, thanks for jogging my mind cphillip

09-29-2002, 08:21 PM
Well actually you were sort of right...that is a "similarity in design" issue. So just clarifying is all as I didn't read it that was what you were meaning. No harm no foul if it was! :D

09-29-2002, 08:25 PM
yeah i cant believe i forgot about that. i read about it a few days ago and just blanked when writing my post. thanx for keeping things factual lol :D yeah i was talking about the eyes with my similarity of design saying ;)

09-29-2002, 08:35 PM
Actually I did hear a few new rumors about this.

Seemed that this lawsuit was/is going to go away from what I heard as it seems that BE is breaking a patent that Odyssey had on some of its technical stuff too. And so the issue is a wash as they will have to pay Odyssey money that would make the whole thing a wash. As we know BE sells far more units so they would end up paying more as its per unit to use the rights. So Odyssey halos are back into production as its a stalemate (or even a boon for Odyssey) or cost effective thing now... something like that.

Ok thats the rumor. Now a Boring interesting fact...

Also did you notice that the original law suit by BE was against some business's located in Greenville SC here. And filed in that Federal Court. Just chosen for some reason to be the filing site. The reasons are unkown to me at this time.

09-29-2002, 11:04 PM
Actually for everyone out there who prefers the halo b over a evo 2, its been tested by players like us on the field and at different companies not brass eagle or odyssey and the evo 2 is capable of shooting 21 bps with fresh powerful batteries, and the halo isnt all its cracked up to be.....a disappointing 16.5...i will work on getting published documentation of the facts.

09-29-2002, 11:06 PM
I plan on getting an evo II when certain *ahem*personal *ahem* issues are taken care of...

But as far as price, the cheapest I have seen them is around $65.00 at www.shop4paintball.com and www.paintballgateway.com ... Considering that is only a little more expensive than the revs, this should be a great deal!

09-30-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by blnk162
Actually for everyone out there who prefers the halo b over a evo 2, its been tested by players like us on the field and at different companies not brass eagle or odyssey and the evo 2 is capable of shooting 21 bps with fresh powerful batteries, and the halo isnt all its cracked up to be.....a disappointing 16.5...i will work on getting published documentation of the facts.

We got quite the opposite so far in our independent trials. However none of them made 20 in bench testing. But then again without back pressure on the Halo B it slows down and that back pressure is hard to duplicate on the bench. Still it was running 3 bps faster than anything else.

And many of you forget one of the main reasons for chosing it is its better at shooting and feeding while sideways. Even if it was the same or slower. But it's not from my observations. I will have to disagree with you on that so far.

09-30-2002, 08:49 AM
well i ahd the eggo 1 and its teh exact same outer seign as the eggo 2, i didnt like it i dont like the door i dont like the overall feel of it so will i shell out an extra 30 dollas for a halo ...your damn right i will cause if im already spending that much i want the best and as that chart shows halo is the fastest therefor the best imo

09-30-2002, 10:48 AM
ok i just wanted to say one thing, it sounds as if performance wise the halo's and Evo II are about the same, halo wins out by a lil. Price wise there about the same, Evo wins out a lil. So the next question i would ask is where do i want my money to go? A puppet company of BE or a small R&D based company? As i see BE as all that is Evil in paintball.... If i were to buy an Evo II i would hafta also sell my mags and buy an angel just off princapal (no offense ment to angel owners and none ment to Evo owners, preferance is all, also im sorry for the spelling)

09-30-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by hardr0ck68
ok i just wanted to say one thing, it sounds as if performance wise the halo's and Evo II are about the same, halo wins out by a lil. Price wise there about the same, Evo wins out a lil. So the next question i would ask is where do i want my money to go? A puppet company of BE or a small R&D based company? As i see BE as all that is Evil in paintball.... If i were to buy an Evo II i would hafta also sell my mags and buy an angel just off princapal (no offense ment to angel owners and none ment to Evo owners, preferance is all, also im sorry for the spelling)

What? You mean a company that has pulled thousands of people into this sport, and worldwide recognized as producing bad products has ACTUALLY produced a GOOD product for once?

Quick we must NOT support it! If we do, they might make that a disturbing trend! Producing quality products is evil!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-30-2002, 07:56 PM
does anyone have a picture of an eggo II on a warp?

Mr. T!
09-30-2002, 08:04 PM
Actually, the production model halos DONT feed 22bps, they dropped it to like 18 or something for production. It seems like HALOs hold hardly any paint at all. I think the evo's look pretty cool, i kinda want one.

09-30-2002, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Actually I did hear a few new rumors about this.
Also did you notice that the original law suit by BE was against some business's located in Greenville SC here. And filed in that Federal Court. Just chosen for some reason to be the filing site. The reasons are unkown to me at this time.

i dont know if thats sarcastic, but if not, it was filed in GVille because of Paintball Inc, the sole distributor of the Halo. they are very closely affiliated with Odyssey and helped finance the initial operation of the first units for ody to get on their feet. if BE gets 100% of what they ask for, they would own Pi at the end of the lawsuit....scary, eh?

09-30-2002, 08:45 PM
No paintball inc is not the sole distributor. They may be the largest. So they would make a good target. that makes some sense.

and the other part of the rumor if true is that Oddessy would be making more money off of BE than selling Halos!

The Halos holds like 14 balls less in the hopper...and it does keep a 20 BPS set emag in paint. Seen it! done it! You seen it on the video's too. It needs a low rise to realy get that. But it does.

10-01-2002, 09:10 AM
i thought they were the only distributors, but maybe not

i do know that BE did name Pi int he lawsuit against Ody

heres th official press release:

entonville, AR, March 7, 2002 – Brass Eagle Inc. (NASDAQ: XTRM) has filed suit against Texas-based Odyssey Paintball Products, LLC for infringement of a Brass Eagle Inc. patent covering a motorized, active feed paintball loader. The suit was filed in federal court in Greenville, South Carolina. Also named as defendants in the suit are Greenville-based wholesale distributor Paintball, Incorporated, and local paintball retailers Axis/1st Shot Paintball and 111 Paintball.
The Brass Eagle patent – US 5,816,232 – covers Brass Eagle Inc.’s popular VIEWLOADER EVLUTION and VIEWLOADER REVOLUTION electronic feeder loaders. Odyssey’s recently introduced HALO active feed loader is the accused product in the suit.
Brass Eagle Inc. has asked the court to enjoin all of the named defendants from selling HALO loaders, and to award it damages for their infringement. In addition, Brass Eagle Inc. has asked the court to find Odyssey liable as a willful infringer, and to assess treble damages and attorney fees against Odyssey.
“Brass Eagle Inc. has a substantial investment in intellectual property rights covering innovative products, and intends vigorously to protect that investment by taking action against imitators who violate those rights,” said Brass Eagle Inc. President Lynn Scott. “We are confident in our legal position, and fully expect to prevail,” he said.
Brass Eagle Inc., based in Bentonville, Arkansas, is the leading designer, manufacturer, marketer and distributor of paintball products, including markers, loaders, paintballs, apparel and related accessories. For complete information about the VIEWLOADER line of

10-01-2002, 02:11 PM
Brass Eagle Inc., based in Bentonville, Arkansas, is the leading designer, manufacturer, marketer and distributor of paintball products, including markers, loaders, paintballs, apparel and related accessories.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA now theres some high quality BS.

10-01-2002, 04:19 PM
halo Bs are 20+ bps as said from odyssey

10-01-2002, 08:36 PM
even if you dont want to believe it, BE IS the leading comapny....when you diss BE, just remember that there are more stingrays out there than ALL OTHER GUNS COMBINED

Duke Henry
10-03-2002, 11:59 AM
I don't know about BE is the biggest, definately one of THE biggest - PMI is huge too.

10-03-2002, 04:39 PM
Ahhh, but the real question is... does the eggoII smell as bad as the eggoI ?

10-03-2002, 07:39 PM
the rabid chipmunk has been in my possession for many moons my son lol go chipmunks!!!!

i dont care i had it a long time ago and its mine!!!!!

maybe we can share it though.....

10-03-2002, 08:40 PM
i just got my halo b today and i gotta say this is qaulity i am uber impressed

Papa Smurf
10-03-2002, 10:57 PM
I've tested both the Halo B and the EvoII and they both perform nicely. The EvoII did well with new batteries but there were gaps. Not 12v Revie gaps mind you but you could see them. I don't think there is any advantage to having a hopper load 22+bps, plus the added weight of the batteries. Personally I think the Halo B is too strong for almost all applications as was seen with most Angels(Lcd and IR3) it would push the balls right past the ball detent. Definitley not a good thing. The EvoII now sits parallel to the marker unlike the first model, but it sits back off-setting balance some. For some people this will be annoying because it can get right in your face. But as far as I can tell the EvoII is well up to the task of feeding paint.


10-04-2002, 01:50 PM
yeahthatsme-sharing is not an option this means war :D

10-04-2002, 07:08 PM
I have the Evo II and I love it.

10-04-2002, 08:26 PM
alright 3 hours of sanding an the damn thing finally fits my ir3!!!:rolleyes: man my hands hurt

10-07-2002, 03:22 PM
Does anyone know if the Evolution II will be comming out in colors?

10-07-2002, 06:17 PM
For those that have the Evo II on the warp.. how does it feel? What marker you have it on and how far back does it come out?

10-22-2002, 11:34 AM
Anyone got a pic of one on their warp?


Originally posted by SirOssis
For those that have the Evo II on the warp.. how does it feel? What marker you have it on and how far back does it come out?

Duke Henry
10-22-2002, 03:10 PM

No, that is NOT me - but it is a team member using my Evo 2 (I was using my HALO-B). He loved the feed rate, but hated how far back it sat in the warp...

[Edit: seems my server is down temporarily, it will be back up soon (I hope!)]

10-29-2002, 08:27 PM

i am ordering my evo 2 (or halo b not quite sure yet) just after christmas and becuase of the lack of indoor places in my area i am gonna run some tests between the 2 if i can....

Mr. T!
10-29-2002, 09:02 PM
I picked up a Evo II at cup this year and used it in the ten man event. It feed really good and really fast. However, the first game, i chopped a ball when i was chronoing, i don't know how though. It was kind of odd because teh ball in the breech was insdide the shell of another ball, so i think something was terribly wrong with the paint, it was weird. It feed really good, but in a few games i chopped, i think it was because i really wrentched in my ball detente, so it may of hung up balls. I liked the feature of the flexible impelers because my gun jammed and the hopper keept spinning, where in a halo it probly would have broken some paint.
Over all, i am pretty pleased with it, i just need to find the how tight the detent should be in.

By the way, i was using a dark angel LCD with a cobra rebuildable ball detente.

10-29-2002, 09:16 PM
ah ha Evo II wins again!!!!!!!!! glad your happy with ur purchase. How did ur team fare? i heard 10 men was extremely talented.