View Full Version : Got my Retro today..

09-28-2002, 07:47 PM
and it's great :) One thing bugging me though. The trigger is nice and reactive most of the time, but sometimes it seems to runaway a little - I'll tap it and it'll rattle backwards and forwards 3-4 times and shoot at least twice. Most of the guys said I was just sweet spotting it, but it felt a little out of control. Is this normal? I bought it used and the on off pin has been shortened very slightly.

Also, my accuracy seems to have gone down - I seem to have more drop off between shots than I used to, using a preset 68/4500 crossfire tank.

Any ideas? Am I just not used to it yet?

09-28-2002, 08:47 PM
You might want to call up AGD and ask for a new on/off pin depending on what your tank outputs. When firing slowly, there will be more of a drop between shots b/c the valve heats and builds pressure -> higher velocity then cools and drops pressure -> lower velocity. When firing quickly though, I've found it to be ultra consistent... like AGD says, its like a high performance race-car. Runs best at full power, but doesn't idle well.

09-28-2002, 10:22 PM
Seemed like even firing fast it had a pretty wide spread. Maybe it's just me though :)

09-28-2002, 11:37 PM
I got mine recently as well. Now I got mine new so there had been no adjustments to it.

At first I didn't like the feel of it. It didn't seem to work as good as my AIR valve!!!!! That kind of upset me but I tried to ignore the fact that I had wasted money.

About the third time I went to the field with it, however, it seemed to just rip the balls out there. The trigger felt awesome and it seemed to shoot faster and faster throughout the day. I don't know if it has to be "broken in" (doubtful) or if I started to get the feel of the reactive trigger (more likely). Also at first there seemed to be alot of velocity inconsistancy (my AIR valve was very consistent) but now that seems to have disappeared as well. Once again, however, this was on a new Retrovalve. Your valve should have already been "broken in" if that was the case. You probably just need to get a feel for it. If you are still having troubles after a bit, however, it is probably because of the modifications made by the previous user. You'll want to get new replacement parts for it.

Trust me. I have the same setup as you (Crossfire 4500 tank) and it is awesome (I have the Intelliframe as well). Once you get it working the way it should you will love it!

09-29-2002, 12:21 AM
cool, thats good to hear :)