View Full Version : retro rof question

Mag Master 04
09-28-2002, 11:23 PM
i was wondering why my retro wont go reactive and some one told me that it wasnt borken in yet. then i heard that my out pus pressure waz too high(preset 800). then i hear its my frame(benchy 2x). then some one told me to put a rt on/off pin in it. i dont know what to do. then i hear people say that u cant get retros to go reactive. geeezzz what am i to do??:confused: iv seen them go reactive before and no 1 can get mine to go, i can hit it w other guns. but not mine. it is still new. used it 2 times

09-29-2002, 12:24 AM
what exactly do you mean by 'reactive' - do you mean fully automatic? that's not really what the retro valve is designed to do..

09-29-2002, 08:11 AM
No, it was not designed to go “full auto”. And also it sounds like you have other issues as well. How your marker is set up and what parts you use will matter a lot.

Also it sounds like you are listening to folks that don’t know a thing about what they are talking about. The way most people get their AGD RTs to go “full auto” is to INCREASE the pressure.. and 800 is not even close to being high enough for normal “full auto” use.

What I would suggest is that you use the SEARCH feature this site/forum has and read all about “runaway” “sweetspot” and “full auto” as it applies to the AGD RTs. Please don’t think I am being rude for saying this, but this topic has been discussed SO MANY TIMES that if you can’t find all the information you need on this topic (and easily) there is a problem on your end. ;)

Have fun! :D

09-29-2002, 10:37 AM
My tank is preset to 800 as well and it never goes into runaway mode. Sometimes I'll accidently get it to pump out two or three shots but it never runs away.

If you want to adjust that trigger you better go with a different tank (adjustable input pressure). However I like the trigger the way it is at 800. Nice and crisp. Eventually I'll buy the Flatline tank but this setup is pretty good for now.....

Mag Master 04
09-29-2002, 11:24 AM
no not full auto, this kid has one and it is crazy rof! and theres a sweet spot just like the automag rt, he cant find it w mine, but i can find it w his. and what do u mean by my set up. my set up is pritty fatty

09-29-2002, 11:42 AM
so what do you think 'reactive' means?

09-29-2002, 11:49 AM
Again.. I will point to the SEARCH feature. Instead of keeping on asking questions that have ALREADY been answered countless times on AO, I suggest reading. It has all been answered...... use SEARCH.

Mag Master 04
09-29-2002, 12:07 PM
i did a search and all i find is a bunch of b.s. reactive like it bounces and throws out like 16bps or something. ive shot em before i know what i want and mine wont do it. ppl say that its not made to do it but iv seen it done

09-29-2002, 12:16 PM
Then you are not reading through the posts. I did a search on "reactive" and found alot of information.

If you read the posts you will see that your trigger feel and bounce is controlled by several factors. For instance your friend has an insane rate of fire but you can't find that "sweet spot" on your rt. What is the difference between the markers? Does he have an adjustable tank while yours is preset? What sort of trigger frames do you have? In one of the previous posts someone mentions needing different input pressure for his Z grip versus his stock grip.

Yes there is alot of posts that have nothing to do with what you want if you do a search. If you sift through the info, however, there are alot of very good posts there.:D

09-29-2002, 12:21 PM
Thank you. ;)

Yes, actually READING does help too. :D

Mag Master 04
09-29-2002, 12:58 PM
i found somehing to answer my q after like an hour..thanks though