View Full Version : Fill Nipple leak

09-29-2002, 03:01 PM
I know this isnt an automag tech question but i didnt think it belonged in the pb forum so i put it here.

Well, today was my second time in a row for my fill nipple on my tank to screw up. It's a 68/45 pmi reg on a carleton bottle that i bought used about 4 months ago...

About 3 weeks ago I went to get my tank filled and it leaked immediately after being filled. Took it to the shop just about 4 days ago and he replaced the whole fill nipple because he said it was bent.

Went back to the field today and about 3 minutes after i got it filled for the first time(he had filled it at the store and it worked then) it started to slowly leak out the fill nipple... i could put my finger down on it and it wouldnt leak if i pressed really hard(friend said i could stick a nipple cover on their and it would GREATLY slow down the leaking but i didnt have a nipple cover)

so now, im wondering whats going on and what i can do to stop all this madness. not sure if its my tank, the person filling it, or the person who fixed it... any help is greatly appreciate. thanks!

Mav D MagMan
09-29-2002, 03:05 PM
I'll just tell you right off the bat oil will not help it, it will only blow it up so stay away from that junk! Don't oil your tank ;)

Other than that I haven't had the problem but I'm sure someone who has will come along and save the day.


09-29-2002, 06:19 PM
if it is still leaking then the oring in the new one is bad also.....

bring it back and tell them it still leaks.....

and pick up a dust cover..... a little pervention goes a long way.....

if the replace it and it still leaks suggest to them they are giving out dirty fills.... this just means they either need to change a filter or install one..... dirt in their tanks can be transfered to yours and cause this problem.....

09-29-2002, 09:47 PM
I had that same problem. I had to take apart the reg on my tnak and clean it all out. i had dirt on the seat from either really dirty and agressive play that somehow got through my nipple cover or from dirty fills.

09-30-2002, 08:14 AM
If you are playing without a fill nipple cover, then you are probably getting dirt in your fill nipple. When you fill your tank, you are transfering that dirt into your tank. No matter how may times you change your fill nipple, this will result in a constant problem until you get your tank completely purged of all contanination.

10-01-2002, 07:10 AM
i have a fill npple prob of my own. I just replaced my hp guage (if that matters????) and went to get a fill after playing the week before w/o my cover on and i had slid alot. Well when i went to get my fill the tank would not fill at all, it leaked and wouldn't take any air. Whats the problem anyone know?

10-01-2002, 07:26 PM
it's the o-ring in the fill nipple

have the proshop do it... but if your doing it yourself, read on

-unscrew the fill nipple(use a wrench or tourque wrench)
-use something to push out the pin(you can see it in the -nipple, nothing is really holding it in)
-remove the o-ring and replace it (rubber o-ring, pretty much the smallest you can find)
-make sure that the o-ring is sitting all the way in it's little grove
-put the pin back in(nothing really holds it in, so just push it in)
- take it to the pro shop so they can screw it back on(wrench/tourque wrench + lock tight or teflon tape)

10-01-2002, 08:44 PM
SaS, you forgot a very very important step. make sure all the air is out of the tank if ur gana tak it apart. As for the oring, i am almost positive that one of the orings in the autom mag parts kits doubles as one. Why cant u just put oil in it and fill it? im not saying your wrong, but at my field where i work thats what we do, and we have done it many times sucsessfully.

10-01-2002, 09:04 PM
The reason why one doesn't introduce oil into the input side of an HPA tank is that when filling the oil becomes a mist and, since any gas increases temperature as you compress it, this creates for a very volatile situation.

10-01-2002, 10:50 PM
oh man marc, your right... i feel like an as$ now
it's kind of a commen sense thing but it's a safty concern that's worth saying

There's a WARPIG article (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/090602HPAwarn.shtml) about the oil thing

10-02-2002, 01:29 AM
The teflon o-rings from a Mag parts kit work well in fill nipples. You just have to strech them out a bit to fit on the plunger. I've fixed mine twice that way.

10-02-2002, 03:52 PM
i knew the teflon o-ring was the same size... but wasn't very keen about using teflon instead of rubber

but i guess they both work... good to know

10-02-2002, 04:22 PM
DarkPhoenix, would a 49 degree temperature change inside a tank make the oil it contains a hazard, because with the air filling system our field uses thats the average internal temperature change of the tank from when it was empty to when it was filled? Im just curious, and would this mean that the bouer fill systems are more hazardous because they fill much much faster if the tank had oil in it?

10-02-2002, 10:33 PM
When you pressurize the air, any fuels compressed with it have a lower temperature at which they ignite. This is much the same way that a gasoline or diesel engine works.

In a typical engine the compression is about 120psi. In a compressed air system we have compression of 3000psi or 4500psi. Therefore the volatility in a compressed air system is much greater than in a motor. Now add a contaminant such as a lubricating oil and we have a fuel. We already have the air/oxygen reguired. Now we just need heat to ignite the flame. When we fill a tank, the compression of the air gives us that heat. Kaa-boom!!

The more heat you generate, the greater the chances of combustion, that is for sure. I don't know the combustion properties of most lubricants, so I don't know at what temp the lubricants may ignite at under pressure.