View Full Version : What gun?

09-29-2002, 05:36 PM
hey i have never shot any gun besides brass crap, spyder, and tippmann(which i own). So i do not know the feel of any "good" gun. I am wanting to get a tourny grade gun but dont know the "feel" of any other gun. So put down the gun would have me get AND put down why not to get the other gun/guns.

Bushmaster(give me website)
Timmy(give me website)

<edit>And dont say "RTPro because it has the name of AGD behind it" say something like "RTPro because ti is very consitent and lighter than all the others" or somehting liek that<edit>

09-29-2002, 05:41 PM
I will not tell you why NOT to get other markers, but out of what you listed I would recommend the RT Pro. It is the only manual marker that can keep up with (and pass some) the electros on the field. Its durability and reliability is unsurpassed, and ROFs are spectacular….. you will turn heads… no doubt about that.

I have never had a problem with mine, and have never chopped a single ball. It is sleek, and has class that keeps getting compliments “That is one nice setup!”. It is an underrated marker and often overlooked….. until you play with one or AGAINST one. ;)

But often times what marker is best is simply one of personal preference. I would suggest trying to get your hands on and USE as many types as you can. You will soon see what “feels” best to you, and that usually will determine what IS best for YOU… and that is what counts.

09-29-2002, 05:55 PM
i reccomend the RT PRo because of its valve.its the fastest recharged valve on the market.plus, u dont have to worry about electronics

09-29-2002, 07:40 PM
Before I type up anything, I'm going to ask, what characteristics do you feel will be most important to you on the feild? ROF, kick, balance, reliability, compactness, LCD displays as such, ball chop preventions, looks, feed style (vertical, rf, powerfeed, etc.), trigger style (single, double, blade, etc.), company reputation, ease of maintanence, availability of gun techs, upgradeability, and much more. Tell me what YOU want in a gun, and maybe I can help.

09-29-2002, 08:25 PM
I'd say RT pro if you already have nitro, otherwiseI'd recommend the impy. Impy's work great with co2 and are fine stock. Don't get the RT pro unless you are willing to buy nitro and a motorized hopper, otherwise it really isn't worth it.

09-30-2002, 12:03 AM
i agree with darklord there... Or you could always get a standard/mini mag... RT pro = n2 + revy or something. Can't run w/o nitro, so if you have the moeny for it, go for it. Otherwise, i think impys are a fine choice. Or a nice Emag =). and what do you need a website for if you want an impy or bushy... you could always try PBnation for info.

09-30-2002, 08:37 PM
heres the order i would like
1.low kick
3.upgradeablity(how many barrels out for it ect.)
5.co2 as well as nitro compadibility

09-30-2002, 09:10 PM

09-30-2002, 09:41 PM
Bushmaster 2k3.

Its the fastest, lightest gun on the list. Anti-Chop eye stock, 2 piece barrel stock, nice reg, upgradable, air efficent.

09-30-2002, 09:51 PM
RTPro is my recommendation. I back up what SHartley says. You get the speed of an electro without the reliability issues. You can get lvl 10 which will eliminate 99.99% of chopping. You get AGD's reknowned customer service. The stock RTP barrels shoots most medium-bore paint very well (ask SHartley). Plus, the RTP can be warped easier than a VF gun.

09-30-2002, 10:09 PM
Well, you didn't put it down but i'm gonna say Matrix. They go for around 650 at PBgear and feel simply amazing.

Out of what you put down i'd go impulse if you really want electro, or RT-PRO if you dont mind mechanical.

09-30-2002, 10:55 PM
Like the rest, I think the RT Pro will be your best bet judging by your specs.

1. low kick: Lvl 10 makes kick extremely low.
2. Compact: Just take a look at the Mag, it's small.
3. upgradeability: There are a fair amount of upgrades available for Mags now a days (although I wouldn't recommend anything not made by AGD).
4. Balance: Not the best, but still pretty good.
5. CO2 N2 compatability: N2 definitely. You could run CO2, but I can predict problems running it with an RT Pro.
6. LCD: A feature that is non existant on the RT Pro, only because it is mechanical though.
7. Looks: Opinion of course. IMO some RT Pros are gorgeous, however some are ugly. It all depends on how you set it up.

I think the Bushmaster would also be a good gun for you, just behind the RT Pro.

1. Low kick: Sadly, the Bushmaster suffers in this area. A good SS barrel and small/no drop setup, combined with a low cocking pressure can however cut down the kick pretty well.
2. Compact: They are very skinny and light, and over all pretty small guns. They are a tad tall though.
3. Upgradeability: There are a decent amount of upgrades you can buy from Vapor Works and MacDev.
4. Balance: Again not the best, but still decent.
5 CO2 N2 compatability: I wouldn't risk running CO2 with a Bushy, but it can be done.
6. LCD: You can buy a Bushy with an LCD for some extra money.
7. Looks: Some Bushys are rather bland, however, newer ones (like the GS Series) have superb milling.

AutoCockers could be an Ok fit for you, but the other two above would be a little better IMO.

1. Low kick: When set up properly, there is absolutely ZERO kick with this gun.
2. Compact: I feel they are pretty small, but it can vary from setup to setup.
3. Upgradeability: I think most everyone will agree, the Cocker takes 1st place in this category.
4. Balance: Superb balance, the hopper sits right over the grip frame, and since the gun isn't tall, it sits well in your hands.
5. CO2 N2 compatability: It can run off either when set up correctly. However, it will run off N2 noticeably better.
6. LCD: Only if you are willing to dump a ton of money into an electronic conversion:D .
7. Looks: This ranges from butt ugly to the most dazzling paintball guns you will ever see.

The Imp IMO, would be my fourth choice if I was in your position.

1. Low kick: Stock, they can have some kick to 'em. With some upgrading and tuning though, it can be taken down significantly.
2. Compact: While smaller than it's big brother (the Shocker), this is still a bit on the larger side.
3. Upgradeability: Tons of upgrades, I wouldn't worry here.
4. Balance: This is a little iffy, but not too bad.
5. CO2 N2 compatability: The Imp takes 1st here, it'll run exceptionally off either.
6. LCD: If memeroy serves me correctly, there are LCD upgrades available.
7. Looks: Generally, IMO, they are ugly. Of course, this is ultimately up to you.

The Timmy, I wouldn't really consider in your position. IMo it doesn't fit into your requirements that well.

Anyway, good luck deciding!

09-30-2002, 11:16 PM
sweet im thinkinknig of bushhy or cocker then save up for emag. sorry but hey eventually ill get an agd! now something to narrow it down
This is not in priotirty order, more like what the feel i want
light but strong, short and tall again compact, kickless, and again i want it to "become" me so it would be light and comfortable i barely notice its there, hands distanced good not too far not to short MUST BE VERTICLE GRIP I CANT STAND BARREL GRIP CRAP and i would perfer if the hopper was over the grip or before it.

10-02-2002, 07:23 PM

10-02-2002, 08:08 PM
I'll put in another vote for The RT Pro. I recently got mine, and tossed my warp/lvl 10 onto it.

...and I thought my mini-mag was cool :D :D :D

I never would have thought that a mechanical marker could be so fast! I could keep up with other electro's, and smoke other mech. guns.

Lemme fill in your criteria:

1.low kick - with lvl 10, there's vitually none. Very stable shooting platform.

2.compact - It's a mag :)

3.upgradeablity(how many barrels out for it ect.) -it's a mag :P kinda lacking here, but that's cuz it doesn't need 'em.

4.balance - Good balance, and when properly set-up, points very easily.

5.co2 as well as nitro compadibility - Sorry, no Co2, No matter what.

6.lcd - Sorry, no can do here. But it's another thing you DON'T have to worry about.

7.looks - Look at these things and try not to drool ;)

10-02-2002, 08:13 PM
its the price i just cannot and will not get it.

10-02-2002, 09:19 PM
Then get a retro minimag with an intelliframe. Basically the same setup.

10-02-2002, 09:56 PM
Yeah, you could get a Classic or Mini, then slap some upgrades on it over time. Otherwise, the Bushmaster sounds real good for you. The only problem with it really, would be kick. Of course, there are ways to fix that.

10-02-2002, 10:21 PM
yeah bushy is bushy a type of autococker?

10-02-2002, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
yeah bushy is bushy a type of autococker?

honestly dude, u post thread after thread after thread. Do some research, choose a gun, enjoy it

Bushy is not an autococker. Bushy is an electro. It has a electronically actuated solenoid.

Cockers are pnuematic. They have flashy parts on the front, and a moving back block. oooh! get one, then talk about it on pbn!

10-02-2002, 10:38 PM
yeah bushy is bushy a type of autococker?
Um, a Bushy is a Bushmaster. It's nothing like an Autococker.

10-02-2002, 10:44 PM
Cockers are pnuematic. They have flashy parts on the front, and a moving back block. oooh! get one, then talk about it on pbn!
Not only are Cockers pnuematic, but so is every other paintball gun on the face of this earth! Or you can get a Mag and talk about it on AO! Yay, making fun of guns is easy when you don't use correct facts. Oh yeah, and last time I checked, black pneumatics weren't flashy (especially the ones on the stock 2k2. Ugly brass too).

10-02-2002, 11:09 PM
I wasnt making fun of anything. People refer to autocockers as pneumatic because a ram controls the loading. I am aware that all markers use gasses to project paintballs.

I was not making fun, again. This guy posts a million threads asking broad questions, gets tons of answers, and doesnt seem to learn from anything. I figure a cocker is a great way to shut him up for a while. At least he'll be in Tech forum trying to get the darned thing to work instead of Paintball talk :)

LOL - sorry for being a jerk, been a long day.

10-03-2002, 06:51 PM
Indian Creek Design's Bushmaster AKA "Bushy" http://store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1704_28728736

A WorrGame Products Autococker AKA "Cocker" http://store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1702_2649708

10-03-2002, 07:00 PM
I was not making fun, again. This guy posts a million threads asking broad questions, gets tons of answers, and doesnt seem to learn from anything. I figure a cocker is a great way to shut him up for a while. At least he'll be in Tech forum trying to get the darned thing to work instead of Paintball talk

LOL - sorry for being a jerk, been a long day.
Yeah, I know what you mean, he does need to do some reading up on his guns. The jerk thing is OK, I act like that myself sometimes, you could even tell a little in my last post. It will be fun if he does get a Cocker though, he can hang out on a different forum while trying to get it to fire. I can just see it now, "front block, is that a type of bolt?" Hehehe, sorry, that was a little mean.

People refer to autocockers as pneumatic because a ram controls the loading. I am aware that all markers use gasses to project paintballs.
It's just that the term "pneumatic" isn't really used correctly much in paintball anymore. So I'm feeling the sudden need to correct people now:D . Nothing personal.

10-03-2002, 07:07 PM
Sorry im a newbie about cockers so dont flame me for being dumb but what is so unreliable about cockers?

10-03-2002, 07:16 PM
its got many moving parts wich means it has more chances of breaking down and everything has to be right elswise it simply will become a chopping machine ( called timing) a cocker is a pump gun with parts to make it semi, it fires from a closedbolt so you time it to fire when the bolt is completely closed if that timing is off then it could fire while the bolt is open and a paintball is loading hence forth chopin. plus more that i dont know about.

10-03-2002, 07:18 PM
Well, if you learn how a Cocker works and how to maintain it, they really won't be too bad actually. The reason why they have such a bad rap, is because of how complicated their cocking/firing process is. If you learn how it works, and all the parts involved though, it really isn't a big deal. You can go over to PBNation.com to learn how they work and how you can maintain them. A lot of the bad rap stems from people buying them, then adjusting stuff they shouldn't be adjusting without the proper knowledge, then finding out that they screwed it up. Either that, or they just didn't maintain it properly (maintanence isn't so bad. Just a few drops of oil in the ASA and on the bolt, not too much, but not too little. Then a strandard wipe down you shuold do to all paintball guns after a day of play).

The other issue is timing: These are just adjustments made that allow the gun to fire then cock in the right order. Improper timing can lead to a pleathora of problems. My suggestion would be to have a local airsmith do it first. Watch him and ask questions if you have them. After a few times, you should have it down pretty well. Timing only needs to be done every 6 months-2 years depending on your setup, how much you play, and how much loc tite you poured on the threads:D . You might also need to do it after certain upgrades.