View Full Version : Java Jive!

09-29-2002, 06:40 PM
I have been completely unable to connect to chat at home since Wed. I have pretty much come to a stand still trying to fix it. I have redone my whole home network trying to fix it. That was AFTER all the server problems seemed to be solved. It just will not connect. Reloaded mIRC and rechecked all the setting as well as Java enableds and all. They are all exactly set up the same as at work where it connects no problem and they just refuse to connect here at home no matter what computer I am on. I am about to suspect my provider. Anyone got any ideas? What could they have done though?

Oh! Also does not connect here in AO either now but I can see Toms desk. :)

On mIRC I see this way too much!

* Connecting to irc.automgs.org (6667)
* Unable to resolve server

09-29-2002, 09:39 PM
the error is a DNS error, it cant resolve the irc.automags.org address.

try entering

and see if you can get to it.

if you can then it is a problem with your isp's dns.

if not then try running a trace route (tracert, and see where it dies.

you could post the results if you dont know how to read them, and i could tell you where it dies.

hope it helps

09-29-2002, 09:49 PM
Ok well I tried that IP in several configurations is mIRC without success.

And I do suspect some change from my ISP...

But do not know how or where to run a tracer...

09-29-2002, 10:08 PM
Dang, I thought this was gonna be a thread about the Manhatten Transfer!

09-29-2002, 10:11 PM
hehe I knew some old fart was gonna get that!


09-30-2002, 01:19 AM
I'm experiencing something similar that only started recently...anything that requires java immediately causes my browser to close. Both Internet Explorer and Netscape are configured to enable Java.

I'm a CS major, and I can't figure this out :D

09-30-2002, 06:43 AM
cphilip, click start then run then type command
type ping irc.automags.org

see what it returns. if it pings and ip and you get replies (or time outs), paste it here. if it says unknown host, then we'll go from there :)

Wc Keep
09-30-2002, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Army
Dang, I thought this was gonna be a thread about the Manhatten Transfer!

manhatten transfer :confused: i hate being so young. hey why cant i connect to the ao chat from my schools computer lab? it doesnt even show the sign on screen but it does show tk traker cam.

09-30-2002, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Army
Dang, I thought this was gonna be a thread about the Manhatten Transfer!
I was not going to mention it. ;) But to add TO it, how come I have the Bee Gees singing in my head?

09-30-2002, 08:21 AM
OK well I will be trying some of this tonight when I get home.

09-30-2002, 06:05 PM
OK doing the ping command...if I am doing it right...flashes up a black almost DOS looking window with something on it but it flashes and closes so quick I cannot tell what if anything it says! I mean fast!!!

09-30-2002, 06:18 PM
try going into MSDOS prompt and typing the same thing. That should work, but you can't copy n paste :D

09-30-2002, 06:19 PM
Good god I thought I posted this before only to have nobody help me:rolleyes: ... oh well guess I'll keep looking in at this.

09-30-2002, 06:22 PM
And the DOS prompt is where in XP? Is there one?

Ok that seems to be command promt... but the ping command is different?

09-30-2002, 06:28 PM
c:\ping irc.automags.org
Ping request cannot find host irc.automags.org. please check the name and try again.

then back to c prompt...

09-30-2002, 07:43 PM
OK guys its in the home network. Not the ISP. the Gateway machine will connect to chat. All the clients will not. Something has changed in the set up and despite reseting up home network several times no luck. Got any clues?

09-30-2002, 08:01 PM
killer joe
my cat fell in the well
all that good stuff!
any hoo, is your gateway also acting as a firewall?, may need to forward some ports.
if not, well?

heres a good place toget answers:

09-30-2002, 08:29 PM
yes it is. but it was for months up until something reset after a power glitch the last week. And its showing some DNS settings in it. I wonder if I plug those same ones into the clients it would work?

09-30-2002, 08:44 PM
I could be wrong, but wouldn't changing the DNS in the clients defeat the purpose of a gateway?

It sounds more like the clients don't have premissions to use the gateway, or the client DNS isn't pointing to the gateway anymore.

It could be ports, but I would think that is also controlled in the Gateway machine. (6667 - IRC )

09-30-2002, 08:46 PM
Sorry -
I forgot to add.

Start - Run - Type "Command"
Will bring up the MSDos Prompt

You can then type "Tracert irc.automags.org" and start a trace route session of the hops to the irc server

09-30-2002, 08:53 PM
Well I donno if its not allowing it to be used why am I online? its just DNS stuff that seems affected...

Pointing? All three of em changed not the one? that could happen I suppose but they are set up in sequential IP's and sharing internet connection right now. Why not DNS?

Something is real fish to me that the DNS routes are not being allowed at the client. But I am grasping at straws now!

This set up is rather odd too. its satellite using a modem run into the Gateway which is running software to decode the satellite signals and one machine must run that for the others to take advantage of. its doing it for Internet. and was for DNS up until that power flicker. Maybe I should try reloading that Satellite software to see if its in error?

09-30-2002, 09:18 PM

Did you try using instead of irc.automags.org?
They are one and the same, If you can ping the IP# and not the .org then I would agree that you seem to have a DNS problem.

If you can't reach either IP# or the .org using ping or tracert then the problem isn't DNS.

I sounds like you are running a multi-homed machine, that is working correctly.( the gateway sattelite machine) I understand that the IP addresses of the clients are static, but the gateway address (in the IP setup of the client) of each client should be the IP of the gateway machine. (sorry that is what I ment by Point to the Gateway )

Also, if you can browse the web in any machine, I would think that the DNS server is doing it's job of resolving the host name to the IP address.

I'm just speculating anyway... I have only dealt with Proxy servers.

09-30-2002, 09:27 PM
Phil...did you try an "IP release", then "IP renew"on the client machines?. They may have lost the static IPs.

09-30-2002, 09:53 PM
Cphilip: If you have a dynamic IP address, just remove the DNS servers from your router and set them to be obtained automatically. If you don't have a dynamic IP, this won't work, but this will ensure you have the most up to date servers that are being provided via DHCP.

Pinging automags.org [] with 32 bytes of data:

That is the IP I'm getting. Try pinging that and see if it responds (it certainly should!!)

If you use mIRC or some other IRC client, you can then try connecting to the chat server by connecting to that IP. If you use the java chat, I don't think you have that option.

09-30-2002, 10:33 PM
Did you boot the machine? I always find that smacking the side of the monitor with my boot, will not only do nothing, but makes me feel much better. To re-boot, simply hit it twice:)

09-30-2002, 11:15 PM
can anyone tell me the reason I am always timed out?

10-01-2002, 08:12 AM
Shirow, not using a router just a simple hub. At this point all set to sequential IP's on the clients. for the Gateway and then and so on for the clients. I coulda sworn I had it set origainaly at all clients and the gateway were And now it refuses to let me use that for all of them as it sees them as being used. before I swear it didn't and then when this happened before I was able to get everything working even DNS through sequential IP numbering like it is now. But when this happened again last week all I could get up and running was Internet connections. I did find the Gateways sharing connection IP reset to this time. I changed it back to and set all the clients to 192.168.0.X at least the internet came back up on them like before but unlike before the chat stuff would not work now. Because everything is working on the gateway I am fairly certain the problem is in there somewhere in how its connection is sharing through the home network. Just do not know what or where.

Army, I slapped it silly several times!

Tuna, I am plugging in static IP's. thats the only way to get it to work. See above. If I allow it to find its own it will always chose the wrong one. I can get internet with the way I am pluggin them in but not DNS this time.

10-01-2002, 08:30 AM
What OS are you using? I know when I upgraded some of my systems' OSs I had a heck of a time getting everything to work right again... yeah, I know, upgrading is suppose to make things run BETTER... :rolleyes:

10-01-2002, 08:51 AM
XP on the Gateway and the Client laptop with OS 10.2 on the iMacs but none of that has been upgraded in a while and was working fine on all of them up till the power outage that seemed to cause the complete reset. That has happened twice now from power blinks. First time it reset up farily easy and DNS came back too. this time thats all that will not. So something reset up wrong that did not do so last time. Changes occured to the network set up for some reason I do not understand. The power back up was not plugged in but you can bet your life it will be after I get it all up this time!!!

10-01-2002, 08:52 AM
Shirow, not using a router just a simple hub. At this point all set to sequential IP's on the clients. for the Gateway and then and so on for the clients. I coulda sworn I had it set origainaly at all clients and the gateway were And now it refuses to let me use that for all of them as it sees them as being used. before I swear it didn't and then when this happened before I was able to get everything working even DNS through sequential IP numbering like it is now. But when this happened again last week all I could get up and running was Internet connections. I did find the Gateways sharing connection IP reset to this time. I changed it back to and set all the clients to 192.168.0.X at least the internet came back up on them like before but unlike before the chat stuff would not work now. Because everything is working on the gateway I am fairly certain the problem is in there somewhere in how its connection is sharing through the home network. Just do not know what or where.

Army, I slapped it silly several times!

Tuna, I am plugging in static IP's. thats the only way to get it to work. See above. If I allow it to find its own it will always chose the wrong one. I can get internet with the way I am pluggin them in but not DNS this time.

It must be a router if you're using 192.168.0.x because you must be using network address translation. Hubs can't do that. The clients will all have to be a different IP, pointing to the router - they can't all use the same IP address, if I'm understanding what you're saying correctly.

If you're running Windows XP or 2k, try this:

Click Start, Run, type cmd

Type nslookup irc.automags.org

Then try nslookup irc.automags.org

See if they differ. I think they probably will.. if they do, it's a DNS problem. Call up your ISP and tell them that you can't resolve automags.org - it's very, very easy to fix. Now if it works OFF the router, then there is some problem with the dns inside the router. The easiest thing to do is, again, call your ISP and find out the DNS server IPs and put them in the router and try again. Punch it into each client too, if you're using static IPs - they won't pull the information automatically unless you use DHCP.

What I would do if I was you would be to reset your router to its defaults, punch in whatever information is required to make a connection and leave everything else to be obtained automatically. Then turn on private DHCP inside the router and set each client to obtain an IP/DNS info automatically. From what you're saying, it sounds like that would probably fix it.

10-01-2002, 09:02 AM
Nope it is a simple hub. However like I said it used to work with all the clients and the Gateway set to The first time I ever set up this home network it did. It then did this "scrambling" one time before and I could only get it back up running by assigning sequential IPs to it. It would not let me assign them all the same that time. And by trial and error I stumbled across that fact that it did work with sequential IP's For some strange reason it worked. So I was happy enough to leave it alone then and not question it. But this time it will only bring in Internet copnnection. Why I do not know. Why it worked with sequentials last time I do not know. I do not know. However because it was trouble free at the time I was not going to question it! This time it appears I will have too.

10-01-2002, 09:12 AM
Ok I did find this and it may be applicable I do not know...I do no think so as this has been up for a few months and mine was working and the client machine is still working but see if you see anything in here that may be related if you would. I do not fully understand the language here. This tcp2http stuff? it does state the work around only will work on the modem conected gateway and unless I can get my others to accept the same IP then It may be they are not routing through for this reason. SO the problem may be narrowed down to why is my gateway not allowing me to assign the same IP's to the clients. That may be the root of all my problems.

This applies to the 360 Network only:
Starband has blocked tcp2http from routing data through their HTTP Proxy servers. Actually something to understand here is that not only does this affect tcp2http, but any program that tries to route non-cern based http commands through the router, these programs include Socks2http and any program that has the option to connect through an HTTP server such as ICQ.

The work around for this in tcp2http is to go into the config screen and place a checkmark in the "Bypass proxy server" option. This will only work if the tcp2http copy you are using is located on the 360 connected computer.

Starband is stating that the HPA servers were not meant to handle anything other than HTTP traffic, thus the additional load that tcp2http is putting on these servers is having a negative impact on those who are merely trying to browse the Internet. Most of this additional load appears to be from those who are downloading large binaries from the newsgroups.

Starband has already implemented these changes, so this is a done deal. Remember you will still be able to use tcp2http by checking the "Bypass Proxy" in the config screen.

10-01-2002, 09:27 AM
Nope it is a simple hub. However like I said it used to work with all the clients and the Gateway set to The first time I ever set up this home network it did. It then did this "scrambling" one time before and I could only get it back up running by assigning sequential IPs to it. It would not let me assign them all the same that time. And by trial and error I stumbled across that fact that it did work with sequential IP's For some strange reason it worked. So I was happy enough to leave it alone then and not question it. But this time it will only bring in Internet copnnection. Why I do not know. Why it worked with sequentials last time I do not know. I do not know. However because it was trouble free at the time I was not going to question it! This time it appears I will have too.

Well, you must be doing something to share the Internet connection then - a plain hub with no proxy server or ICS software wouldn't let you get online with a 192.168.x.x address, as they are private network addresses and are not Internet routable. You'd have to have a proxy or something doing NAT for that to work.

If all the clients were set to the same IP address, it makes even less sense - how would any of them be able to talk to each other?

If you have a router doing NAT and you assign each client a different 192.168.x.x IP address, the outside world still sees them all from the same public IP address. The public IP address (let's call it for the sake of argument) would be assigned to the router. The router would then either assign 192.168.x.x to the clients via DHCP or you would assign them statically. Then, when a client with for example wanted to get online, any contact that client made with the Internet would come from, the IP of the router. The router would also have an internal IP of though.

Whatever you are using as your gateway is doing the NAT for you. A hub cannot have an IP address, and cannot be a gateway - it's just a piece of hardware used to connect multiple computers together.

10-01-2002, 09:51 AM
True the gateway is acting as the router...And is sharing but in this case stingie with that! :D

10-01-2002, 10:10 AM
So what I would do would be to go into your gateway, set the DNS server information to be obtained automatically, set the WAN IP address to be obtained automatically and set the router to assign private ips to your network via DHCP. Then set each client to automatically obtain a private IP and DNS server information. This should ensure you have the most up to date information.

If this still doesn't work.. try the nslookup thing I posted earlier.

10-01-2002, 10:32 AM
Ok will try that...in that order. Not sure I have not already as I am starting to forget all the things I tried.

The Starband guru's are telling me I must point them all to the same IP again but I am waiting for them to figure out why they will not take it and they recognize that its already assigned and will not allow it to be used. It may be a sequence out of order I am doing it in. But they agree that its ICS on the gateway and all the clients do need to be pointing to and at this point they are not and will not.

10-01-2002, 11:21 AM
All the clients need to point to as the gateway.. I have absolutely no idea why they would tell you to give them all the same IP address though, unless they are using some really, really bizarre proprietary piece of equipment. All clients have to have different IP addresses.. it's like a telephone number. If 10 people have the same phone number, who would you get when you called that number?

Let me know what happens, my interest is piqued ;)