View Full Version : upgrades

09-29-2002, 08:18 PM
need input on this. I currently have a 190 bucks to spend, my current delemah is this, i have a stock minimag w/ a core 11 stage expansion chamber running Co2. the things i've thought of doing is, should i wait a little bit and go w/ the flatline air system. think i should do a cheaper air, something like a crossfire and a barrel(think i'm pretty set on an all american) or should i go w/ an all american barrel w/ the level 10 bolt? any input would be helpful

09-29-2002, 08:22 PM
i would save a bit more and get an inteliframe and lvl 10. then you can rip. later on you will probably want a retro and hpa.

09-29-2002, 08:36 PM
All your choices have definite pluses, my answer would be to solve any pressing problems with your mag first. If you chop paint on a regular basis, I would recommend the Lvl 10 (it's my personal favorite upgrade). Though the AIR valve can function with CO2, HPA is the better air source all year round, I would recomend holding off on HPA (if you don't have any problems running with CO2 during the cold months) till you go for the Retro valve. A barrel is always a good upgrade for a marker, just ensure that you match you paint closely with the barrel, as an ill fitting paint to barrel match can cause barrel breaks to unstable velocities and lower gas efficiency. I know I might get into a argument with this but I like the Freak System, at least it works for me. As for the intelliframe, it's a great upgrade if you perfer the double trigger, not really necessary but definitely a user preference item. I hope I haven't created more questions, as I haven't really answered yours, hehe.

09-29-2002, 08:46 PM
so far you guys have been some what helpful, what i need though is advice on what to do now, w/ the money i have now, i'm pretty sure i know what i want to do down the road, down the road i'll have HPA(at some point or another flatline) retrovalve(x-mas time, so i would prefer to leave that upgrade out of this post, as it's already coming) level 10 bolt, intelliframe, barrle, either costum products and/or all american, intelli frame, and the possibility of warp feed, how ever, that's not what this is about, it's advice on the money i have now, and the upgrades i'm considering at the moment(sorry to kinda yell at you guys that have already posted replys, but this is just clear up future posts) but thanks again you guys are getting me thinking, which is what i need, and future help is welcome.

Mav D MagMan
09-29-2002, 08:53 PM
This is how I approach the upgrade dilemma with my markers:

In Order of Importance:
1.) Reliability-can you trust it? I figure level ten would fit in here, what good does shooting balls do if you effictively bork everything breaking paint (hoppers also fit in here)
2.) Barrel-what good does 15 billion balls a second do when you can't lay one on top of the other.
3.) Air-Source-consistency is the name of the game, you'll never get anywhere with drop off etc, this is where I put Air systems (*hpa*!) Expansion chambers, and regs
4.) ROF-trigger frames etc. You can shoot it straight and consistent, why not shoot a lot of it! (I frame/Retro)
5.) Cosmetics- You've got a sweet performing marker get it looking as good as it shoots! (Last but not least of course)

In your case I would either go with HPA and a barrel (consistency/accuracy) or Lvl 10/HPA (consistency/flexibility No breaks!) Personally I went with HPA then Lvl 10 (still have the stock barrel.


09-29-2002, 09:03 PM
Well, if the HPA and retro valve are on the way, then I recomend the Lvl 10 bolt (need I mention again that it's my favorite upgrade?) and either the Intelli frame (to further take advantage of the upcoming retro valve) or a barrel with a better paint to barrel match than your present one. Hope this was better advise than my last post, hehe.