View Full Version : *Official* Report from chile ....From THe Un Official AGD Embassador.....

09-30-2002, 08:46 AM
Hello Guys.

Whats Happenin? AS you all know, I am in chile For a year.. Well the tournament i have been blabbing about has come and gone, and it went off with out a hitch.

LEmme start off by saying, i will have the pictures up this week.

THe tournament. The tournament was run by Marcelo Del Pino and Frederico....um i feel really bad i forget his last name.. And was Put on by their company PTG(paintball tactical games) and their other business Paintball Depot.

Marcelo is a great friend, I met Him Through Jon at AGD, and he invited me to play on his team, what a great guy.

Well The tournament was the 3rd Grandslam in the South american Milennium Series.

Lets Begin with Day One. Thursday.. My host families Brother and I arrive To santiago after our 12 hour bus ride. We get there and Meet Marcelo, and we procede to drive through Santiago. We go to his business partners house Frederico and start to work on getting things in order. We clean up the garage, and start to pack for the Tourny. Then we spend the rest of the day working on impulses...ugh.....

After the impulse work, we decide ot head to the office and get some dinner...MArcelo asks me what USA food i really miss, and we order up pizza hut.. MAN was that good.. So after that, we go to Our PLAce where were staying, were staying with One of my Team MAtes Named Lalo. Great guy.

DAY 2. This day marcelo and i drove around getting bulk Co2 Tanks For the impulses, and a Scuba tank for me. We get everything set up, and go off to the field. MY other Team mates Manzana, Checho, Claudio, Frederico, and hernan are all there. THey have picked up the paint( severe Cyclone) and set up the field. Well, its time to practice.

We suit up and get ready to go, and marcelo asks me if i would mind playing with the B team, so that he could move a player up to make the A team Full 5, and have us play 4. Well, this inst am b, this is just the other team. THe competiotion level was Right at Am A, and i think with a little re working, there coulda been a pro team there. THats how good these guys are. Well, THe A guys that is.

I quickly learn that 2 of my 3 other teamates are not too good. SO this means that the tournament for me would baisically be 2 on 5.

Day 3 The tournament.

As i stated before, THe tournament for the B team, which i was trying to strengethen was really just 2 on 5. Needless to say, out of the 4 games (it was done round robin style with out finals or semis) we played, i found my self alone for a good 3 minutes before i was bunkered... Yes 3 bunkerings in one day, thatwasnt good for the ol ego..... Well it turns out, i was awarded the Animal Player award. This Award signifies that i was the one playing with the best form, and playing the best i could have. I was truely honored, but i tried to turn it down, i did not diserve it. Other people i felt played better than i did, i felt as if i played like crap. MY team (both) assured me it wasnt my fault, and that putting me with the beginners hurt both teams than it did good.

It finished out Sombra A (1st) sombra B(2nd) PTG A(3rd) ATR (4th) and my team, PTG B 5th.

After the tourny, every one sourrounded Me and My E-mag. They were totally stoked by it! they all loved level 10, and the e-mag its self. MArcelo told me he had a few people interested, so i turned her over to him to sell....Since i have my pre order comming soon on my extreme.....

WHO HERE READS FACE FULL?????? if you do, IN the Issue with the Tom Kaye interview, look for the article of where is paintball HEaded, there is a small blurb about chile and paintball, written by my friend MArcelo. PLEase all pay attention to this article.

I need to ask EVERYONE, including agd and AO that we need help. Chile needs paintball help. Let me tell you how bad. We need help with funding. Everyteam after the games, with the exception of me, scrambled out onto the field, to find un broken paint, so that they may shoot it in the next game. Now we all know how bad this is, but they need to do this to have enough to play.

Another team, who was quite competitive didnt have enough for motoroized hoppers for their rebels. Nor enough to buy pods. So they would tape spare hoppers to their belts.

The Average Chilean makes 1/5th of what the average american makes.

What chile needs is more MAGS. Sounds like a ploy right?? wrong. We need more Entry level players, we need more players period. We also need a good, cheep, yet quite effective marker, Which we all know is the mag. I realize no one can really help with this, but im just tellin you all whats up.

Chile is comming along quite fast. there is a brand new field opening up shortly, and PTG will have theirs up soon also. Ptg's is actually road side on a buissy street. Can you guess where the hyperball is going??? right allong the road. With propper netting of course. Um i guess thats all the rambling i have......Pictures will be up soon, i promise. If A mod would stickie this i would be quite pleased.

You will notice in the pictures there is no netting, everyone had gogles on, just so you all know and dont complain.

I will also have videos up too..

Oh i guess the other main point of this was....THE E-mag was great, it turned so many heads, especialy the hybrid mode. LX was awesme too, i drained the scuba tank with people putting their pingers in the breach.

if you have any questions feel free to ask

09-30-2002, 08:55 AM
That sounds like fun man. I met up with a buntch of kids from the middle east on a mission trip this summer, and they were awesome. They were smart, funny, and everything man. They were some awesome kids. I think they were on the more wealthy side though.

09-30-2002, 10:54 AM
swEEt! Sounds like you still had a good time, even though you put more work into this tourney than you ever have!

I'll sticky this thread as soon as you post pics to it.

09-30-2002, 11:12 AM
ok works for me Army! dropin the film off tonight at the developers, and pics will be up later tonight or tomorow

EDIT: also, when your all playing, watch out for any paintballs from korea. Sounds wierd i know, but they have one hell of a hard shell, and are quite hard to break. I tried pinching one between my thumb and fore finger and couldnt get it to pop, i thought it was a marble at first. LEts put it this way, the non fin stabalized perfect cirlce paintballs are more brittle than this paint. Im thinking it isnt astm certified or waht ever it was, we had it crack a lens, so were a little worried, were going to ask ATR (same guys who picked up paint at the end) to please switch paint brands

ANOTHER EDIT! I forgot to mention what my chrono readings were. 297, 298, 299, 298, 298, 298, 297, that is what i usually get, the next time i had 299, 299, 299, 300, 299, 298, needless to say, after hitting 300, i turned it down a lil til i was in the 293 zone

09-30-2002, 07:15 PM
guys photos are comming soon......., no one else has a comment?

09-30-2002, 07:28 PM
Sounds like fun Magman but I doubt there is much we can do to increase the average Chileans income.
Are there alot of stock class games?
How is the food?

09-30-2002, 07:49 PM
Well since you asked for more people to comment.....

That is great and it sounds like it was a fun tournament. Here is my thought, however, on them needing help. Do they really need it? Sounds like they were having fun playing with Rebels and taping hoppers onto themselves.

Maybe we can learn alot from your story. Here in the U.S. we're spoiled and have to have the really cool toys to make it fun. It has to be a Redz harness, it has to be electro, it has to be the retro valve, etc. Don't think I'm being preachy as I am describing myself as one of the spoiled ones (look at my signature). Anyway I think it is cool that they go with what they got and go for it.


09-30-2002, 07:49 PM
Lol, Im sure there are ways you can increase the chileans income! you know, send a few chceks here and there.....

Really, Chilean Paintball just needs alot of support. Im trying to figure out the best way to get it. Were really hoping in febuary, and Tom, this means you too,(but i will write a letter to the office lady's and ask them to foreward it to you,) We are hoping to have some of the Avalanche guys, or some of the Strange Guys come down and do a mini exhibition, Allong with Bill Gardiner (PTG is sponsored by smartparts) And we were really hoping you would come down also. The players here all understand english, and if you could ask a few of the yo guys and some of the lions to come with you, we would dearly appreciate it.

The Support of AGD and Smartparts, as well as high ranking teams, would draw even more people into the mix. I guess this is my informal invitation to you,(bring Jon too) The Lions, Pride, and so fourth, to please join us. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Even an Il see what i can do would be awesome.

The food here is great btw, and the liquor is good to boot! lol.

also, sadly, no one plays stock class, down here....

EDIT: Aaron, i understand what you mean. ATR is a competitive team, and they play well. I was just using an example of how they need to pick up their shot paint to play again as an example.

the people here cannot really afford to play that much. Olny the few and the proud. We understand it is quite an expensive game, but it is the game, we and many others like. let me put it this way.... A rebel package, with mask ets, costs 350 dollars here. thats american. now think, that is alot in american money for that marker isnt it? think about that being what you may make in a month. then it seems even more. Yes things here are cheep. I can buy a piece of gum for less than a penny. But the paintball equipment is all in american prices, add high taxes and exepnsive equipment ontop of that, and it adds up. Also a pod here can cost up to 11 dollars

09-30-2002, 09:25 PM
$350 for the Rebel Package!!!!! Sheesh. I see what you mean. Now I know that there are some in Chile who are really wealthy but for those that aren't.......it would break the bank.

Got to hand it to you if you are planning all you mentioned above you are very ambitious!!:D Best of luck.

EDIT: BTW back in her old high school days my wife was a chilean exchange student as well. Planning on going to Easter Island?:)

09-30-2002, 10:03 PM
Well, you see, MArcelo knows Rocky Cagnoni, so getting some Lanche guys shouldnt be that hard. And Bill Gardiner already wants to come down.

Yes i am planning on going to Easter island, where did your wife stay? im in Osorno

09-30-2002, 10:11 PM
She was in Santiago (years ago mind you). Probably has changed alot since then. Easter Island on the other hand probably hasn't changed that much. I think she flew to Easter Island and said it was pretty harrowing. She is glad she went there, however.:D

10-01-2002, 07:50 AM
you should talk to nelson or some other semi cheap paint brand about sposoring some tourneys in chily. and maybe when you go back bring a bunch of better priced gun packages and just guns. and other equipment. that will give them a boost.

10-01-2002, 08:26 AM

here ya go:)

10-01-2002, 12:44 PM
thats not the problem, were already using severe, and thats made in columbia, its the import taxes, te cheepesst we can sell one of those rebel packages of for 350

10-01-2002, 01:55 PM
you could just put the stuff in you luggage so that you dont get charged taxes.

10-01-2002, 04:59 PM
that would be smuggling if we did it in large quantities, i think i will pass