View Full Version : Which type of air system?

Spray Painter
09-30-2002, 06:42 PM
Which type of air syetem should i get and why?

09-30-2002, 08:28 PM
cause 91CI is freakn' HUGE!

Spray Painter
09-30-2002, 08:49 PM
how big is a 91ci compared to an 88ci. it's only a 3ci difference.

09-30-2002, 08:54 PM
whats the reputation of max-flo?

09-30-2002, 10:07 PM
OOO its all tied up:)

7 vs. 7

My moneys on the flatline.

Spray Painter
09-30-2002, 10:17 PM
will an 88ci tank cover fit on a 91ci tank?

09-30-2002, 10:59 PM
come on guys its only 3 c.i. differance thats like 45 shots

09-30-2002, 11:32 PM

but since there is an agd product and a non agd product, we all know who will win, i wouldnt choose based on any poll taken here, try em both out if you can, my max flow is very very nice, ive had many types of tanks and this is by FAR the best ive ever had

10-01-2002, 11:42 AM
What do you find to be superior about the Max-Flo, compared to the Flatline?

10-01-2002, 11:44 AM
From my experience, the Flatline is a good solid performer, consistant and good flowing.

The MaxFlow, however, is MORE consistant, and flows just as well.

I voted for the MaxFlow.

10-01-2002, 01:19 PM
I hate to say it, but I am voting for the 91cuin Flatline simply because I have it and have absolutely no experience with the Maxflo. Yes, a 88cu in stubby tank cover fits very nicely over a 91cu in, I have a Dye Rhino cover over mine.:D

Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 06:23 PM
has anyone had any problems with a max-flow 4500 or with a flatline 4500?

Jack & Coke
10-01-2002, 06:53 PM
91 ci ?!

Dang... you gonna play paintball with that or hook it up to a Wagner and paint the house?


10-01-2002, 07:04 PM
I have a max-flo 88ci on my matrix
its kinda heavy
i dunno, maybe its the gun
heres the only good side profile pic i have showing the size of it... (has eclipse drop on it too)

Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 07:17 PM
i just noticed how big an 88ci tank is. so a 91ci tank would be freakn'HUGE. i've usally played with 68ci tank and hadent been aware how big an 88ci tank was. i guess if i get the 91ci i'll have to invest in a huge drop/cradle like a dropzone. could someone post a pic of an 88ci and a 91ci tank next to each other?

10-01-2002, 07:18 PM
Performance wise I doubt there is much difference. I voted 91 because of the tank shape. The 88's are too long. The 91's are about the same length as a 68 but bigger around. I have to wonder why you want more that a 68. At 45k thats alot of shots. I have a 68/45 apoc 2k and have never run out of air in a game.


Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 07:25 PM
i mostly play "outlaw ball" at a friends speedball field and so i don't want to have to play a couple games, run to KAPP and get the tank filled, and then come back and play some more. if i went to "real" fields more often, then i would get a smaller tank. another reason i want the bigger tank is beacuse it's the same price as a 68ci.
Jack and Coke- mabey someday when my house needs to be painted i will hook it up to a wagner ;)

10-01-2002, 07:42 PM
i think you need to invest in a scuba tank :)

Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 07:58 PM
most scubas only fill to 3000psi for the first couple of fills and then only fill at 2500-2000 for the rest of the time. and if i got a 3000 psi tank i would want a flatline but they don't make those anymore.

10-01-2002, 08:01 PM
yes, but atleast you would have the 4500 tank for when you didnt play renagade...
trust me... running out of air with nothing to fill off of sucks... get your friends to help invest in one or two!

Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 08:23 PM
I see, to bad almost all the people i play with still use co2 and the people that run on nitro "don't have any money" for stuff like that:rolleyes: also when i get everything i need i will have no $$$$ to by that stuff myself. also Phil said that the 91ci tank is as long as a 68ci, just bigger around, Any one want to confirm this? does anyone have pics????

10-01-2002, 08:34 PM
Actually the picture of the 88cu in in DryIce's picture is of the 88 long bottle, I have an 88cu in long bottle on my Flatline 3000psi. The 91cu in bottle is closer in size to the 88 stubby, and compared to my 88cu in Flatline 3000psi, the 91cu in Flatline 4500 is lighter in comparison. I wish I had pics but I can't seem to download pictures from my digital camera for some reason, I'll keep trying.

Spray Painter
10-01-2002, 11:20 PM
Hey, DarkPhoenix- it would help alot if you got those pics up. i don't care how big the tank is i just don't want a huge tube sticking in my face the whole game. i also don't like holding my gun 2ft in front of me while i'm playing.

10-02-2002, 07:26 PM
I would have to go with the Max-Flow, it is by far the best system out there, it is the most consistent and regs at any pressure. I have a 68cu 45k and I use it on my Dark Angel at around 600psi. I built a cocker from all chosen parts and a raw vert body then had a one of a kind mill and paint job from a personal friend, professional work. Anyhow with what I have I run the tank right into the gun through a gas through grip at 200psi or less with no problem, all I have to do is put the low pressure spring in it. It is extremely consistent + or - 1 psi. When it comes to the size of an 88cu and a 91cu yes there is a difference in length and diameter the 91 being thicker and the 88 longer, but I have played with an 88cu before and had no problem keeping snug with the bunker.

10-02-2002, 08:15 PM
heres my 88ci maxflow(4500) and i absolutley love it!

Spray Painter
10-02-2002, 09:46 PM
FutureMagOwner- do you have any pics of you holding the gun while playing? i'm just wondering because the tank lookslike it's too far out for me, i like tight/small setups and i want the biggest tank i can.

10-02-2002, 09:52 PM
you can always put a drop on it


Spray Painter
10-02-2002, 09:59 PM
i knew that;) :p but with a 91ci tank i wouldn't need as big of a drop as with an 88ci. does anyone have pics of a max-flow with a huge drop on it

10-03-2002, 02:14 PM
well i suppose i can get pics of myself holding it with my cocker which is basically the same length. o and i like it that way because now i dont have my wrist bent all backwards and ***** atleast not as much as before :)

10-03-2002, 02:20 PM
I could be wrong, but I think my "91ci" flatline is the same exact size as my 88ci pure energy. I dont know why AGD calls it 91ci. I'll have to check the size written on the tank but I think its the same thing

10-03-2002, 02:47 PM
im not gonna vote cause i haven't owned either. but ive used a 68/3000 maxflow, and that thing rocks. super consistent. it is alitte bit on the heavy side(not much). i ordered one so hopefully i'll have some pics soon.

isn't the 91 tanks on the flatline aci's tanks?

10-03-2002, 05:25 PM
ground breaking coming here guys a picture of me fatman make note of it its ME!

Spray Painter
10-03-2002, 06:11 PM
i noticed that they used an ACI tank too and FutureMag- LOL you have some sweet piant skills;). thanks for posting the pic i think a long 88ci won't be a problem now.

Spray Painter
10-03-2002, 10:30 PM
AGD- is this true. did you put a 88ci tank on a flatline and call it a 91ci;) no really, is it true or is JEDI lying???

10-03-2002, 11:31 PM
yes triad is lying:)

aci does make a 91

go to their website and look



10-04-2002, 07:30 AM
I wasn't lying! I said my 2 tanks (88 pure energy & 91 flatline) look exactly the same. My dye cover fits them both exactly the same. I don't care what it says on the tank. They're exactly the same demensions. Man! people look for opinions, then when they get them they accuse people of lying.

Spray Painter
10-04-2002, 10:58 AM
ok, calm down. i was a joke. mabey you just have some wierd tanks:)

10-04-2002, 01:52 PM
i was playin man!


10-04-2002, 02:21 PM
accualy aparently its a stubby tank a long tank wouldnt be bad either

Spray Painter
10-04-2002, 05:59 PM
FutureMagOwner- do you mean your tank is an88ci stubby or what?

10-04-2002, 06:38 PM
yeah they tell me now that mine is a stubby i wanted a long but i luv it the way i gots it and that aint bad :)

Pile & A Half
10-06-2002, 08:24 PM
88ci 4500psi max-flo----All the way baby!! :)

10-06-2002, 08:56 PM
im in the process of switching the 45/45 tank on my blue maxflow into the 91/45 bulldog tank:)

its gonna be a huge system


Spray Painter
10-06-2002, 08:58 PM
do max-flows come with a drop? i'm woderind b/c it shows one in this pic:

-edit- hey cliffo, when you get it switched post a picture of the tank on your gun.

10-06-2002, 09:08 PM
i dont think they do come with it, altho actionvillage is dumb so who knows with them

ill post a pic, altho its gonna be a week or so


10-07-2002, 07:29 AM
i got mine from actionvillage recently and it didnt come with a drop

Spray Painter
10-07-2002, 06:33 PM
stupid actionvillage. thanks for telling me that so that if i get it from there i'll by a drop with it.

10-07-2002, 06:39 PM
i would highly suggest NOT buying from action village, but thats up to you


Spray Painter
10-07-2002, 06:43 PM
why do you have something against actionvillage? just wondering what i need to know before i accidentaly screw myself over by buying from them.

10-07-2002, 06:46 PM
myself and my friends have ordered from pbg in the past, and they have screwed up each order, they customer service is bad, and some of them just have no idea what they are talking about, but there are those here who will buy no where else, so who knows


10-07-2002, 06:51 PM
hmm there customer service isnt that bad i think. i had the wrong sized tank cover(fat tank long cover aparentley) i called em up and shipped it back and they called me but i was there so they explained exactly what happened and fixed the problem and the tank cover slipped on like a dream :)

10-07-2002, 06:53 PM
thats cool, i am just lettin people know that action village is not the best place to shop, thats all im sayin,


Spray Painter
10-07-2002, 06:53 PM
i see:eek: i'll be more carefull when i order from them...i mean if i order from them;). the reason i want to order from them is because there prices are cheap and i can get all the stuff i want from one place.

10-07-2002, 07:30 PM
well i know they tend to screw up but they are also one of the largest stores online so they are bound to screw up. i find that if you place the order by phone you are less prone to getting things messed up in the order for some reason

10-07-2002, 08:15 PM
geeeeze! after playing with my 45 ci 4500 psi tank for so long those things are giants!!!

I'm waitin for someone to get a 57 ci tank. As far as you go, i say max flow just because it's a little more consistant, that or whatever you can get cheaper, both tanks are great.

10-18-2002, 07:52 PM
for spray painter

best of both world, 91ci bulldog bottle, maxflow reg

Spray Painter
10-18-2002, 09:32 PM
hey Cliffo, thank you so much form posting a picture of the 91ci tank. when i get my new tank i'll probably get a 91ci.

10-19-2002, 12:40 AM
its nice, altho you cant get the 91 on a maxflow


02-14-2003, 01:27 AM
I don't like how big the maxflow tanks are. I find it irritating that there's this clunker thing down low... i'd rather have a smooth, streamlined reg like the Flatline..

...but I actually settled for a dynaflow :) (got a great deal :D)

02-14-2003, 02:10 AM
did you notice how old this thread is?

just wondering
