View Full Version : Strange E-mag/Lvl 10 problem

09-30-2002, 10:07 PM
My E-mag and level 10 bolt system are a great pair. My marker,however, has developed a bolt sticking problem. When the bolt sticks, I hear no venting of air behind it. In order to reset the valve I have to get a stick squeegee and press on the bolt face. I am using the longest spring in the bolt kit and the 1 carrier.

I also have a further question. I have a 91cu in 4500psi Flatline. I am slightly aware of the thermodynamic properties of compressed gasses. As a gas is compressed, it increases in temperature, and as it expands it decreases in temperature. I have recently had a strange experience with my tank. I started shooting my E-mag continously from a full tank, to not only check my E-mag for bolt stick but also to empty the tank. As I continued to fire, I noticed the valve on the tank started to have condensation and was also cold to the touch. At the rate of fire that I was going at on my E-mag (I was fanning the trigger almost the entire time, E-mag set to hybrid operation) and with the knowledge of the RT Valve operation, considering the relatively short time the gas was given to expand, the valve shouldn't have been experiencing such a marked cool down, right? I am a little confused and am wondering what my local paintball store has been using to fill my tank, as this result is simillar to that of a CO2 tank on a gun being fired rapidly.

09-30-2002, 10:32 PM
My E-mag and level 10 bolt system are a great pair. My marker,however, has developed a bolt sticking problem. When the bolt sticks, I hear no venting of air behind it. In order to reset the valve I have to get a stick squeegee and press on the bolt face. I am using the longest spring in the bolt kit and the 1 carrier. If your getting bolt stick, drop in a shim, that will give the bolt a little room to bleed the pressure.(I usually use 2 shims).

I also have a further question. I have a 91cu in 4500psi Flatline. I am slightly aware of the thermodynamic properties of compressed gasses. As a gas is compressed, it increases in temperature, and as it expands it decreases in temperature. I have recently had a strange experience with my tank. I started shooting my E-mag continously from a full tank, to not only check my E-mag for bolt stick but also to empty the tank. As I continued to fire, I noticed the valve on the tank started to have condensation and was also cold to the touch. At the rate of fire that I was going at on my E-mag (I was fanning the trigger almost the entire time, E-mag set to hybrid operation) and with the knowledge of the RT Valve operation, considering the relatively short time the gas was given to expand, the valve shouldn't have been experiencing such a marked cool down, right? I am a little confused and am wondering what my local paintball store has been using to fill my tank, as this result is simillar to that of a CO2 tank on a gun being fired rapidly. You've got it backwards. as it's compressed, it INCREASES in Temp. and as it expands, it DECREASES in Temp. What you went through is normal. That's why tanks are hot when they get filled. If you bleed it quick enough, condensation it normal. The RT valve heats up inside in rapid fire, that's why you have to take steps in chrono'ing, cause when it gets hotter, your shooting faster(FPS). Hope this helps.

09-30-2002, 10:37 PM
Thanks, Havoc, once again. I'll think I'll drop another shim in like you said. I think I did say that as a gas is compressed it increases in temperature, at least from my reading, but anyway the point is moot and it's nice to know that it is normal. I guess I wasn't noticing as much of a temperature change when I was using my 3000psi Flatline vs the 4500psi flatline, it's good to know though, hehe.

10-01-2002, 02:41 AM
I'm sorry, you were right, I read it wrong.:rolleyes: :)