View Full Version : Didn't wanna post this...but I'm getting ansy (Dont worry, not about Xtreme )

10-02-2002, 10:27 PM
Hey guys. I'm ansy and bored (nice combo eh?), and I've asked around to no avail, so I figured I'd put this up.

I was wondering if there was any word on the jerseys and stuff that were won at the online party 2 thursdays ago. Marley IM'ed me and said he recieved his warp. I was wondering if I'll get my jersey any time soon :) I can't go jerseyless, and i'll have something to wear when I watch the movie over and over again :)

Anyhoo, thanks for looking, mods if you have to get rid of this go ahead, I hate cluttering about personal issues as much as anyone else


10-03-2002, 10:12 AM
My roomate is wondering the same thing, he won a jersey too. He emailed Jon (i think it was) and he said to email some other guy, but still waiting on an email from him.

i'll let ya know if i hear anything


10-03-2002, 03:10 PM
Thanks Skoad. John said that the movie prizes were coming from AARON. I guess he is waiting til the movie gets released to ship the stuff :( *Sob*

10-04-2002, 03:40 PM
Shameless bump