View Full Version : duct taping the barrel plug

Sir Chopsalot
10-03-2002, 06:39 PM
whenever i get a barrel plug i always pull those o rings off of them because they are too hard to get in the barrel and just put duct tape on it. now the last time i went to the paintball field this guy tells me that its bad for the barrel, can someone shed some light on this?

Load SM5
10-03-2002, 06:55 PM
The worst thing I can think of is that it may leave dusct tape glue in your barrel and affect your accuracy. I'd recommend a good barrel bag instead anyway. Much safer anyway.

10-03-2002, 06:57 PM
i would just invest in a barrel condom/BBD. these are much safer IMO, and they are easier to take on and off. they are also cheap.

10-03-2002, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Sir Chopsalot
whenever i get a barrel plug i always pull those o rings off of them because they are too hard to get in the barrel ....

thats kinda the point of a barrel plug, so there is a snug fit incase there is a misfire....just get a barrel condom