View Full Version : anybody in hawaii?

10-04-2002, 04:27 AM
I'm just wondering if there any forum members from hawaii. I'm now a student at the university of hawaii on oahu.


10-04-2002, 05:46 AM
Sup Ritz,

Im also in the 808 State. Im glad Im not the only one on this forum thats stuck on this rock. Actually theres also Hawpunch, as I understand, hes from Hawaii but is mostly in Conneticut for his Law school. As for me, Im at HPU trying to get my Engineering degree off the ground.

What field do you play at? Nimitz? Bellows? I used to play at All Stars often but find myself at Bellows more often just for a change of scenary. I should be there this Sat for some practice for an upcoming tourney on Oct 27.

Let me know if you can make it or what not. PM me or Email me @ [email protected]. It be great if we can actually get a Hawaii AO group together.



10-04-2002, 07:46 AM
there is an AO member on Maui, his name on here is MauiPFB. I went to Maui last January and did some ballin'

10-04-2002, 09:06 AM
I"m not personally from there, but if i remember correctly TooDamnSweet is from hawaii.

10-04-2002, 09:31 AM
I also am in Hawaii, pretty much exclusive to All-star. I'd be the only E-mag or warp feed for that matter out there. Oh, except for the time I saw HawnPunch.

10-04-2002, 11:55 AM
hey hyper,

sorry i couldn't meet up with you at all star during the time i was down in hawaii. scheduling was a little tough and i had all kinds of things i needed to do :(. but, i'm about 80% sure that i'll be back during the winter...maybe we can meet up at all star during that time. hopefully brandon will open the place up during the week. what are you shooting now?

hey masterninja,

it was great to meet you! had a blast playing with you. just wish it wasn't so crowded on the field...but then again that's a good thing! its cool to see so many people interested in and playing paintball. how's the warp treating you? did you get a chance to move up to level 10? hopefully i'll be able to play with you again should i come down for winter break.

to all the other 808 ballers....keep balling and having fun! all stars is the place to play!


jae park

10-04-2002, 03:57 PM
Sup Hawn, good to see you on this board still. It was too bad we werent able to meet up, I really wanted to check out your SFL. I was recently thinking of getting one. Right now I shoot a Black Micro-E which I completely got for a steal. Works wonders with no probs whatsoever. If your gun catches my eye, I just might have to swap it from your gear bag when you aint looking. LOL JK.

MasterNinja. I used to play at Allstars exclusively. I liked the old bunker setups opposed to the new ones. I miss the sub bunker on the 50. My fav bunker on the Hyperball field. I also miss the JT bunkers in the middle of the Sup Air. The Mound field... errrr I dont think anyone like the mound. The way its arranged now on Hyper and Air, its tougher for front players (like me) to get to the 50 mark.

I was gonna play this Sat, but am now contemplating which field to play at. I havent been to Allstars in months (been real busy with school and work).

Do I hear a Hawaii AO meet coming. HawnP get your ticket now, so you can make it down here my Sat. LOL.


10-04-2002, 06:09 PM
I'm from hawaii too. im livin on kauai right now though. i didn't know there were so many hawaii aoers. Where were you guys at whos your daddy? there were only two mag toters, me and a guy from maui. hope to see you guys in the jan tournament.

10-04-2002, 06:19 PM
yea, i didn't expect this many replies.

hyper, I'm an engineering student as well, electrical that is. what year are you? I havn't played on oahu yet, so i don't know any of the fields. I did go topaintball central last friday, how are the other stores? It's difficult for me to get around because i don't have a car.

right now it kinda sucks, I own a piranha and it's still on maui. I'm planning on picking up a minimag soon, just started working agian. If my bike hadn't been stolen I would be able to afford it now.

whats this tourney your talking about? I want to come check it out.


10-04-2002, 07:19 PM

Its a small tourney at the Bellows field. Its called "Last Man Standing".

5 Man teams with alot of prizes so I hear. The kewl thing about it is that after you place first in the ranks, your entire team dukes it out in a free for all, "Last Man Standing" will get a Vengeance Autococker.


I wanted to check out last man, but work got in the way. Whens the next touney at All Stars? I will definitely want to compete.


10-04-2002, 11:30 PM
Hey Hawnpunch- Got my Lvl10 and it's working well. still need to tune it a little, but hey as long as I'm not chopping paint, I'm happy. Hope to see you and the rest of the AOers sometime soon.

Generally I go to All-stars on sundays. If I'm there I'll be under the tent hanging with team Ronin.

Next tourney coming up is the Matt Luber Memorial Tournament. No prizes, just honor and sportsmanship on the line. Should be fun!

02-07-2003, 10:17 PM
I bring this back up because I just sold my Emag to a real nice fellow in Hawaii. His name is Ken Lum. He has four boys (I think thats right? maybe five?) all in the ages of late teens to late 20's that play Paintball. He owns two RT's as well. I just got off the phone with him and he is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. He says he would be happy to hook some people up for play places there. He lives in Honolulu. I am trying to get him onto AO. He should be posting soon, I hope, but if you will PM me I will give you his Phone number.

02-07-2003, 10:26 PM
Id like to live there. Is there anything bad there? (Like bad stores, stuff like that)

02-11-2003, 02:02 AM

i was just in hawaii during the winter break for some play time. got some time in at allstar, but didn't see a lot of people. i'm trying to get my butt back to hawaii for summer break, but no guarantees yet. if i can get back there, it would be great if we can do a hawaii ao day. there won't be much of us, but i'm sure we can represent the board :).


i have the level 10 on my sfl. it was kickin...no breaks the whole time i was playing. i was going through a case everytime i went down. how's the warp treating you?


sorry i couldn't meet up with you. it would have been great to sit down and check out the micro-e. how's it treating you? got the level 10 yet? i'm sure we'll be able to meet up in the future sometime. there's always something about hawaii that draws you back :). and you'll probably have a hard time swapping guns with me...the sfl is pretty much attached to my hand LOL.


maybe we'll see you down in hawaii sometime.


come down sometime and hang out in hawaii with us. as to anything bad, we got the usual, but nothing extraordinary. you'll have to judge for yourself. if you're talking paintball, just the nicest people you'll meet on the fields and in the stores. its like ao live :).


jae park

02-11-2003, 05:37 AM
WORD UP to all you 808 ballers!!! I'm from Kauai... we got a field coming up over here. Nothing as close to being up to par with allstar(we're working on it) but atleast we dont have those big *$$ rocks on the field. It's all about the red dirt baby! Hope to see you all at the PMI tourney in MARCH

02-12-2003, 02:19 PM
just a note to all you 808 ballers who are perusing the boards of ao; jam has made us our very own signature. it's pretty good work.



jae park

02-12-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
I"m not personally from there, but if i remember correctly TooDamnSweet is from hawaii.

i think she moved to Cali... im not sure.

02-12-2003, 03:45 PM
hey hawpunch....

how is it the in cleveland hawii

02-12-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag

i think she moved to Cali... im not sure.
YEP! She sure did! ;)

02-12-2003, 03:58 PM

i'm not sure what you are asking, but i may have unintentionally confused you. i move in between cleveland, ohio and honolulu, hawaii (with hawaii being my home). its pretty damn cold in cleveland right now...we're having snow flurries right now :(. its times like these that i wish i was back in hawaii which should be around 75-85 degrees right now with sunny skies. well one day. btw, i heard about your beast...i hope it wasn't too big a mishap and you'll be able ton continue on your modifying ways. you have a pretty unique and cool looking marker. see ya later.


jae park

02-12-2003, 06:57 PM
well your location says cleveland OH but in your sig is the AOHI symbol:D

02-13-2003, 04:39 AM
how do i put that im my sig?

02-13-2003, 05:13 AM

right click on the image and bring up properties. copy the http address. then go to your user cp (at the top of page). go to edit profile and you'll see you're signature block. in your signature block put in the following html code [*img]http address[/*img]. do not put in the *. for the http address you can just paste it since you copied it before. if you have further problems, just write me a note. hope this helps.


you're right...i kind of wondered whether i should include that in my info as it might be misleading. i'm hoping one day to make that a permanent notation that i'm living in hawaii :).


jae park

02-13-2003, 06:35 AM
Sup Boyz.

I'm here at UH trying to get through civil eng.
I'm down in the Wainani apartments.
If we find more people we can get an AO day.

02-14-2003, 03:32 AM
thanks hawpunch!!!

Mahalo much guy. Lol had some minor technicals but it's all good now. can u tell i'm computer illiterate? hehe. Anyways are any of you Hawaii AOers going to the PMI tourney at Allstar?

02-14-2003, 04:16 AM
Would any of you cool Hawaiians happen to have any leads on Carters (particularly Ducks?). Don't reply to this post, just catch me on email, aim, or PM. I would REALLY appreciate it.

07-03-2003, 11:12 PM
Heh well looks like I'm five months too late for this thread... :D

07-03-2003, 11:48 PM
ya i was in hawaii once.

The girls to land ratio there is awesome. I cant remember any other place where every chick was so tan.


by the way does hawaii get boring after a while. and do you hook up with a lot of tourists.

07-03-2003, 11:53 PM
I date the locals, never really bothered with the tourists before...