View Full Version : air leaking out of back of gun

10-04-2002, 05:45 PM
there is air coming out of the back of my rt.how do you fix??

10-04-2002, 05:59 PM
try turning down your velocity or replacing your reg. seat o-ring

Mav D MagMan
10-04-2002, 06:05 PM
If your gun is leaking at what should be a normal operating pressure (what it would take to shoot a paintball at about 280 fps) and you are shooting as close to that as you can get...

Check the soft parts in your valve (piston o-ring etc) then go for the heavy hitter and replace your Piston assembly (check the online store, that's where you'll find them).

Also if you would like clarrification do a *search* for exactly what your thread topic is, or leaking from velocity adjuster etc there are dozens of threads on it (just in case you are wondering).

Although changing your reg seat is a good idea after opening your valve halves it will not fix *this* problem.


10-04-2002, 10:39 PM
ok, i replaced all the orings, bolt spring,everything that comes in the kit. it doesnt leak now,but if you shoot slow it shoots good, 1 sec between each shot. if you shoot fast about 3 shots then the just go about 15 foot.:confused:

10-04-2002, 11:04 PM
lol are you short stroking? try letting your finger off the trigger all the way then shoot.
just a guess

Mav D MagMan
10-05-2002, 12:03 AM
Well have you checked your velocity? I'm betting you have it too low and are starving the gun (to stop the leak)...

Chances are you'll have to crank it up some (and replace that piston).
