View Full Version : shortest possible mag

10-05-2002, 01:23 AM
ok boys and girls. im new to the whole automag thing. i have a tricked B2K, and im lookin towards a minimag. i love mags, and the new level 10 bolt didnt help me when i didnt have the money for a mag :(. but now.. OH BOY! now heres my question. ive seen pics of people with barrels (one looked like a dye stainless) where the front porting is sticking out, maybe 2 inches max. i want one.... bad. It seems, though, that if your barrel was taht short, you wouldnt have much distance. ive got a freak (dont complain, theres a lot to be said. i love mine, so there!) and id like to put it on my mag when i get it. im mainly gettin the mag for compactness. how short can i get the freak, maybe a lapco (im lookin into it)so that it will be pretty short, but not so short that i cant get an average distance on it? im wanting to shoot.. oh.. fifty feet maybe and have some control over where it goes without lobbing it. im thinking going with the 10 inch freak, but i dont know how long overall that would make the gun. i guess to sum it up is, how much of the barrel is inside the mag body before it comes out. for instance, if i mounted a 12" on it, how much would really be stickin out? thanks guys.. i tend to put my questions kinda... into retarded form, so thanks for reading this.. page. :D

Load SM5
10-05-2002, 09:09 AM
There's been some discussion of really small freak tips on this thread http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51813 I know the Spart Parts venturi barrel is pretty short, 6" I think. The Rt Pro/Emag stock barrels are fairly short and great with larger bore paints.

Also barrel length has little to no effect on accuracy. It's all about barrel to paint match.

10-05-2002, 12:41 PM
My mag used to be like the shortest and smallest one in the world ;)
yesss its all about the 4 inch barrel!

10-05-2002, 12:48 PM
why would you ever want a 4 inch barrel??

10-05-2002, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Coaster
why would you ever want a 4 inch barrel??
got it for free, plus you have no clue how easy it was to tuck into a bunker! I mean you were pressed right up to the thing!

Mav D MagMan
10-05-2002, 01:13 PM
Range- After 6-8 inches barrel length has no effect on the range of the gun, I do believe that's in Tom's Tech Tips.

Accuracy-After 6-8 inches barrel length has no effect on the accuracy of the gun, I do believe that's in Tom's Tech Tips.

Those first 6-8 inches make all the difference in a paintball gun, however adding length afterwards is only benneficial to noise signature and gas efficiency, that is if it's properly ported, but anything past 14" is overkill.

As for the small barrel idea, I love having that eight inch on my mag (you can get supertight and never worry about showing it too early), however (if it wouldn't sound like a handcannon and do funky loopty loops) I'd put a barrel the length of the one on the Stingray II (about 4 inches?) just to get the tightest set-up possible... tight=name of the speedball game these days.


10-05-2002, 05:10 PM
good! Im glad people are using 4 inch barrels, cause I was planning on getting Palmer to make me a custom 6inch barrel.....

10-05-2002, 06:21 PM
the dye stainless you saw was 10 inches and there not hard to come by. dye 10 inch boomstick will look the same, minimags are no shorter then automags but they make the barrel look much shorter.

10-05-2002, 06:57 PM
person is right... minimags are in fact longer then the automag..... they both go on the same rail where the automag body stop just after teh rail the mini goes on for a couple of more inches..... so if you were going to use a barrel shorter then 7.5" go with an automag body......

i run a 8.5" taso barrel on mine when i play indoor... and have used it outdoor... playing both woods and air fields and have not had any problems with range what so ever.... a marker chronoed to 290fps with one barrel and 290 with another barrel will shoot paint the same distance.... it all comes down to the paint to barrel match....

here is a pic of mine with the 8.5" barrel and 88ci tank it meassures at about 14-15"
and yes... the tank if i could move it up a little would be just as long from the tip of the barrel to the back of the valve
