View Full Version : Out of the Air America tanks which one is the best

Jason Reed
10-05-2002, 08:53 AM
I was thinking about buying an air america tank or making a trade and i was wondering which tank out of the AIR America company is the best. And are they better than the AGD flatlines tanks

10-05-2002, 08:58 AM
Why do you come on an AGD-run site and ask if AA tanks are better than AGD tanks. Of course we'll say AGD tanks are better, and for good reason. Because all of AGD's products are good. Plus, Flatline's are VERY nice tanks, I'd go with a Flatline.

Jason Reed
10-05-2002, 09:03 AM
well dude i am a long time agd fan and i love there products, practicly worship them, but i am broke and a Flatline is way to much money so, hmm, lets think, buy a tank that closely compares, smart decision huh. Also AO is the best place to come and ask advice because of the honest opinions, so can you give input on the tanks and not your opinion about my question.

And dude i am not trying to be rude but it seems like every time anyone post a question about a different product besides an AGD one, someone has to put it down or have a opinion that really doesn't need to be said.

10-05-2002, 09:13 AM
have always heard that crossfire regs and tanks were at the top of list for preset tanks. but then have read that a person has shot all diff. types of tanks and never had a problem with any or shoot downs. i have a bulldog running a emag and haven't had any problems, payed less than 100 bucks for.hope it helps.


10-05-2002, 09:36 AM
Well if memory serves me properly Air America is just down the road from AGD, and they've been known to do stuff together. I also remember hearing that the Raptor reg is very similar to the AGD's AIR reg. However, I"m not certian on any of the above.

I have a Raptor Rex tank on my emag, and I've never had any problems with it really. The most annoying thing about the raptor series is that they lack built in on/off switches. I use a slide check, so i'm ok, but it's still annoying.

10-05-2002, 09:37 AM
OK well since you asked about AA tanks I will point out that their located in the Chicago area kind of close to AGD. And I will say that their lifetime warranty is one of the best out there. There tanks have a real good rep and people like em. I have one of the older Apocolypse tanks which was one of the first 4500 psi regs out there. It terrably heavy but its a rock solid reg and very easy to fix and rebuild. The new Apocolypse II is a much lighter unit and same warranty. The Apocolypse series has a decent on off similar to the Flatline. AA is a good company with a good product.

10-05-2002, 04:34 PM
Jason, this site is run by AGD. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I support AGD whenever I can. I currently have a crossfire tank, but if I had the amount of money necessary to purchase a "higher-end" tank, I'd get a flatline. So, I will never recommend another product, because AGD treats me right, and I treat AGD the same way.

Jason Reed
10-05-2002, 04:45 PM
dude i love agd too, i will always support them but, i am poor and i can't afford a flatline, so i ask what the next best thing is.

10-05-2002, 05:03 PM
If you can afford an AA tank, you can afford a flatline. Unless you're like getting a used 4500 AA system, 4500 flatlines are NOT sold really. Too new for that, and too dang good.

10-05-2002, 05:39 PM
the 4500 flatlines are 379 i think from pbgear and the apoc is right up there with it.

Jason Reed
10-06-2002, 10:09 AM
yes it is used it was a trade but it fell through so i am debating what to do

10-06-2002, 12:36 PM
I use an Apoc 2k 68/45 on my E-Mag. I won't use anything but air america. I have had zero problems from my tanks. They are completely consistant with no decrease in performance at high rates of fire.


10-07-2002, 08:31 AM

I have used a 2k 68/45 apocalypse and have had zero problems with it. it is a little on the heavy side but the new aluminum valves should take care of some of the weight. I have a few friends who have armageddons and they work well too. the armageddon is supposed to have a faster flow rate, but I can't tell the difference and I have never outshot my apocalypse. (I have shot over 800rds in a 7 minute game and the apocalypse had no problem keeping up.) I have not had the opportunity to use a flatline so I cannot give you advice on it.

on a side note: I fully support AGD and currently own a mag, have a C&C extreme on pre order, and completly trust AGD. If I didn't already have the apocalypse i would be looking into getting a flatline. I also support people who support the products they like, and I like to hear what people say about what they like. However, when you flame on someone because they ask about another product in this forum, that's not only childish, and immature, but lowers the weight of your opinion. Instead of saying something like "Why would you ask that here where everyone only likes mags" why not say "I may be biased but I like XXXX" (or Pie) people will take your opinion more seriously and you won't get people writing long winded replies like this one.

Just my 2 cents!

10-07-2002, 08:44 AM
You won't go wrong with either a Flatline or a Apocalypse II. Those two are comparable to each other.

Duke Henry
10-07-2002, 10:17 AM
I run an 88/4500 Apoc 2k. I absolutely love the tank. Has run well from day 1 of acquiring it. Funny this is that it was cheapest to order direct from AA. At least, at the time that I ordered it.