View Full Version : Quick! Whats the difference RT/RTPro

10-05-2002, 04:10 PM
Whats the difference. do they both have retro valves?
Any picks.

10-05-2002, 04:12 PM

10-05-2002, 04:21 PM
The RT was the first gun to have the RT Valve. The valve on that one is a little different than the Standart RT valve now in production. Also the body style is different. The RT-Pro is the one in current production with the same RT valve in the E-Mag and the standard production ones.

Old school RT

Newer RT Pro

10-31-2002, 06:14 PM
um.. this might be a little of topic.. but I have seen a mag with X-mag in the back half of the valve.. what the heck is that? I thought that AGD only made classic and the RT valves or am I just a big noob?...

10-31-2002, 06:48 PM
sounds like the valve from the new Xtreme.

edit: btw, pretty sure its the same specs tho if not entirely the same materials.

10-31-2002, 07:44 PM
I can't comment about your size...

The XMag Valves are the same as an EMag valve, except the front of the valve is aluminum vs Stainless Steel on the Emag valve. In function they are the same, one just weighs less.

There are 3 basic valve types:

The A.I.R. (Advanced Intergrated Regulator) valve is the all stainless valve that you see on any classic mags/minimags that have not been upgraded with a ReTro Valve. This valve has an externally threaded velosity adjuster. The air/co2 is fed through a hole on the side of the valve (usually on the right side).

The RT-Classic valve was only used on the original RTs. The air is fed through a special field strip screw called a banjo bolt. There is no side hole in this valve. The body is also a slightly different shape to fint inro the RT-Classic main body, which is also a lil different. You can see in the above picture the back of the body is angled. You can not use co2 on this valve. The RT in the name refers to Reactive Trigger (IIRC). The RT effect is based on the input pressure.

The ReTro/RT-Pro/Emag/XMag valves are functionally the same as an RT-Classic valve. These valves all have the side input hole like the A.I.R. valve.