View Full Version : Big Game @ Sams Today

10-05-2002, 06:35 PM
So who else was there? I saw some other people put up their hand when Tom asked who was there from AO, but I didn't get to see anyone (except the purple extreme guy, of course!)

It was pretty much a blast - anyone got any cool stories to share? I've got a pretty fun one, but I'm too beat to type it up right now :)

10-05-2002, 06:58 PM
I was there. Man was it a blast!! I can't wait for tomorrow.
I was on the Blue Team, too bad we lost the last big game and the nic fight.

10-06-2002, 12:01 AM
Me and a team mate were at the game on the blue team. I hope some pics from the game get posted. There were cameras on us all day :) I also picked up a LVL 10 kit for my RT from Aerostar Paintball :p

10-06-2002, 01:39 AM
Actually, I was there. I was the guy with the "handycam" camcorder.

Damage, I think I recorded a nice short bit of you showing off one of your hits (while hamming it up) on camera. I think I have another short clip of you ripping off a string on your cocker.

I also got a few shots of the guy who won the Shatner-mag. I unfortunately missed Tom playing with his blue C&C Extreme on Nicaragua though. (I was literally pinned to the ground near one of the forts, due to the volume of fire flying over my head while filming)

Beyond that I took a few still shots, that I have to look at. I'm already having them developed, but won't get them back for a bit.

Hexis (another AO guy) was there with a camera too. He took ALOT more stills than I did.

10-06-2002, 02:55 AM
I was there!! a tremendous event to say the least. I got to meet the individual who won the auction on the shatner purple extreme and get a chance to hold it (very light) as well as find out what the special serial number stood for. Ignorant on trekkie info.
Met Mr. Kaye briefly, just shook his hand in passing. Influenced a few people to buy level 10's on the spot, their only complaint that there was no instructions.
I was on the white team; personally i thought we got our butts handed to us.
Excellent day overall!!

10-06-2002, 07:02 AM
Well, now it's the next morning I'll type up what happened to me in the last big game - it has an, unfortunately, rather ironic ending but I think we won anyway.

At the start of the game we had a codeword to identify each other to cut down on friendly fire: if someone shouted 'Atom' you had to respond with 'Bomb' or get blasted. At the start of the game, about 90% of our team headed straight onto the barrel field to get into a huge gunfight - 8 or 9 of us went to the right and sat behind the edge of the field, waiting for blues to trickle out. Well, a few came out and we picked them off - then, I guess they found out where we were.

I just heard whites screaming FALL BACK! as we ran up the embankment and dived into the ravine behind. Screaming blue hordes were coming up the path and raining paint down on us. Whites were lined up the edge of the ravine (I heard someone mutter something about Custer..) taking shots at blue, but they slowly all got taken out. Eventually, me and 2 other guys ran up the back of the ravine and jumped into a nearby barrel fort. In pretty short order they both got taken out, leaving me alone. I ran back and got behind a barrel, and saw a couple of blues advancing on me. I took one out and the other disappeared.

I sat behind the barrel for about 30 seconds, hearing blues in front, to my left, to my right 'What color are you? Blue! Blue! Blue' was all I heard, so I figured I was pretty dead. Then another white came up the ravine and moved towards me. Just as I began to yell to him to get behind some cover, he got shot in the leg. After I stuck my head out to try and kill his attacker, I couldn't see any blues around. Well, I sat there for another 30 seconds, peeking between the barrels and saw him appear. We got in a firefight for a minute or so, but there were too many trees in the way. Then it was silent. Figuring he was trying to flank me, I took a risk and stood up. I ran as fast as I could back down to a barrel fort behind the one I was in, and sat there for a while. I saw a couple of blues moving through the trees, but decided to leave them alone, as there was too much brush in the way and I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

I stalked through the forest for a little while, without seeing anyone, so I decided to move onto the blue side of the barrel field. Coming off, I saw two guys with their backs to me. I sneaked up on them and said 'Atom'. They responded with 'Bomb.' Thinking it was good to find a couple of whites, paint started to FLY in. Somehow, I managed to make it into the brush without getting hit. I think the other two got taken out, or ran away, as I lost them. I then saw three blues coming towards my position, so I slowly moved through the brush and waited for them to pass. As I was about to stand up and shoot them, paint again began to fly in from every direction, some missing me by literally inches. Thinking I'd been spotted I crawled & ran into another brush position and sat there.

As I sat, waiting to make a move, having NO idea how many blues were out there, I heard tons of people moving through the brush around me. Assuming they were looking for me, I sat still for about 5 minutes as they trampled through the brush around me. Even though they passed within 15 feet of me, I managed to stay hidden. Then the noise faded away. I sat still for another couple of minutes, just in case they had simply stopped moving, then decided to move out. I followed the path they had made, and saw about 4 blues ahead of me. Then, over the hill came a group of 30-40 people. Now, at this stage, I had no idea what color they were. I heard them shout ATOM but heard responses of BOMB. Now, at this point, I thought blue might be onto us and it could be a trap, so I ducked down, and just as I did, paint began to fly. The two groups were fighting! I didn't know if it was blue on blue or white on blue, but I saw blues scattering. I shot at a few, but again, lying in brush just contributed to the days splatter :)

Then, the group of 30-40 guys shouted I SEE A VISOR SHINING! Hoping they weren't talking about me, they shouted 'SHOOT AT IT AND ADVANCE!' Paint from 30+ guns began to come in on me, so I stood up and probably ran faster than I ever have - I'm pretty sure I beat the 100m record :)

Amazingly, again, I didn't take a hit - either luck was smiling at me, or they all really suck ;)

As I jumped in a ditch and readied my trusty mag to open up on them as they came out of the woods, I saw they were all white. They yelled at me 'sorry' as I replied with 'you guys suck!'

We all joined up and I saw they had the blue flag, so we began to head back to the base. Nobody was really watching out for blue, so I kept saying 'be careful, keep your eyes open, watch your back.' I don't think anyone paid much attention, so I was checking out the bushes and trees as we moved. All seemed pretty quiet so we began talking, as I began telling the story of what had happened to me in this game to someone. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. 'Rambo, get off the field.'

The unbelievable had happened - a blue had got into our group, and as I looked behind me, I saw about 8 of us had already been ramboed. For those of you that didn't play, Sams has a 'rambo' rule - if you touch someone, they are out. The guy kept moving up and moved to rambo a couple more - then one of the guys behind me started yelling 'I'm dead, I'm out, dead man walking' to alert the others. Not really my style, as I thought the blue guy was pretty cool (although still a jerk for getting us all ;) ) but most of the whites STILL didn't turn around! Then, as he ramboed another guy, the guy turned and shot him. Not sure who was out first, but the blue still walked off the field.

Well, I think we still won, but although I survived the massacre of my team in the ravine and being shot at by almost 40 of my own team, I ended up getting ramboed ;)

Only thing that kinda spoiled the day a little for me was that I saw a LOT of wiping going on and there just weren't enough refs around to catch it all. No offense to the refs - they would've needed SO many refs to keep an eye on everyone that it would've been ridiculous, but it was pretty aggravating - multiple times (especially on Nic) I saw my paint hit people, and they'd duck down, and come back up fighting 5 seconds later.

10-06-2002, 07:51 AM
Oh, I heard there were two guys from Wales there too - I tried to track them down but couldn't find them. I lived in Wales for 15 years - do you guys post here? Dwi'n siarad cymraeg :)

10-06-2002, 03:26 PM
C'mon, I saw other people put their hands up in the crowd... someone else had to be there :p Maybe you are all out playing again today - I wish I could've gone back for the 2nd day, but had to pack - moving on Friday :(

10-06-2002, 09:37 PM
I was there too, I had a lot of fun despite the fact that I didn't get to play. I was the Ref with the digital camera down in Nic all weekend. If you want to see the pics check out this site.



10-07-2002, 12:21 AM
The purple extreme's owner is Kendrick See. That would be me. I only played Sat. and only got in the 2nd and last Nic. games. I missed the first game because I was helping somebody break into his van (the red one in the lot that kept sounding it's alarm). These guys must have had the worst luck. They get rear ended before coming to the field and get their keys locked in after orientation. They were trying to pop the back window latch with a borrowed tire iron. The lucky thing that did happen was that the crash dented the fender and both doors so messing them up didn't matter. They were ready to break the glass when I told them it might be easier and cheaper to pop the lock. It turns out that these newer vans are harder to break the lock and that didn't work but I also saw that it was attached by a thick plastic panel so we started prying that. Once we saw the mechanism one of them broke the lock from the rod, I pushed the rod up, saw the lock go up and we were in.

At the end of the day they were some of the last to leave and the battery died! Luckly I had jumper cables and one of them was standing in the water with rubber boots hooking their battery up. Lucky for that because I didn't have my tow rope.

I was on the Blue team so the second game we started by the lake. I followed Tyger, Nerobro, and the Brits (Alien and the other I'm afraid I don't remember) to the right to the double ridges. White was dug in and held about 30 of us back for 15-20 min. while we worked our way to the barrel fort at the end of the ridges.

From there our group split and I ended up with about a dozen. We made our way to the tall grass leading to the White hospital. The fort was in sight and it looked like only 3-4 in the fort. My guess was that most of the defenders were in the far woods covering the road. That was confirmed when we got made our way to the base of the hill and could hear our Blue left flank engaging. Our right flank took the right woods so I spool hopped to mid hill. I started calling out numbers and locations of fort defenders. I saw 3 but figured there were only double that and I had mabye 10 behind me and another dozen on the right. It seemed like a good time to die so I yelled GO, GO, GO, ran to the top, popped the downstairs guy pointing to the rear (I guess our guys were back there) and everyone just hammered the fort while a few charged in and cleared out the bottom and top. About 2/3rds the group (of about 40 when the flag came down) when with the flag. That left about a dozen of us to defend. We were chatting for a couple of mins. and we could see a few more Blue wander in through the grass. I yelled around to see if the right flank covered the hospital and nobody responded. I went down with a medic (Asimov was his nick. and he was shooting a PGP and had a tube belt) and another. While we were going down we see movement in the field wondering if it was White from the hospital or coming back with the flag. As we closed we saw it he was a dead Blue but he seemed to be coming from an odd direction. We then saw another and since we didn't hear any shots we knew there had to be at least 1 person doing Rambos. We were trying to check the hospital to see if they were coming from there when someone started shooting. We were at least 15 ft. apart from each other but since it was a surprise we all went diving. Asimov and I were still trying to find the guy when our third man made it to a bunker and engaged. The White stood up to get a better angle on the bunker and I was at the White's 9 o'clock. He kept shooting at the bunker and I laid a string at him from about 40 ft. At the end we sorted it all out. The Blue guy behind the bunker got hit on the front of the hopper, I hit the White with 3 and the White hit Asimov in the opening volley between the cheeks. Not knowing how many White were left I retreated to the fort and yelled to get into defensive positions. We waited for another couple of minutes before the game ended. I'm still not sure if we won or the time ran out.

Tom's giving the Brits a factory tour Monday. They are fun guys to play with. They don't read here yet. They brought their Angels over but that may change their minds about Mags after the tour. Nerobro knows them but I've sent an email to Rob 'Tyger' Rubin so they can read this thread. If you got one of the mags that was given away, he wrote that article about Sam's.

10-07-2002, 06:35 AM
Cool - I've spoken to you at Sams a couple of times, just didn't know your name ;) Sorry!

I didn't go on Sunday either, but I wish I had been able to.

10-07-2002, 07:42 PM
pictures are up at www.paintballsams.com for those of you that care :P click on pictures then harrys website.

10-07-2002, 09:16 PM
Or you can click the link I provided above , which will take you right to them.


10-07-2002, 09:44 PM
Oh yes, so you did.. whoops :)

10-07-2002, 09:58 PM
Anyone else take part in the doughnut orgy with Tom on Saturday???

10-08-2002, 12:43 AM
Funny that nobody remembered to take pics of the orgy.

10-09-2002, 04:33 PM
Hi Shirow

I'm the Welshman that was at the big game:D (i'd reply in Welsh but i'm a little rusty at it). I just joined up on here to reply to you and to say a big thanks to all that were at the game, you made us feel real welcome (then you shot at us:D :cool: )

And Big thanks to Tom Kaye for a superb tour of AGD. It was one of the highlights of the trip over here.

I better get a mag now;) to join the other markers in my collection, but i dont think i'll be changing my timmy just yet (only just put loads of shiny bits on it)

and i will be back in May for the next game at sams.

10-09-2002, 07:39 PM
Hey, cool! Whereabouts in Wales are you from? I lived in Pennal for about 14 years (near Machynlleth, which is near Aberystwyth...)

Yeah, I'm hoping I'll get to go check out the AGD facilities one day - what's a guy gotta do to get in there??

10-10-2002, 08:31 AM
its a small world.

I'm from Aberystwyth. Lived there all my life, how come you ended up over here?

Just ask Tom nicely i'm sure he would be willing to show you round if he's not to busy.


10-10-2002, 08:55 AM
Wow, really? We'll have to meet up for a little while next time you come over.

Just got up one day and flew over to the US and never left :) Long story, really. Well, in a way.. that was the short version ;)

Yeah, I guess I'll have to go bug him about it one day ;)

Warped Designs
10-10-2002, 09:27 AM
Satuday the team to be on is blue (always has been) because that is were most of the experienced (that know the field) go no. (I was not there Saturday, had to work).

Sunday is normally a better balance.

Alien on sunday you were on white and parked down the row from me.
We talked next to the van about old school pumps and tyger let me hold what I beleive was a pgp converted to semi.
If I remember right the last game at nic you both switched to those old sherridan pumps with the wooden stocks (can not think of the name for them right now). :confused:

It was a pleasure to play with you, will you be coming back for the next big game?

Warped Designs
10-10-2002, 09:41 AM
Satuday the team to be on is blue (always has been) because that is were most of the experienced (that know the field) go no. (I was not there Saturday, had to work).

Sunday is normally a better balance.

Alien on sunday you were on white and parked down the row from me.
We talked next to the van about old school pumps and tyger let me hold what I beleive was a pgp converted to semi.
If I remember right the last game at nic you both switched to those old sherridan pumps with the wooden stocks (can not think of the name for them right now). :confused:

It was a pleasure to play with you, will you be coming back for the next big game?

10-10-2002, 01:35 PM
Yeah, I didn't know about the whole blue vs white thing, even though I play at Sams most week, and got thrown on white. We did pretty good in the last game.. that was about it ;)

10-10-2002, 02:29 PM
That was me with the wooden stocked KP2. What a marker, forget spray and pray, try pump and run:D

The whites rocked on that last game in nic, only got shot once:eek:

I will be back over in May, hopefully with some more lunatics from Wales (and a few english players).

Was fun playing proper rec instead of walk-ons.


Warped Designs
10-10-2002, 10:48 PM
Hopefully my mag will be working properly (and the rest of my team shows up, 2 were still drunk form the night before).
Bring anyone that is willing to come, the more the merrier.
Will you be staying in milwaukee? (as in over night in the city like at a hotel)

10-10-2002, 11:27 PM
Not unless he gets arrested. :D

10-11-2002, 01:26 AM
I have some pics up here:

<A HREF="http://www.hxxl.com/modules.php?set_albumName=album10&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php" target="_blank">Hexis' Paintball Pics</A>

Those are a few of Harry's pics (with my friends in em) and a couple digital ones I took. I have 4 rolls I need to get deveoped and scanned. I'll post when I get those done.

10-11-2002, 07:37 AM
Damn, the thumbnail of that welt.. I thought it was a chest shot of someones nipple. Ouch!

10-11-2002, 12:03 PM
Okay, I finally got the stills taken care of... been rather busy with trying to make sure that I "gradumatate" from college this semester.

1 in particular didn't turn out: It was Tom giving away a Rebel to some guy on Saturday.

I won't post all the stills I have, but if you want to see all of them go here (http://www.sigphieta.org/~jeremy/paintball/Fall2k2_Sams_Big_Game/index.htm)

The important one's of AO people I know who were there I'll post in this thread.

Here are some of the Damage Inc. guys:


10-11-2002, 12:04 PM
One of Hexis on Nicaragua (the last game on Sat):


10-11-2002, 12:05 PM
And the last still pic (I took a good bit of camcorder footage that I'm still working on) I have of SeeK with the purple Shatnermag. This would be on the far north side of the field:


10-11-2002, 09:28 PM
did not recognize a single person from the pics i seen, except the purple extreme. I was there toting this bad boy

11-01-2002, 02:19 PM
I finally got all my pics together, I have links here:
