View Full Version : MiniMag Pff Pop Pff Pop out of the back problem

10-06-2002, 04:24 PM
Hey. I (tried) to go paintballing todaym, but thats a long story. anyway, when i took my nitro and aired up my mini it went like Pff Pop out of the back of the gun. I was outside the whole time so i didnt try anything, but what could be the proble? air leaks like crazy of of the place where u put ur allen to adj. the velocity. help?

10-06-2002, 05:07 PM
Means your velocity is cranked too high. Do you have level 10? I had to put the short spring in mine to stop it doing that.

If you don't have level 10.... not sure :)

10-06-2002, 08:26 PM
yes your velocity may be too high, but you may also have a bad o-ring on your reg piston. turn your velocity way down then gas up you gun and turn the velocity up until the gun presureizes, if it's still leaking, replace your piston o-ring.