View Full Version : AGD products Rock!

10-06-2002, 06:31 PM
Well...Today, my Son Rob and I went down to Top Gun Paintball. This was our first time playing since the AO meet at PBX Battlegrounds. I installed a level 10 in his retromag to start the day. Installation went flawless.
He is now so happy, as he didn't chop a ball all day, same with me. We were shooting 1 year old PMI premium withthe Advantage shell. A small note to warp users...the Warp Feed DOES NOT HAVE TO SLIP PAST THE BALLS TO WORK PERFECTLY! His Warped Retromag and my Emag were rippin' SOOOOOOO bad all day! We tore that place up! There was ALOT of Mag talk, and quite a few gawkers. We both got pulled for full auto, only to be given back our markers and allowed to play. I have NEVER shot markers so reliable and fast as these. I KNOW we have convinced ALOT of die-hard ocker and Angel fans that this company(AGD) is not fooling around. What a dream come true, to not have to carry a squeegee anymore! Tom...if you read this, Definetely expect MORE sales due to people converting from the "other side". I love it each time I prove to myself and others, that AGD is the best company in the world, and also make the finest markers on the market. LONG LIVE AGD! :D ;) :D ;)

Oh...and by the way TK...I happened to notice that there was not 1 AGD product in the store...at least where you could see it. I commented on that, to both Glenn and Ray. The answer I got was "we dont see many mag users anymore". I believe this is their loss, in a BIG way.

10-06-2002, 06:36 PM
Amen Brother Amen! My kid has had the other twin TunaEmagnum and the Micro E out at the fields both days this weekend and no ball breaks on either one of em all weekend. None! And the one kid borrowing the Emag is a convert. He never shot so clean and well ever.

10-06-2002, 06:38 PM
am i the only one on this forum who has a problem every time i use my mag... regular mags are pretty nice(i have one), but they arent that great until u put lots of money into them(lx, retro ect ect), and i dont have any money at all.. until my b day or christmas. so far i have been disapointed with my mag.

p.s. im not flaming, so please dont flame me.

10-06-2002, 06:40 PM
did you buy your mag used or try to mod it? cause my mags perfect and its mostly stock xcept for LX wich i dont really need cause i never choped. and my mag rocked befor that too.:D

10-06-2002, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
am i the only one on this forum who has a problem every time i use my mag... regular mags are pretty nice(i have one), but they arent that great until u put lots of money into them(lx, retro ect ect), and i dont have any money at all.. until my b day or christmas. so far i have been disapointed with my mag.

p.s. im not flaming, so please dont flame me.
Dude...this is your lucky day! Please send me your mag, and I will INSURE that it may never chop a ball ever again. You may have some small issues theat need to be addressed. I will take care of that for you. NOONE should be unhappy with the way their mag performs. Something is wrong.

10-06-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman

NOONE should be unhappy with the way their mag performs. Something is wrong. nothing is wrong, its just that it seams that in the middle of an important game my gun craps out and i have to replace an oring, pesky little problems like that.. or my mag chops so much that balls wont even feed into the breech, b\c it is filled with paint and shell. as i have stated, i dont get money unless it is b-day or christmas.

Originally posted by HoppysMag
did you buy your mag used or try to mod it? cause my mags perfect and its mostly stock xcept for LX wich i dont really need cause i never choped. and my mag rocked befor that too.:D
no mods, bought it brand spankin new... you have lx.. lx=no chopping.. lx also=toooo much money(for a pooor 14 year old anyway)

10-06-2002, 07:15 PM
Start cutting lawns or bagging food, that's what I had to do for the past couple years to get money for my mag stuff. (I'm only 15) My mom and dad stoped paying for my paintball stuff since it got too expensive.

10-06-2002, 07:23 PM
ive applied to 3 jobs and got turned down from all 3, they told me im not old enough. i do not have a yard, i live in an apartment.. therfore i do not have a lawnmower.

10-06-2002, 07:41 PM
kiss butt to your local field owner... try to get a refing job. and its a plus if your field has a store cause mabey you can get discounts.

10-06-2002, 07:45 PM
nearest field is 16 miles from home, nearest proshop doesnt hire unless your 18 b\c they are all like nra guys and stuff.. its more geared towards real guns.. scary.

10-06-2002, 08:10 PM
wow!!!! your extremely lucky to have a field only 16 miles away from you... Its a good 45 to 50 minute drive that has to be made each time I go out to the field, the local store is the same time frame away from me also..

In all due respect, there are other people out there in the same situation as you, you cant just complain, suck it up and try harder to get a job, or wait untill your birthday or something.. no flame, just that I am in the same situation. (no job, very far away from local field, and no car yet) one of these days it will be better.

10-06-2002, 08:15 PM
if your o-rings are crapping out, you are not using the right o-rings. AGD o-rings are very durable and should not need replacing very often....

10-06-2002, 08:49 PM
are you using co2? or nitro? if you are using co2, are you atleast using and anti siphon tube? how about an expansion chamber?? what parameters are you using? that may be your problem of the o rings needeing replacing

10-06-2002, 08:50 PM
I love my 'mag too Tunaman (you DID build it, and it RIPS). It's so great, doesn't chop, I can totally rip on it, and it's nice and light. Plus, it looks absolutely amazing. And AGD RULES!!!! Thanks Tom, without you I'd have a leaky gun every time I gassed up. Not this 'mag. Each time I guess up I'm waiting for a leak (stupid 'cocker problems). But, I'm always disappointed and the gun just works and shoots great. So, thanks.

10-06-2002, 08:54 PM
i love my mag too! Yep, it's soo nice. I still thank tunaman till this day!

10-06-2002, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
...nothing is wrong...

Well! that is contradictory! There is something wrong wit it indeed. What you describe is not normal. Why don't you let someone help you. Takes less energy to do that then to come on here and say it's always messing up. And then do nothing about it. Take Tuna up on his offer kid. Or quit your belly aching about it. If its doing what you say its abnormal. It needs a complete check up. It can be fixed. I know that for a fact.

10-07-2002, 03:13 AM
You don't HAVE to spend a load of money on a Mag. I've had mine from new and it's now 9 years old and completely stock except for being Pro-Mag'd (the original 8-hole mod - thankfully warrantied by AGD Europe) and having an air system (which is a god send on any marker) and it runs perfectly.

Played the other day and put about 1500 paint through it without one break (and this is without Level 10) - right up until the end of the day and just as I was about to leave, I emptied my hopper on the firing range as fast as possible and 'pop!' chopped one, gah! :)

That's not to say that I'm not going to upgrade....I'm thinking ReTro, followed by Level 10 and a blade triggered intelliframe...mmmmmm

Wc Keep
10-07-2002, 07:09 AM
last time i played was a couple weeks ago. shoot through 1900 balls and only had 2 breaks and i think this is more from the scratch that i have in my barrel. did i mention no lx.

10-07-2002, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Gadget
That's not to say that I'm not going to upgrade....I'm thinking ReTro, followed by Level 10 and a blade triggered intelliframe...mmmmmm

That is defiantly the way to go. :)

10-07-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by EsPo
am i the only one on this forum who has a problem every time i use my mag...
nope, you're not the only one. I'm the worst person in the world to give a mag to. Long story, but hopefully when my C&C gets back this will no longer be true. If you can take up tunaman on his offer. He's well respected around here and should be able to get everything running the way it should. Whatever you do, don't send it to me.

10-07-2002, 10:59 AM

It is a sad, but true statement, that many stores do not carry AGD products. In Long Island, NY, one of the meccas of paintball on the east coast, home to such teams as the NY Dogs and Ground Zero (I think), there are two stores. Cousins Paintball, which is a actually a chain of stores, and Long Island Paintball. None of the Cousin's Stores stock any AGD products. When I went into one, some time ago, and asked about AGD products, I received such highly-educated remarks as "Why do you own a 'Mag!". Sad, but too true.

Fortunately, Long Island Paintball are long time supporters of AGD. In fact the grand opening of their indoor field, on which they rent 'Mags exclusively, will be the site of this weekend's AO Day, with none other than Master Wang himself (that's Jon C. for the uninitiated. :D ) showing up to represent.


10-07-2002, 11:31 AM
I wish I could go to a field like that once, just to share some lvl10+retro goodness. The field I play at is inhabited by mag lovers though, (un)fortunately..

10-07-2002, 11:45 AM

I believe I convinced a die hard Angel user to get an Extreme Emag. The guys name was Troy, he has just bought a 2k2 Angel IR3 and needless to say he was PISSED! He spent nearly 2000$ on it..and guess what..not one game out of the five he played did it work right.

He'd get like 3 shots..then the bolt would not move forward. It'd only hiss a bit then nothing. He could dry-fire it alll day long no problems..once he put paint in it.. nothing. Guess what..it was C.O.P.S. equipped with is supposedly the shoddy "clone" of AGD excellent LVL10.

I laughed.. and showed him my trusty mag.. and showed him how the LVL10 Worked. I then told him about the X-mags and how they are 3 ounces lighter than the IR3, LVL10 equipped (no chops) and..if the electro ever goes down.. with the flip of a switch..you have the trusty RT manual ready to go and throw 25+ rds a sec if he could shoot it that fast.

He was impressed even though he had never seen them or heard of them.. he said "I'm sending the IR3 back..getting my money.. and I may just look into that Xtreme you were telling me about. Sounds like a kick-a$$ marker... where do I go to see one?" I told him Automags.org baby. I informed him they are still pre-ordering and it may be spring before he gets it. He was ok with that as his BRAND SPANKING NEW ANGEL.. SUX!

Tom, I firmly belive that AGD makes the best product out there. I've never had a problem with my mag.. and NO I won't KNOCK ON WOOD.. theres no need! I love the fact that everytime I go to play..I take my gun out of its pretty Angel bag.. hook it up to my warp setup and rock on. No leaks, no misfires.. and NO CHOPS! Matter of fact...I was playing with BIG ball (which is the sorriest paint I've ever used.. but hey I got two cases free from a guy I play with almost every weekend) Every 5 or 6 shot I could hear the legendary "Pssh... click" then next trigger pull out shot the ball. Needless to say... (don't wanna be cocky) but every game I eliminated at least 3 if not more of the other team.. one after another. No chops what-so-ever.

This was the first time I played at the St. Augustine field with the LVL10 intalled. One of the ref's there made a comment about mags sucking that they chopped ETc.. I then schooled him on the LVL10.. he was like.. no big deal.. angels have C.O.P.S... Timmy's have such and such. (look at first paragraph.,. nuff said about C.O.P.S. I told him. He had nothing to say to that other than..maybe its a manufacturing defect. lol Some people will always have a closed mind. Those are the people who will taste the paint from the mags!

Jst thought I'd share that little story to let everyone know. AGD is gradually re-gaining the spotlight from the "other" High end markers.

10-07-2002, 02:13 PM
Tuna, what did you mean by send me your gun, i thought you were joking.

Originally posted by PBallCentral_Guy
wow!!!! your extremely lucky to have a field only 16 miles away from you...

yes i am.. the only reason i dont have a job is cause im to young..

Originally posted by magman007
are you using co2? or nitro?
nitro, what do u mean by parameters? the repair kit i have is a 32 degrees for automag.. are they the same orings?

10-07-2002, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

yes i am.. the only reason i dont have a job is cause im to young..

14 is not too young to get some kind of job. I got a job at 14 at publix and bagged food. There are a bunch of jobs that allow 14 year olds to work your just not looking in the right places.

10-07-2002, 03:28 PM
i didn't use to like mags. i owned a cocker. i would always see cockers over mags on the field. then one day i watched some guy completly disassemble his mag in what seemed like no time at all. i was surprised at how easy it looked. my field closed, and i sold my cocker thinking id never play again. the field opened back up. i had a choice between any gun to buy. im not a fan of electro's. they just don't feel right. there was noway i was gonna buy another cocker, and spend 1000 bucks on it to basically be the same gun. so hopefully by this friday, i'll have an rt pro in my hands. ive been completly happy with the mags ive played with.

1 small thing that i don't really like. since i played with a cocker for 3 years, i was used to taking the barrel off when a ball would break, cleaning it, then slapping it back on. with the mag, i would forget its open bolt. the barrel would come off, and the paint would just start rolling out the body.:mad: i would flip it upside down, then slide the barrel back on. there would still be a ball in the chamber. so i would smash a ball when i put the barrel back on.:mad::mad: its not a big deal. i just have to remember to keep the gun upside down, or turn the powerfeed plug.

sorry its so long. :)

10-07-2002, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
nitro, what do u mean by parameters? the repair kit i have is a 32 degrees for automag.. are they the same orings?

32 Degrees repair kits are garbage, if you have problems 9which are likely) you need to buy an AGD repair kit, the o-rings in the 32 degrees are sometimes punched out of tolerance.. or on the reg seats sometimes the center hole is not "center" its off to one side.. and this will cause problems. I believe AGD inspects all their o-ring and seats before packaging to make sure they "look" right. Anyway... I know it's not on topic but I saw the question :)

10-07-2002, 04:07 PM
i have not found one aftermarket part that anyone approved of on ao, unless it was made by AGD, except a barrel, or airsystem.

Spray Painter
10-07-2002, 06:13 PM
thats because AGD products are the BEST. let me say it agian: THATS BECAUSE AGD PRODUCTS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!:)

10-07-2002, 06:39 PM
Need I say? nah. Okay I'll say, AGD MAKES THE BEST PRODUCTS!

10-09-2002, 08:35 AM
Awesome. Is Top Gun bring your own paint now? I haven't been there in awhile but if you can bring your own paint now that would be great!