View Full Version : LvL 10 teething troubles

10-07-2002, 09:44 AM
Finally i fitted my LvL10 kit into my RT, working ok in the chopping stakes(after the days play we put the rankest balls into my hopper to try and get a chop and it fired every one)
anyway a weird thing i found was that my LvL10 worked on 1 of my barrels but not my others.
i have an Armson SSR a Dye Boomstick a J&J Ceramic and a Smartparts Stainless and the only barrel that worked was the smartparts! now the bolt fits into the barrels OK so i'm kinda confussed whats going on.i'm guessin my bolt ain't lying straight or something but the marker just won't fire(but doesn't make the sound like the LvL10 normally does when the bolt is blocked)

anyone else had similar problems?


10-07-2002, 11:36 AM
Mine works fine on a J&J Ceramic and a Smart Parts Progressive.. do you see knocks on the end of the barrel or anything?

10-09-2002, 04:33 AM
Nothing like that visable mate.i tried it again and it seems to be working!?! confused? me too. i'm off in a couple of weeks so i'll pop down to AGD and see what they say.


10-09-2002, 09:40 PM
the diamter of the level 10 is slightly larger than a normal bolt. If your barrels are small bores, the bolt could be hitting the barrel. If this is the issue, you could get the beging of your barrel milled just a bit to widen it up.

10-09-2002, 10:35 PM
You could use a round file and just bevel the end a little bit.

take out your bolt and see if it fits in each of the barrels. The ones it doesn't seem to fit, try sanding down a little bit.

10-10-2002, 04:58 AM
I took the bolt out and tried it in the back of my barrels and it fits. i was thinking about milling the back of the barrels but my armson is rifled so wasn't happy doing this. how about taking a bit off the bolt? recon thats feasable?


10-10-2002, 02:35 PM
dont "mill" it. Put it in a leath and use a fine file or sand paper and take out a lil untill it fits. Dont worrie about the armson, it wont hurt anything

10-11-2002, 04:24 AM
MY fault, bad use of the word "mill" but you know what i meant.
