View Full Version : emag help

10-07-2002, 05:16 PM
well when i gass my emag up the trigger rod wont come out, and the gun wont fire..or it will come out and once u shoot it once or 2 it will stick back in there..ne pointers....also..is there ne way to lengthen the trigger rod..i dont have a manual and cant get the trigger rod out( i dont wanna break netin) ne help would be appreciated..thnx

10-07-2002, 09:14 PM
Is the velocity turned up?

When was the last time the marker was working properly? What servicing was done since then? Tell even the simple nonimportant things.

10-07-2002, 09:25 PM
ok, well at the beginning of the game it worked fine..then i chopped. and thats when the trigger got stuck in..then i cleaned out everything and when gasses up the trigger rod would not come out or come out and go in after i shoot 1 or 2

10-07-2002, 09:34 PM
Take the body off the gun and clean around the sear assembly. It sounds like you may have a piece of paint shell caught in the rail somewhere around the sear. It could be causing a jam.

10-08-2002, 03:38 PM
If cleaning out the sear doesn't work as AThomas suggested, here are my $.02 (1 ball)

Have you messed around with the magnets in the trigger?
Do you hear the solenoid click when the safety is ON?
Back out the magnets if NO.
Is the mechanism bent now? (Since you sound like you are trying to increase the length of it)

Do you have enough air in your tank?

let us know.

doug s
minimag upgraded to an Emag
san jose, ca.

10-08-2002, 03:47 PM
dont change your trigger rod length.

When your using Emode the marker doesnt even use the trigger rod, it uses the plunger rod.

is it an older Emag? does the on/off have the Black Quad O'ring?

how much pressure are you getting to the marker?

Is it a level 7 or a level 10 Emag?

does the problem happen only in M-mode, Emode, or both?

10-08-2002, 05:12 PM
thanks for your help guys but i just took it apart and cleaned it today and put it back together and it worked......still dont know what was wrong with it cuz it wasnt dirty...owell at least its fixed now