View Full Version : Shipping your marker?

10-08-2002, 12:22 PM
Okay I have been waiting for a gun to come in for a long time. I am waiting around doing some HW waiting for either UPS or USPS to deliver it. I go out for a second time and look in the mail box and their is a note there saying "we missed you". I got so upset, since I checked the mail 2 hours earlier and their was nothing there. The mail man didn't bother to deliver the package, but he took the time to fill this stuiped slip out. I wonder what his excuse was? I live in a small apartment, my doorbell is loud and I have good hearing. Hmm...

What do yall say is the best way to ship stuff you get off AO?


10-08-2002, 01:03 PM
FedEx all the way.

10-08-2002, 03:51 PM
I've shipped USPS, and UPS. FedEx is too much $ for me.

Always insured for the value of a new marker (whatever it is)

10-08-2002, 03:58 PM
USPS is fine for me. They usually deliver on time and are very good. My mailman is in fact one of the nicest people I've ever met. The other day i trakced him down because I wasn't home when he came and NEEDED my gun for a tourney. It was absolutely pouring, so he gets out of his car, comes to mine, and gives me the package. Therefore, I love USPS and give them all of my business. Plus, it's easy, and not too expensive to ship items with USPS.

10-08-2002, 03:59 PM
UPS always loses my stuff, and if you miss the delivery man, you have to wait til the next day to pick it up.

Fedex has never lost anything I've ordered, and lets you pick up same day. I hate UPS, they once lost 4 items in a row that I ordered from the same damn place. And then delivered all 4 of them 2 months later.

10-08-2002, 04:31 PM
USPS Priority mail!

Insurance is the cheapest around too.

Gets there in 2-3 days usually.

A lot cheaper than UPS.

Everything I send out goes Priority, and so is the same with a lot of other board members.

10-08-2002, 04:58 PM
Well I have a new found respect for USPS, I am on campus and I saw a USPS car, I go up and ask the lady, she says that some guy she doesn't know that well does that side, she said if she sees him she will tell him to drop it off. I thank her then 30minutes later I get a knock on my door, it is the lady with my package, she said she ran into him and picked it up. wow.

10-08-2002, 05:29 PM
told you, pretty nice people doing that job. It would make me go crazy, but they can do it with a smile and really mean it. Congrats too, show pics.

10-08-2002, 06:08 PM
yeh. my mailman is great. whenever he delivers a package he gets to take a break and sometime we play hoops, sometimes he just gets a coke and leaves. he really is a good man. even came back one night when i asked him to please check to see if a package had come for me while he was on rounds. it did. he came back at 9:30 that night for me. Great guy that Kenny!

10-08-2002, 06:19 PM
i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie i like pie

Pile & A Half
10-08-2002, 10:02 PM
I like Pie...Hmmm thats intresting never heard of that one :)

10-09-2002, 02:04 AM
USPS all the way. Good rates, quick delivery (with Priority mail), and it's convenient (there's a post office in every town).

10-09-2002, 09:40 AM
man.. I have the same deal with usps.. but I live only half a mile from the post office so it's not a problem picking the package up!! also, everytime I go in... I fuss at them for having a lazy mail lady!!!! the fact is... they are just to lazy to get out of their seat!!!!

but... usps shipps good most of the time... but if you ever have to claim something broken... it takes something like 30-90 days for a check to be cut.. with ups it's 7-10 days.... so that's something to keep in mind

10-09-2002, 11:41 AM
Well funny thing happened to me a few weeks ago...I always use USPS Priority. Well Black was shipping me back my Micro E and I was expecting it. So I see the mail lady go by and she never comes in. I noticed it was the replacement one not the regular one. Knowing it was insured she has too hand it to someone. So I fugure its not coming that day. But I walk down to the mail box and low and behold there is a pink slip! So I jump in the truck and try and find her. Moments later I see her down the block and go up to her. She immediately knows she screwed up. She says "where is your office anyway" so I describe it to her. She knows now. So it apears she just never tried to find me and left the note. If I had not found her it would have been the next day...

But normaly USPS is great. Their tracking system is not the best in the world though. UPS is much more detailed.