View Full Version : I want to switch to CenterFeed, do I understand this correctly?

10-09-2002, 09:49 AM
Let me get this straight. I have a hopper left Emag. I'd like to get a center feed body, and with some custom work (paintballmaxx) would like to make it a no rise. This is all so my future Halo will fit nice on the gun. (I hate fragile elbows for power feed). My power feed boomstick, and freak set are now useless? If I switch to center feed I need all new barrels. I've searched a lot on this topic, but I hoped something new has magically happened.

10-09-2002, 09:52 AM
Sorry but that magic is too much for even AGD's elves. You'll have to get new barrels or have the ones you've already got re-milled for center feed.

10-09-2002, 09:59 AM
You are correct… new barrels.

I too hate that part of power feed setups. If you don’t get the right batch of elbows, you will crack them in a heartbeat. Why they like to use such brittle plastic is beyond me (aside from increasing sales because you have to keep buying them) when the softer plastic works great… lets you really tighten down good without cracking.

I have often thought of just using one of the crap plastic ones (non adjustable), dyeing it to make it pretty, and using tape around the PF to snug it down real good. But I really like being able to see the balls through the clear plastic elbows. Grrrrrr I am glad I got a good clear elbow (softer plastic).

10-09-2002, 10:11 AM
Well they can be converted. There is a member here who does them for like $25. I have slipped my HL HR barrels in there and lined them up and they will do so but not realy stay in that position securely. I wondered if drilling a dimple in just the right spot would allow the Barrel detante to snap in there and stay put. Not tried it yet. It looks possible.

And you could sell your Freak Back and buy a center feed one. There is a company that makes a Freak Like system that fits ALL three types of bodies. I forget the name. Its in Dealers forum.

BradAGD does a great job on these conversions too. I have a batch of them on the way back. Maybe look at my thread to see some ideas of different options.

10-09-2002, 10:20 AM
Phil, your no rise thread is what sparked my interest. Did you send him your body and barrels for conversion? If so, would the aluminum freak and Boomy be possable. The freak is what bothers me, cause I could probably sell a Mag boomy pretty easy, and then get a new one. But converting both would be great

10-09-2002, 11:43 AM
I just recently converted my emag to centerfeed from powerfeed. I had no trouble selling my old powerfeed mainbody and barrels right here on the AO forums. I also found a centerfeed mainbody and freak back for sale on the AO forums at a great price. I found that my centerfeed mainbody caused me to chop paint at least once a game and sometimes more often. I assume it is due to blowback but I may be wrong. Anyway you will want to get a Halo-b and or Level-10. I got level-10 and have not chopped since.


10-09-2002, 11:52 AM
Well so far I have not done anything about my barrel situation but I need too. I did have a stock center feed barrel that I am using and just picked up another one of them used. I am just thinking of buying a freak center back. So no I have not converted any barrels yet. Only shortened the bodies.

Good point on the chopping and such. Lvl 10 is the only reason to even now consider center feeds for Mags. its a real boon ot the center feed mag issue. And the HaloB is the only reason to consider shortening the stack now.

I did have the two emags out this weekend with no breaks or chops through about two cases of paint. One is a micro e with relatively short center feed. And the other is a stock center mag body still in the high rise. I used both revys and Halo B's on both of them. The one thing in common is they both had lvl 10 in them. So there ya go. go center? go lvl 10 first and foremost. Then the stack is not so critical.

10-09-2002, 12:13 PM
Alright, thanks guys. I guess I have some figuring to do. I've got level ten already so at least that helps.

10-09-2002, 01:00 PM
If I have a halo B, and level ten, is there any reason why I shouldn't go through this process. I think the lower center feed would then be an advantage over a power feed.

10-09-2002, 01:09 PM
I can mill your current barrels to fit the centerfeed mag. I am a Machinist and do modifications like this every day. I have converted all of my barrels and all the barrels for 2 of my team mates that also have centerfeed emags. I have also done this for some members of AO. You can go to the buyer/trader feedback thread and read feedback about my work. I only charge 25.00 for one barrel and 15.00 for each additional barrel you send me at the same time. This includes return shipping to you. My turn around time is 1 to 2 weeks from the day I receive the barrels. I also have an aluminum barrel that I modified for sale right now in the misc. paintball items forum. If you would like any more info feel free to send me an email, PM, or catch me on AIM.

10-09-2002, 01:14 PM
..and Damage was the one I was thinking of! He does good work and has a good rep too.

I still need to catch up with you on this issue Damage just have not had time!

10-09-2002, 01:35 PM
Thanks guys! you rule. DamageInc (metallica reference?) I just started this process and dont even have the center feed body yet, but can I get in touch with you when I'm ready. Thanks again man. Whats your aim handle? (mine adrock1978)

10-09-2002, 02:42 PM
On the elbows, I have an ACI one that's really strong, i've had it for like 2 years now without any cracking. Knock on wood..

10-09-2002, 06:55 PM
I think this was what cphilip was thinking of. It has the grooves for HR-HL and CF. I have a CF mini. The main problem I have with it is the rear part of the barrel is just as long as the extended breech on the mini. When installing the barrel on a CF you have to turn it clockwise (from the gun end) and if you don't have the front of the barrel real tight it unscrews before you get the back locked in to the feed port.

10-10-2002, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Whats your aim handle? (mine adrock1978)

My AIM handle is darthdamage.

10-10-2002, 01:05 AM
i got a centerfeed body ill sell ya for cheap!;)

10-10-2002, 08:28 AM
You have a center feed Emag body? I'm very interested if so. Is it chrome? Let me know the details, and we'll talk.

10-10-2002, 09:26 AM
Well they can be converted. There is a member here who does them for like $25.

All you need is a Drimmel tool and the guts to do it. ;) (It helps if you have a drill press.) The most important part is locating the "de-tent" hole to line up the breach.

10-10-2002, 10:32 AM
i really need to know if i can get centerfeed body for my 68?:confused:

10-10-2002, 10:36 AM
they will work...you have to buy the emag/rtpro one and it will fit.

10-10-2002, 10:43 AM
thank you, you just made my day! from what i've seen I thought the e-mag rtpro one was the only centerfeed is that right?

10-10-2002, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by luke

All you need is a Drimmel tool and the guts to do it. ;) (It helps if you have a drill press.) The most important part is locating the "de-tent" hole to line up the breach.

I do it in a CNC mill that I have at work. I made a set up so the barrel lines up in the correct location for the new twist lock hole that I mill. My set up is much more accurate that using a dremel :mad:

10-10-2002, 10:50 AM
Dremel? Thanks but no thanks. Stuff like this I'd prefer to have done by someone who pretends to be better at it than me.:D But thanks for the suggestion

10-10-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Dremel? Thanks but no thanks. Stuff like this I'd prefer to have done by someone who pretends to be better at it than me.:D But thanks for the suggestion

Smart choice :) Would you rather have a Machinist that is Department of Labor certified milling your barrel or a guy with a dremel from walmart?

10-10-2002, 12:54 PM
:rolleyes: Hmmm... does the walmart have a kiddie play area? Yo, Damage can the powerfeed milled-to-center-feed barrels still be used as powerfeed barrels?

10-11-2002, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Damage can the powerfeed milled-to-center-feed barrels still be used as powerfeed barrels?

You can still use my modified barrels on a hopper left mag. The barrel cannot be used on a hopper right mag. I have to mill the new twist lock hole for the centerfeed in the twist lock slot for hopper right. Works out great for anybody that has a hopper left mag and a centerfeed mag as you can use the same barrels for both. I have a centerfeed Emag and a hopper left RT. All of my barrels can be used on either gun.

10-11-2002, 07:32 AM
Great! I'm gonna go with it. I'll get in touch with you as soon as I'm ready. I wanna get the center feed first. BLNK 162, DO YOU HAVE THAT CENTER FEED STILL?

10-11-2002, 08:31 AM
What a joke, it doesn't take a ROCKET SCIENTIST to drill a detent hole. In the time it would take him to box up his barrel to send to you, I can have the Mod done.

I do it in a CNC mill that I have at work. I made a set up so the barrel lines up in the correct location for the new twist lock hole that I mill. My set up is much more accurate that using a dremel :mad:

:eek: What are you mad about? You afraid of losing some chump change? Good Machinists make GOOD money, what's up?

Smart choice Would you rather have a Machinist that is Department of Labor certified milling your barrel or a guy with a dremel from walmart?

:rolleyes: Gee that's intimidating! :rolleyes:

I find this type of attitude insulting. You want to make a few bucks off someone that doesn't have the skills to do it their self, that's your right, but you don't have the right to insult me along the way. Perhaps you should grow up a little and practice some humility.

10-11-2002, 08:56 AM
Listen man, I told you I appreciated your suggestion, and the fact that you're just lookin' out. I'm just not comfortable doing it myself. I'm sure theres no cruel intensions here. But again thanks!

10-11-2002, 11:18 AM
:) Not one of my responses were directed at you. ;)

and the fact that you're just lookin' out.

Hmmm... does the walmart have a kiddie play area?
I decided to let this slide.;)

10-12-2002, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by luke
What a joke, it doesn't take a ROCKET SCIENTIST to drill a detent hole. In the time it would take him to box up his barrel to send to you, I can have the Mod done.

The only joke here is you. I never claimed to be a ROCKET SCIENTIST. Look at my title under my name. It says Machinist. By the way I MILL the hole, I do not DRILL the hole. There is a difference, but you are so smart I am sure you already knew that :rolleyes:

What are you mad about? You afraid of losing some chump change? Good Machinists make GOOD money, what's up?

I am mad that a hack like you is trying to compare precision machining to using a dremel. Knowing how to turn on a dremel does not mean you know a damn thing about how to properly machine a hole. Oh, you were right about one thing. I make over $100,000 a year in my trade. We do make good money.

I find this type of attitude insulting. You want to make a few bucks off someone that doesn't have the skills to do it their self, that's your right, but you don't have the right to insult me along the way. Perhaps you should grow up a little and practice some humility.

I really do not care what you find insulting. Custom work costs money. Go out and find a custom shop that will do it for free. Good luck even finding one that will do it anywhere near the price that I do. You want to hack away at barrels with a dremel be my guest. The difference is I do it with precision equipment and carbide tools while you use a dremel. See how many AO members will pay you for that service.

11-13-2002, 12:35 PM
Can someone draw a diagram of how this is done so i can see what modifications need to be made?

11-13-2002, 01:10 PM
Yes, they indded are!!! To my knowlege, the only barrels that work on all H/L, H/R, and Centerfeed mags are the Equation barrel system!!!

11-13-2002, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
Let me get this straight. I have a hopper left Emag. I'd like to get a center feed body, and with some custom work (paintballmaxx) would like to make it a no rise.

I find it funny, that when your gun is being worked on by Brad Nestle (the airsmith at PaintballMaxx), an original AGD SuperTech who is well respected for his custom machining work, that folks are suggesting you send your barrels out somewhere else to be milled.

Take your barrels in with the gun to Brad when he does the rest of the custom work.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

11-13-2002, 01:49 PM
Isn't $25 bucks a little steep? I'm not a machinist - but have several friends who are. They don't see it taking much effort to do - especially if some sort of jig (? or what ever they called it) is made up first.

I'm not trying to knock anyone for making a buck - but we're talking about machining aluminum here (definitely not a tough material) and $25 is anywhere from 25% to over 50% the cost of the entire barrel, which I'll wager has a lot more machining in it :)

Not trying to be argumentative - just thought that the price was a bit high...


11-13-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by cledford
Isn't $25 bucks a little steep? I'm not a machinist - but have several friends who are. They don't see it taking much effort to do - especially if some sort of jig (? or what ever they called it) is made up first.

I'm not trying to knock anyone for making a buck - but we're talking about machining aluminum here (definitely not a tough material) and $25 is anywhere from 25% to over 50% the cost of the entire barrel, which I'll wager has a lot more machining in it :)

Not trying to be argumentative - just thought that the price was a bit high...


If you have several friends that are Machinist's then have them do it for you for free, since they are friends I am sure they will be more than happy to donate their time, tooling, and machines. Most of the barrels I have modified are stianless steel. Only a few guys have sent me aluminum barrels. Depending on weather the barrel is SS or aluminum I have to use different tooling. There are many costs that go into my work. Tooling, set-up, fixtures, my time, and the insured return shipping to the customer. I even drop my price to 15.00 for each additional barrel I am sent at the same time since it cuts down on my set up time. If you think that my price is too high then find somebody else to do it. Good luck!

11-13-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by damageinc54

If you have several friends that are Machinist's then have them do it for you for free, since they are friends I am sure they will be more than happy to donate their time, tooling, and machines.

Most of the barrels I have modified are stianless steel. Only a few guys have sent me aluminum barrels. Depending on weather the barrel is SS or aluminum I have to use different tooling. There are many costs that go into my work. Tooling, set-up, fixtures, my time, and the insured return shipping to the customer. I even drop my price to 15.00 for each additional barrel I am sent at the same time since it cuts down on my set up time. If you think that my price is too high then find somebody else to do it. Good luck!

Gee, you seem a bit touchy :confused: Why don't you tell us what goes into the process? It will help people who don't understand the procedure grasp what they're getting for $25 bucks. I for one aren't convinced that $25 dollars is reasonable if a whole new (stainless) back costs $100 retail. (That's 25% of the total retail price)

I guess what I'm wondering is $25 a reasonable price for a relatively small amount of work, or is the minimum that you'd do a job for to make it worth your time? (Nothing to be ashamed about there...) How much time does it take anyhow?
