View Full Version : HyperFrame bolt/sear wear/damage

10-09-2002, 02:24 PM
I just installed a HyperFrame on my Classic 'Mag and I am a little concerned about excessive bolt/sear wear, especially since I have a level 10 bolt. In mine the solenoid is all the was "back" but still seems to allow full travel of the sear. I was curious what experiences others have had. And what better place to find out that AO! :D

Thanks in advance.

10-09-2002, 02:36 PM
If possible, I'd vote 2 times:

Installed by me: damage
Installed by CF: damage


10-09-2002, 03:31 PM
Did you give up on it? What type of marker was it on? How old was the marker?

10-09-2002, 05:23 PM
I have had a hyperframe on my marker as well as a friends, but no Lvl 10. We experienced no problems what so ever. They were installed by us and needed no setup. We went through at least 10 cases each and the sear, bolt, and everything else looked like it did the day we installed it. Hope this helps.

These were both 68's with retro valves.

10-09-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by snakestang
We went through at least 10 cases each and the sear, bolt, and everything else looked like it did the day we installed it.

Thanks. That's great. I'm just a little extra concerned as replacing the level 10 bolt will be costly and might take a LONG time.

10-09-2002, 06:32 PM
hitech I have lvl-10 with a hyperframe works great.
I did have bolt wear way back when I bought the frame
but cf sent me a new longer on/off never a problem since

take the cf pin and compare the length to the original agd
pin the cf pin should be noticably longer.

the other things to do is use an rt bumper, less bolt bounce,
and when you first set up lvl-10 take the hyperframe off,
and reinstall the agd on/off,and frame. it makes for
to many variables. after lvl-10 is tuned put the hf back on
and have fun :D

10-09-2002, 07:49 PM
cf makes 3 differnt lengths of on-off pins try a longer one. mine wouldnt work with the origanal agd pin, i had to get the whole on-off assy separate (i bought it used from my local store and they forgot the get the cf on-off from the seller). cf installed it at a tourny and the only problem i have had with it is the lower end of the on-off pin mushrooms just a little bit, the pins brobably just a hair too long. when this happens the gun wont fire and i have to wiggle the safety, the gun shoots and i keep playing. this only happens once or twice aday, so its no big deal right now. i told cf about this and they sent me a free on-off pin, if the problem gets worse ill swap them out.

10-10-2002, 07:35 AM
i installed mine myself, and yeah it chewed on bolts, so i just sent it in to centerflags to get them to fix it for good, and i told them i was doing it so i could drop the LX into that gun. They said if i dropped the LX in and it chewed up that bolt they would stand behind there work (meaning replace the LX bolt i hope) for the longest time i would let the hyperframe chew on my bolts then smooth the ridge off with a fine file then drop that bolt into another mag....with the rounded lip they shoot like a dream, but the bolt dosent last very long. (i have a total of 9 mag bolts now....3 of which are unusable but i hold on to them for some reason:p )

10-10-2002, 08:38 AM
I had mine installed by Centerflag on my classic style RT and I've only had one problem. I sheared the top 1/3 of my on/off pin completely off somehow, but that doesn't have anything to do with the Hyperframe (so far as I know!) Other than that unfortunate business, I haven't had any problems with my frame and it hasn't damaged my sear or bolt at all. It rocks!

10-10-2002, 09:28 AM
I did the same as a lot of other people:

Installed myself....chewed up bolt.

Sent to CF....works great...and they replaced my bolt. All for free!

I do have LX installed and the bolt continues to look good.

I love my Hyperframe! Poor man's Emag!

10-10-2002, 01:02 PM
my sear got chewed up on the tip of it.. had like a double step.. but the bolt was fine (pre-lvl10). I took it to BradAGD here in houston (paintballmaxx) and after replacing the sear, he just replaced the bolt bumper (was blue) with a softer one (now clear). no more sear wear. It now has a lvl10 in it, and everything is still good as new. :)


10-10-2002, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by steveg
...cf sent me a new longer on/off never a problem since.

the other things to do is use an rt bumper, less bolt bounce...

How do you know if you need a longer on/off pin. I'm using CFs on/off bottom and pin. Everything appears fine. However, the solenoid is all the way "back" and I am worried. I already had the level 10 bolt installed and working prior to installing the hyperframe. I guess I'm just worried since the level 10 bolt would be more difficult and costly to replace than a level 7 bolt. Since the hyperframe is used I doubt CenterFlag would replace it if it is damaged.

I also had considered using an RT bumper, sounds like a good idea. I'll do that, thanks.

10-10-2002, 07:48 PM
you will want to consult with cf on this but I kind of suspect
that the only way to know for sure is to use it
and find out what happens:mad:
The longer pin delays the on/off opening, allowing the bolt
more time to settle,and greater depth on the sear catch,
before pressure is applied again.

Have you compared the length of the agd vs cf pins ? if the
cf is longer odds are you are ok, if the same length I'd
call cf and ask for a longer one to be safe.

10-11-2002, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by steveg
...I kind of suspect that the only way to know for sure is to use it and find out what happens :mad: ... The longer pin delays the on/off opening, allowing the bolt more time to settle, and greater depth on the sear catch, before pressure is applied again....

Thanks for the info. I always wondered about the longer pin. THAT makes perfect sense. What I think I am going to do to check the sear is remove the grip panel and slowly press on the sear through the "pre-fire" hole. By watching the sear move until it fires I think I can determine how much is catching on the bolt. You seem to know A LOT about hyperframes. Do you think I can tell that way? Thanks for all your help.