View Full Version : Where is paintball leading?

10-09-2002, 08:14 PM
I think it was on the cover of facefull that got me thinking. It is getting to that point in paintball where upgrades are starting not to mean much in performance but more towards cosmetics. Chopping is now becoming something only seen once in a case. Consistency is only wavering by 1+/- fps. Accuracy(goes along with consistency) has improved much with these high quality barrels. All things have improved. Nobody knows what the future holds. Where is paintball leading to?

10-09-2002, 08:18 PM
cows..... i know it sounds weird, but just you wait and see

10-09-2002, 08:26 PM
I was thinking the same thing. I know what you mean, there's still the new and improved thingamajiger, but only once in a blue moon. Mostly, it's just something to spice up your gun.

10-09-2002, 08:29 PM
Unless it's for a mag :)

10-09-2002, 09:20 PM
They'll always be thinking up stuff, just watch. No one's going to be satisfied until there are no breaks anymore at all, guns shoot at +-0 fps, we get 1400+ shots off of a 68ci 3000psi tank, kick is nonexistant, triggers are incredibly short (yes, shorter than they are now), drop off never happens at all, requires maintanence like once every three months, tanks are built to hold over 6000psi, ano/powder coat jobs will take an incredible beating before scratching, and we fit all that into a tiny light weight package. I know some guns share some of these qualities, but I'm talking about guns that share most or all of these qualities. See, there's still room to improve, and I'm sure they'll still be coming up with new innovations along with performance ideas along the way.

Even know, it sounds like there could be some real cool stuff debting at the World Cup: The new gun called the "Alien" is a totally new boltless gun (differs from the Epic) that sounds very promising and Smart Parts sounds like it will be releasing a new gun soon that's supposed to combine the best qualities of the Imp and Shocker in an even more compact gun (Now that was a run on sentance). On top of those two, there are countless other things that'll be coming out soon. Just think about what kinds of things we'll be seeing in two years, or possibly five?

10-10-2002, 10:33 AM
Your right, it seems like pretty soon the technology is going to peak (or ist it peek?)in guns. Maybe we'll see R&D put into the form of better paint. There's only so much you can do to a mask, so maybe some lighter feed systems. If the HALO weighed half what it does, it'd be perfection. So who knows... I'd like to see mandatory beatings for wipers, cheaters, and whiners. :)

10-10-2002, 10:57 AM
Smart Parts releasing a gun that's supposed to combine the best qualities of the Imp and Shocker in an <b>even more compact</b> gun?

Wouldn't that mean, these guns had to be compact in the first place??? :D :p

10-10-2002, 11:28 AM
well the impy was supposed to be a more compact version of the shocker, and it is, but its not hard to make a 40 pound cinderblock lighter and smaller.

10-10-2002, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
They'll always be thinking up stuff, just watch. No one's going to be satisfied until there are no breaks anymore at all, guns shoot at +-0 fps, we get 1400+ shots off of a 68ci 3000psi tank, kick is nonexistant, triggers are incredibly short (yes, shorter than they are now), drop off never happens at all, requires maintanence like once every three months, tanks are built to hold over 6000psi, ano/powder coat jobs will take an incredible beating before scratching, and we fit all that into a tiny light weight package. I know some guns share some of these qualities, but I'm talking about guns that share most or all of these qualities. See, there's still room to improve, and I'm sure they'll still be coming up with new innovations along with performance ideas along the way.
[clip]Well, I agree and I don't (beware - palmerite/personal preferences/opinions enclosed)... Satisfaction is a "personal preference". For example my Blazer shoots at close enough to +/-0 right now for me to be satisfied. Not that I wouldn't like a better performance in FPS variations, but when the tolorances are so low now, the point is nearly moot.

AS far as trigger is concerned, that is one of the most personal preference issues there is. One of the main reasons I can't stand the JAE's is that if I wnat a mouse click, I'll use my computer. my marker should have a trigger that I can fell, have feedback and that I can know and understand (not that I don't understand switches and electronics, but I think you all get my meaning).

I guess, I am not very concerned about maintenance. I keep my markers all clean and lubed after every day of play, if that is not enoutgh, then I will probably not be using that marker very long.

1400+ shots from a 68? - I suppose if you use a 68. I thinkn they are too big, and like my 47 alot more and to be perfecetly honest nothing beats a 16oz co2 tank - personal satisfaction kicks in again. - again, I have yet to have drop off, and if there is a kick on my blazer, I am not sure how it would be measured.

as far as finishes go, the nickel plating on my typhoon looks like new after, well many years of use and abuse, I am satisfied, though I would like to see that finish available on different markers as well.

In conclusion to the original topic, though - paintball is pretty much a buyers market (sorry to say - lead by too much hype by the marketing departments of some of the larger companies), and as long as somone will pay for a $1400 marker, they will probably make them. I would like to see a return to pneumatic systems with less emphasis on electronics.

where is it currenlty leading??? not the direction I personaly would like to see, but that is a different issue. :)

10-10-2002, 03:16 PM
cheap high quality paint:D

10-10-2002, 03:49 PM
in the future world wars will be fought using paintball guns.

10-10-2002, 03:55 PM
the us government(with their budget cuts) will end up equipping our soldiers with spyders, or even worse talons...

10-10-2002, 04:04 PM
Smart Parts releasing a gun that's supposed to combine the best qualities of the Imp and Shocker in an even more compact gun?

Wouldn't that mean, these guns had to be compact in the first place???:D :p
Actually, no. It just means that it'll be more compact than the Shocker and Imp.

Well, I agree and I don't (beware - palmerite/personal preferences/opinions enclosed)... Satisfaction is a "personal preference". For example my Blazer shoots at close enough to +/-0 right now for me to be satisfied. Not that I wouldn't like a better performance in FPS variations, but when the tolorances are so low now, the point is nearly moot.
My point was that as long as they keep getting better, people will buy them. I could list my personal gun preferences, which BTW, do not need to meet most of what I stated in my earlier post, but that's kind of an invalid point. What I was typing was generally what most players seem to wan't in guns, and over time, guns will improve to meet most of these standards.

10-10-2002, 07:57 PM
The first and most noticable way paintball can change will be to make paint more consistant and less costly with one standard bore size (negating the need for barrel kits)...

Tanks will eventually fade into 4500 or 5000 psi being the norm not the exception.

Guns will continue on in the race of smaller/faster/lighter/flashier while being more affordable..

Mechanical anti chop devices will become mainstream with anti chop eyes still included.

Angels will be able to brew coffee, play games over the internet, have walkie talkies built in, and have gps tracking with a programable map display of the field which will be clearly visable on your goggles HUD

Paintball will eventually either stand up for itself and unify to make a standard rulebook for tourney play, get pro-refs, get rid of (or at least get tough on) the ridiculus amount of cheating present (*cough NPPL *cough).. or continue the way it is and get banned by congress after 20 some little 8 yr olds go blind because they immitated something off of TV.

X-ball will get big after it becomes the first form of paintball that is somewhat interesting/ understandable by the untrained masses when viewed on TV..

Edit: O yeah and my mag will still work :D


10-10-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by demonguy8

Angels will be able to brew coffee, play games over the internet, have walkie talkies built in, and have gps tracking with a programable map display of the field which will be clearly visable on your goggles HUD

Actually a lot of the features are useable, and not too gaudy. I mean most of them are useful, although I can see windows 2k4 technology included in an angel. lol, this would be the commercial.

"Sexy woman voice = in the world of paintball guns aligns one, this gun is the most technologically advanced gun ever"

"Movie preview guy voice (the guy who sounds like he smoked 10 packs of cigs a day that does the narrator for movie previews) Introducing the angel IR9 with new Pentium 69 processors and radeon 890000 graphics card, as well as Windows 2k5 PBOS. Features new preset lay out of every field in the world, includes microwave and toaster, as well as internet surfing at t3 speeds."

"Sexy woman voice = Angel Ir9 make no exceptions"

"Really fast voice (the ones after contests or car commercials that you cant understand a thing) - BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, Price subject to change, may be unavailable in certain countries. Multiple fire modes unavailable in all 50 states of U.S. Fore complete product list and details go to. http://www.wdp/IR9/.net"