View Full Version : Mag Air Conditioner

10-10-2002, 09:45 AM
Hey all, one of our local Mags has a problem..

Well, a feature. It's got an air conidtioner in the back. :)

We've tried swaping in a new parts kit, and greesed up the spring pack, but we can't get the leak out the back to quit. Most of the time it's a slow leak.

Would replacing the spring pack solve this? Or is there something I'm not seeing?

10-10-2002, 09:57 AM
Reg seat most likely. Either it's in backwards, dirty or a bad one. Try a new one or clean it.

10-10-2002, 01:16 PM
You could also try turning the velocity down.

10-10-2002, 04:04 PM
if it is leaking out the back it is most likely the reg piston assmbly. you need a new one. (that has the over pressure valve in it, your sounds like it is bad)

10-10-2002, 07:56 PM
Thanks guys! We'll take a look this weekend and see what we can do. :)

10-14-2002, 10:16 PM
Thanks again guys, it ended up being his reg piston assembly is shot.