View Full Version : Man!!!!!!! Vikings are AWSOME!!!!

10-10-2002, 08:07 PM
I had the opportunity to shoot a marker that I have admired for a long time and it really was far better than my expectations. This AKA Viking was absolutely a dream, and if I could have traded my Micro or bought it I would have. It was soooo light and crisp and accurate, everything I like in a marker. So props to AKA for making a really really nice marker.

10-10-2002, 08:24 PM
Vikings are pretty nice, accept for their price tag. Have you shot a matrix though? Those have got to be the smoothest gun's I've ever seen. Absolutly no recoil an barely any vibrations of any kind, soooo sweet.

10-10-2002, 08:32 PM
vikings>price tag>low $

What are you smoking..........

...... can i have some?

You must be thinking of the excalibur, has same attributes as the viking. But closed bolt and has 2 solenoids instead of one. I also think though unless your really good at mods that the viking has a prog that you can set any BPS, but the excal is set to 13 bps. But im sure certain people figured a way around that.

10-10-2002, 09:01 PM
Vikings and Excalaburs are rather expensive guns.

and accurate


10-10-2002, 09:05 PM
dont get me started...

10-10-2002, 09:07 PM
What do you mean ark, get you started on what?

10-10-2002, 11:25 PM
I want some of what Ark is smokn !!! I certainly wouldn't consider $800 a low$ gun...

10-10-2002, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
What do you mean ark, get you started on what?

Hehe, dont you remember our last brouhaha about the closed bolt wars and the accuracy, range, distance stuff (oh and btw i know two people who have vikings: 1 shoots like fo shizzle and the other shoots amazing)... :D

PS:Maybe with the Vikings AKA isnt taking there time and focusing on quality instead they must be focusing on quantity and mass production cause of demand.

enother reason why eather to get an Excal over viking.

Some other good guns in that price range:

IMPS (i will not concider it unless its chock full of goodies or like a nasty or A.I.)

MATRIXES (Same deal as imps...)

Angel LED (gotta luvvem, get all the goodies of an LCD, but easier, less things to go wrong, and a classic)

10-11-2002, 05:25 AM
Aka will be releasing the software soon that will uncap the bps its looking like 27.7 for the viking :D :D


10-11-2002, 07:59 AM
Ark- I believe everything you say except for the fact about trix's needing alot of upgrades. They only need a bolt kit and LPR mod and then there the best gun out there. I dont really care for imps to much.

Also, to us tourney players 800 for a gun is pocket change. We will pay any amount to get a gun that matches our play perfect.

10-11-2002, 08:12 AM
Ark, don't make a stupid mistake and go all out on something of which you have no knowledge like you did last time. I believe you're the only person who, once presented with facts obtained by independent sources, still does not believe the information.

Hehe, dont you remember our last brouhaha about the closed bolt wars and the accuracy, range, distance stuff (oh and btw i know two people who have vikings: 1 shoots like fo shizzle and the other shoots amazing)...


10-11-2002, 08:19 AM
I wish 800 bux was pocket change for me! :p I'm only 16, and i can barely afford my car payments, neverthe less a 1000 dollar gun. It would be nice but that is like two months of pay for me if i didn't pay for anything else!:D

10-11-2002, 08:31 AM
ark, according to mr newton, i know what your smoking, (sorry miscue, may i borrow it again???) http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=447471

10-11-2002, 12:53 PM
Silly magman, always likes to start irrelevant nonsense.

You can't ever think up something different besides that pic cause your brain is very limited, especially considering the fact that you think the pic affects me what so ever. Its funny....

BTW, stop taking other peoples creativeness cause you cant think up something yourself

n/t though :(:(

10-11-2002, 02:23 PM
Now we've resorted to childish name-calling Ark? I thought this was going to be mature?:rolleyes:

10-11-2002, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*

You can't ever think up something different besides that pic cause your brain is very limited, especially considering the fact that you think the pic affects me what so ever. Its funny....

Obviously it does bother you, otherwise you wouldn't have retaliated. Anyways, i'm a tourney player too and currently i'm shooting a lvl10 RT. To my recolection, i've only invested about $450 into it. I like to keep my guns under $600 if i can. Just cause i play tourney's doesn't mean i have money to just blow on extravagent guns. The RT keeps up just fine. In fact, i can shoot faster than most people on my team with their electro's.

I've seen vikings and excals on occasion. Never really payed to much attention to them. I remember talking to a viking owner and asking him how he liked it. He told me it was a great gun and he never had problems with it. I've been told a lot of good things about AKA. I would imagine they have good performance in their guns with the reputation that they have. They seem to pricey for my taste, but if you got the money, i'd say go for it. I'll stick with my RT.

He really iddn't call anyone names, he just insulted him.

10-11-2002, 02:31 PM

i said i have tried many guns before to see if i wanted to make the switch over.


10-11-2002, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by P4ULuk
Aka will be releasing the software soon that will uncap the bps its looking like 27.7 for the viking :D :D


Haven't they been saying it'll be "soon" for months and now refuse to set a date? Just curious if anything has changed.

10-11-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by P4ULuk
Aka will be releasing the software soon that will uncap the bps its looking like 27.7 for the viking :D :D


thats their new cap? What are they capped at now?

10-11-2002, 02:44 PM
Ark, if 800 is pocket change to you send me a thousand dollars an I'll beleive you. I have no idea who you are to be acting like such a jerk or how old you are (sounds like around 14), but unless your parents go buying you guns, 800 is pocket change to very few people. Besides, compared to other guns who work on similar principals (bushies an the like) it is expensive.

You also say because two of your friends have them, one is good an one is crap, aka is making them poorly. Yet, did you ever stop to think that your friends crappy viking is one out of a very large amount of good ones?

Also, on the matrix's, the new ones come with bolt kits an LPRs for only about 80-100 dollars more than the old ones.

An finally, stop acting like a child an grow up.

10-11-2002, 07:39 PM
There is one thing that I agree with Arkfear about... I just don't know what it is yet.

I would like to point out though that it was Iluvmyrt, not arkfear, who made the pocket change comment.

10-13-2002, 09:53 AM
Ok i'll explain again what i meant by that.

To people like me, a real tourney player, spending 800 bux on a gun is nothing. I've gone through alot of guns in the last 6 months trying to find the perfect gun for me. I've gone through Dark IR3(1800), Racegun Freeflow's(1600), Imp's, Timmies and now i am happy with my Matrix. When you play serious paintball perfection has no price.

Also, yes my mom does by all my stuff and also she is taking me down to World Cup to support me so called me spoiled or whatever you want. It might bother me but then I'll see my Matrix's and World Cup plane tickets sitting there and just smile.:D

10-13-2002, 10:53 AM
Wow, I've seen some pretty spoiled kids in my day, but you've gotta take the cake. I bet you can't even fathom living on your own and not having your parents to buy you everything. I can't wait til you get into the real world and your parents stop paying for everything.

How can you even appreciate all those amazing guns when all you had to do is whine to mommy for a few minutes to get them? If i had the option of getting my parents to pay for everything and working for my gear like I do now, I'd work. You probably don't get it, and probably won't ever, but when you work your butt off to get your OWN gun, it feels so much better and means so much more than barely lifting a finger.

10-13-2002, 11:55 AM
Freshmanbob- That had to be the best post I have seen in a LONG time!:D

10-13-2002, 12:07 PM
Of course paintball has no price if you don't have to pay for it. When you starting earinging what you work for, it becomes a different story. It's not his fault his parents spoil him. If your parents waived $1000 in your face and asked if you wanted a new gun, i'm willing to bet most people would take it, whether they'd admit it or not. I don't know if i would turn it down. I would like to say no, but when you have money sitting in your face, it's a very different story. I just don't have the luxery to find out.

10-13-2002, 12:34 PM
Are you kidding?!? The Vikings suck! They just gave up 14 points in no time.


10-13-2002, 12:48 PM
FreshmanBOB- Like usual you took my post the exact wrong way prolly just to be a jerk. I actually work alot, I helped start a field and I also play sports throughout the whole school year so I cant work. My parents would rather have me get good grades and play sports then have me work 24/7. To some I am spoiled but I do everything my parents ask.

Also, I just cant go and ask for 1000 dollars. Again you took it ther wrong way just to be a jerk. I've spent alot of money to find the right gun. My parents realized that, they havent spent much on paintball lately b/c I am now happy with all my equiptment and i have money from selling parts and doing odd-jobs.

Just because I have my parents support you have to go off and say i'm a spoiled little brat. See I already am in the real world and I'm enjoying every care free minute of it.

10-13-2002, 01:11 PM
Ok i'll explain again what i meant by that.

To people like me, a real tourney player, spending 800 bux on a gun is nothing. I've gone through alot of guns in the last 6 months trying to find the perfect gun for me. I've gone through Dark IR3(1800), Racegun Freeflow's(1600), Imp's, Timmies and now i am happy with my Matrix. When you play serious paintball perfection has no price.

Also, yes my mom does by all my stuff and also she is taking me down to World Cup to support me so called me spoiled or whatever you want. It might bother me but then I'll see my Matrix's and World Cup plane tickets sitting there and just smile.

Seems like you wanted us to think you were spoiled. That's how I read it. Does anyone else realize how off-topic we are?

10-13-2002, 01:34 PM
FreshmanBOB- Like usual you took my post the exact wrong way prolly just to be a jerk. I actually work alot, I helped start a field and I also play sports throughout the whole school year so I cant work. My parents would rather have me get good grades and play sports then have me work 24/7. To some I am spoiled but I do everything my parents ask.

Also, I just cant go and ask for 1000 dollars. Again you took it ther wrong way just to be a jerk. I've spent alot of money to find the right gun. My parents realized that, they havent spent much on paintball lately b/c I am now happy with all my equiptment and i have money from selling parts and doing odd-jobs.

Just because I have my parents support you have to go off and say i'm a spoiled little brat. See I already am in the real world and I'm enjoying every care free minute of it.
That still seems pretty spoiled to me. Guess what, I also get good grades and do after school activities, but what do I get for it? Not one cent. You can still find time to work, because obviously you've found time to play paintball, right? Plus, you're not living in the real world if you're "enjoying every care free minute of it."

10-13-2002, 02:31 PM
I'm not saying that free stuff would not be awesome (God knows I would take any free gun), but he is still spoiled, whether he realizes it or not.

10-13-2002, 02:48 PM
You said YOU've spent a lot of money on your stuff but yet..

Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt

Also, yes my mom does by all my stuff and also she is taking me down to World Cup to support me so called me spoiled or whatever you want.

So you really didn't spend crap. I know lots of people just like Ov3rmind who work and play sports and do activites and work. Just because you play sports or whatever doesn't mean its just GREAT for your parents to spend about 5 grand on paint for YOU. Unless your taking 5 AP courses, playing soccer, baseball, lacrosse, football and doing track, as well as having atleast a 4.8 GPA, I DONT CARE. Cause hell if did that, my parents might buy me a gun. MIGHT.

Get a job! If not during the school year, during the summer! I made close to 2 grand this summer, all of which will feed the old paintball habit. I worked my butt off but now I can play whenever I want, and for a long time too. And I've bought all the gun's I've had with my own money, so they're my guns, not gifts from my parents.
Just about every kid who plays paintball has "their parents support" but that doesnt mean their parents buy them any gun that will be perfect for them. Support for most kids is just getting their parents to drive them an hour there an back to the field, maybe even 20 bucks to help pay for the day.

Now, I'm not typing all this just "to be a jerk" as you put it. Maybe I'm a little bit jelous an wish my parents would help me out a little more with paintball, but maybe I'm trying to tell your something here, that your no special case and you'll appreciate things a lot more when you work for them. That and to stop acting so cocky all the time, money may mean little to you an your parents (seeing how as vikings aren't expensive) but it means a whole lot more to everyone else.

10-13-2002, 04:18 PM
Ok guys, new rule ok? If you have a high paying job and are well off, you are NOT allowed to spend it on your kids. they have to live like the poor kid in the neighborhood, just so they dont cry. Ok?

10-13-2002, 04:21 PM
hey i got one i wanna get rid of.....mabye 100balls thru it. send me a IM [email protected]

10-13-2002, 04:22 PM
are you kidding thatd be dumb. i mean if they cant spend thousands of dollars on paint guns for their kids, then the lil kids might have to learn about the value of a dollar, and how to work. and then, theyd be prepared for the real world

10-13-2002, 04:42 PM
im sorry..... this has nothing to do with the topic.... but then again most of these posts don't

but that picture petefol posted still has me laughing.......
it has to be one of the funniest things i have ever seen.

(also just so everyone realizes i have an uncle in the special olympics so i have seen these races and been to all the other events ..... i understand how hard they work... so i shouldnt be laughing!)

but i just cant help it! :D cause the rest of the statement on the photo is just SOOOOOO god damn true.

10-13-2002, 05:02 PM
Some kid is offering me his diamond dust Viking for my EMag....oooohh..i'm really going to have to think about this...

71 LS6
10-13-2002, 05:59 PM
ummmm, what was the topic again????

10-13-2002, 07:33 PM
Sheesh. We're getting mean. I mean if a kid had a paper route and saved up his money and even if his parents helped him out a bit what is the problem? Also some of us in the working world just sound plain bitter. All of these speeches about, "WAIT TILL YOU ARE EARNING YOUR LIVING!" I'll admit that some of us had to work since the day we were born and walk to school in the snow uphill both ways but the majority of us were supported by our parents....

10-13-2002, 07:47 PM
If he did have a paper route an his parents helped him a little, I'd give him a hearty pat on the back. BUT, his parents dropped about 5 grand for various markers for him and he didn't have a real job.

Halb, your the man I was going to say the same exact thing.

10-13-2002, 08:55 PM
Gotta agree - when I have a kid, he's getting a mag, he can get a job and buy the rest himself :)