View Full Version : safteys and newbies

zach rumchak
10-11-2002, 12:37 PM
well i was at my local field playing some paintball (all day of course lol) and i had seen AT LEAST five newbies shoot their gun when ther was no game even going

the first one i was like hey watch and i sqeegied his barrel i said put on your saftey

then a little later he did it again! this time no barrel plug ! he said to me hey can you squeegie my barrel i said absolutely not he got really mad and i just told the ref to keep an eye on him cause he dont want to put on his saftey or barrel plug and later in the day people kept doing this and i was gettin a little mad (you would be too if your getting shot at when you are not even playing)
now i have done this once or twice i believe everyone has but come on i noticed a pattern all newbies and they do it ALOT this makes me think us more experienced players need to push them too use barrel plugs and safteys more often

what do you guys think? ( bye the way that kid later was tooken off the field to watch a saftey video for breaking the seal of his mask during gameplay)

10-11-2002, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by zach rumchak
...this makes me think us more experienced players need to push them too use barrel plugs and safteys more often...

ALL of us should feel empowered to insist that ALL players follow the safety rules. ANYONE who sees someone break a safety rule at any field should speak up. It's not just themselves they may be hurting... :(

10-11-2002, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by hitech

ALL of us should feel empowered to insist that ALL players follow the safety rules. ANYONE who sees someone break a safety rule at any field should speak up. It's not just themselves they may be hurting... :(
I agree.. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. And that does not just apply to Paintball.

10-11-2002, 01:10 PM
Sometimes we may need to help them out a bit too. Recently, after being tagged at an indoor speedball field, I exited the netting and was watching the game, behind the netting with my goggles off. Some genius, and yes he we was a new player, decided that after he was tagged out he wanted to take a closer look so he stands in the sidelines, but still on the field and inside the netting with his goggles OFF.

To add insult to injury he was in an area where the reffs did not see this. So I get over to him, screaming for the refs to stop the game, and try to wrap the netting around him.

This was a small speedball field with a lot of firepower in play. Fortunately it ended well.

Hitech, you are 100% right. We have to take a pro-actice approach with this. If we see someone doing something stupid, inform them and report it to the refs. If you find the refs are not doing anything, talk to the field owners. If there is still no improvement, then you have a big problem and I would boycott he field and try to get as many others to do the same.

Granted we want as many fields open as possible, but not at the expense of the whole sport.

/getting off the soapbox/


10-11-2002, 01:32 PM
i agree. i constantly have to yell at people to keep there masks on. the older people dont tend to listen to me cus i am 13 but i yell at them anyways. it annoys me that they cant just keep their mask on for a little while. its not that hard. just go off the field if your too hot.

zach rumchak
10-11-2002, 02:21 PM
yeah one day i was there and i am 14 and i told like a 30 yr old guy to stop taking off your mask and he said shutup and the ref overheard and backed me up buysaying yeah listen to him put on the mask and the guy said no and the ref kicked him off the field

10-11-2002, 02:32 PM
This is easy, safety or not safety, you keep your damned finger OFF the trigger until you're ready to start playing.

Don't touch it, don't "try it out", don't play with it. Keep your finger off it until you hear the ref yell go or game on or whatever the game start is.

10-11-2002, 02:37 PM
hey zach did you get my pm? where in illinois are you from?

10-11-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
This is easy, safety or not safety, you keep your damned finger OFF the trigger until you're ready to start playing.

Don't touch it, don't "try it out", don't play with it. Keep your finger off it until you hear the ref yell go or game on or whatever the game start is.

If only it where that easy. I have seen triggers tuned so light that all you would have to do is THINK about pulling it and it would shoot twice. And there are fields that will rent these bad boys out as "premium" rentals. Imagine being someone used to playing with Tippmans (the prevelant rental marker) and being given a tuned Imp or Matrix to play with.


zach rumchak
10-11-2002, 02:56 PM
yes we have a field that does this, rents very high end guns
my gun is like that all you have to do is tap it and you can shoot someone right in an eye so i feel i need to worry about me and the other people that want to not pay attention to their safteys

10-11-2002, 03:34 PM
As a result of going through a fire arms safety class I learned there are three basic rules to handling any gun:

1. Always keep the gun pointing in a safe direction
2. Never load a gun until you're ready to fire it
3. Never put your're finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire.

The only way to get hurt and or have an accident is if you break all three rules at the same time. Whenever I see a newbie mishandling his marker I explain to him these three simple rules. If we all do that we'll all be a lot safer on and off the field.

10-11-2002, 04:23 PM
I played at Angry Guy (AO member)'s House last sunday. A buddy of his brought over 3 German Exchange students. Nice guys, seemed to enjoy themselves, NO ENGLISH!

I tried to be nice. Didnt shoot fast. They understood the shooting aspect, not the cover. I shot a guy in the arm. He says, "Hit" or something like that. I keep watching the field, all I see is a bare head pop out of his bunker. There was another 1v1 on the other side of the field going on, and he didnt understand "PUT YOUR MASK ON! PUT IT ON! MASK!" for the life of him.

Something tells me his parents wouldnt have been too happy if he came home missing an eye. It would have been no ones fault, they had the rules explained and demonstrated to them very carefully by the 1 kid there who spoke german. Fact of the matter is, until you get shot a couple times and catch a good one, you dont understand what kind of damage that little ball can do.

I'm glad it all ended well, but at the same field some kids who are experienced do some pretty idiotic things. Not Angry man and Reo5th, but i'd say just about EVERY other person has been yelled at at least one time for having their mask off while a game was going on. There is no safety net anywhere mind you.

I have a blast every time I go, and I like getting other newbies psyched about paintballs, but every time i'm on the field and see a spectator goofing off w/o goggles on my stomach turns.


IT should all be better on saturday :)

Rancid Milk
10-11-2002, 04:30 PM
I know that I have shot my gun when I wannt playing, but I have never done it withot a barrel condom in. I can't stand it when newbs (or anyone for that matter) shoots off their gun w/out a cover. At least have enough sense to safety your gun before more bad publicity goes through the press about someone being blinded because "paintball players" are careless.