View Full Version : Abercrombie and Paintball

The Dreaded Jew
10-11-2002, 09:33 PM
what the hell its abercrombie they are prep we are not. check out there screen saver at http://www.abercrombiekids.com
i propose every one should send them an email and tell them to get out of our sport [email protected]

10-11-2002, 09:45 PM
I don't think its that big of a deal. It gets us a little publicity, but it seems like Abercrombie didn't do much research on paintball. They got the world cup part right, but since 1892? In Montana?

10-11-2002, 09:46 PM
lol "5 man competition established in 1892" you know only 90 sumthin years befor paintball was born!

DARN you beet me to it!

10-11-2002, 09:47 PM
I thought paintball was invented during the 1980s not the 1892:confused: I never ware any of their clothes anyways

10-11-2002, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by The Dreaded Jew
what the hell its abercrombie they are prep we are not. check out there screen saver at http://www.abercrombiekids.com
i propose every one should send them an email and tell them to get out of our sport [email protected]
o and hey dont tell me/us what we are and are not. you also have not done research on our beloved sport. or you would have found the true diversity of paintball, young, old, male, femal, "Prep" , and "Punk" i personaly would be considered "Prep" my buddy is "Punk" guesse how we met? thats right playin paintball with a series of mutual friends...

10-11-2002, 09:57 PM
Didn't Rick Scherer (the guy who is from RPS/PMI or something) make the first gel encapsulating machine (paintball maker) in like 1900 something? I remember hearing about people playing paintball with slingshot type things before ... but then again I could be way off.

10-11-2002, 09:58 PM
Didn't Rick Scherer (the guy who is from RPS/PMI or something) make the first gel encapsulating machine (paintball maker) in like 1900 something? I remember hearing about people playing paintball with slingshot type things before ... but then again I could be way off.

ya but that was used to make medicin capsuls, not paintballs.

10-11-2002, 09:58 PM
In the 1900s kids would sling shot rocks at each other for fun.

The Dreaded Jew
10-11-2002, 10:25 PM
hoppysmag, i was mearly speaking of the steriotypical paintballer i know it doesnt speak for everyone just ingeneral paintball is more "punk" than "prep" you just dont see too many nice prepy jewish boys in collared shirts playing not to offend anyone i am a jew so dont take it personally. Look at challenge park in joliet its a huge paintball place with a kick *** skate park punk and paintball just go together a little more. ill admit my first post was a little hostile but i just think paintball is a little out of abrocrombies area

10-11-2002, 10:29 PM
they're saying a&f was established in 1892, they don't ACTUALLY say that EVERY sport on all of their merchandise was created at that time guys.

10-11-2002, 10:31 PM
My rich, jewish teammate plays paintball :) I consider him a prep, im more of a metal head kinda person.

10-11-2002, 11:54 PM
who are we to tell the almighty ambercrombie they are wrong?

10-12-2002, 03:01 AM
abercrobie cloths is hella wannabe.
i mean the take normal shorts and tear up the edges and sell them for 50 dollars.

around me area ... all the paintballers are pretty rich, prep or skatboarder style . cept for a few. me ... Well think Chicano( which i am) ... black pants ..belt ... wife beater ... over shirt ... thin gold necklece. by good buddy is a total hippie paintballer its great

Pile & A Half
10-12-2002, 03:18 AM
I guess you could consider me a prep. But when I play I'm just any one else. Yeah people consider prepy people to have nice clothes and all that stuff. When you play paintball dude your all the same. I don't think you can get prepy with paintball clothes.:)

10-12-2002, 08:34 AM
Paintball players make up a wide range of people. And sorry, they are NOT majority “punk”. When I play paintball I see people from almost every income bracket, every lifestyle choice, and a wide range of ages. Some PARKS tend to draw more of one type than others, but that is not a true indication of how Paintball is, but more the demographic attracted to that particular field or park.

Paintball needs diversity, and it is what keeps it alive and is the future of the sport. Paintball players should be embracing the idea of “other” types of companies showing interest in the sport, not acting “better” than them and walking around with their noses in the air….. It is hard to see where you are truly going (or NOT going) when all you see are the clouds. ;)

Our goal should also be to BUST stereotypes, not fall back on them.

10-12-2002, 01:47 PM
I think its cool that A&F put paintball on some clothes.. but they shoulda got it right...

Personally, I have bought clothes at A&F. The jeans I'm wearing right now are from there, they're FIVE years old, and are the most comfortable, not to mention durable, that I have ever owned. They aren't as nice as they were when i bought em, but they are still great for working, loafing around, I have even worn the paintballing.

Am I Preppy? Not really, I dress in clothes that fit well, are comfortable, and are durable. I hate going to malls, so I get what will last so I don't have to go for a year or two. I do dress nicely, since i work in a professional environment and have to be in professional attire.

American Eagle, Abercrombie, Champion, Hanes T-shirts, Dockers, doesn't matter to me really.

My best frieds growing up are a Punk and a really preppy frat boy. I hang out with Goths, Punks, and everyone else on a regular basis, whether or not they're paintballers or not.

Don't stereotype me, or any other paintballer, or anyone, simply on what they wear.

oops... slipped into rant mode.


10-12-2002, 01:56 PM
[Off topic] I remember the days (and miss them) when Abercrombie was an outdoor outfitter. I understand their venture into Old Navy type fad-wear, but I wish they had not chosen to ignore their roots.

big E kingpin
10-12-2002, 02:00 PM
im wearing a&f jeans right now, wit my jt paitnball tshirt, and my hatebreed sweatshirt, i guess im all messed up to you narrowminded trend setters

10-12-2002, 02:07 PM
The Dreaded Jew can you get any more close minded? seriously over in another post your bashing real looking guns, now you want people to email A&F and tell them to get out of paintball? you wish to break up anything that doesnt look exactly like you. well you are what i would have to call a paintball nazi. I personally think its very nice that main stream industry is recognising we exist. If you think a companys style of cloths has to conform to your style you need to get a real personality so you can stop making one out of the stuff you wear. gg

10-12-2002, 02:27 PM
Dreaded jew, you are so incredibly stupid.....Skating and punk just go together OK! maybe in 1977 when people wore combat boots with nash skatebaord....

Paintball is all about diversity and brings everyone together, people like you are just a hinderance to the sport.....and if im not mistaken "bling bling" "check yo grill" and "Im yo pimp" are the hottest trends to say on the field....those terms are so punk its not even funny:rolleyes:

But Im glad that you pointed out that Abercrombie made a paintball shirt, I'll make sure to go pick one up at the mall today....hey why dont you come to badlandz and play in the tournament tommorow...ill make sure to shoot you while wearing that shirt.......

10-12-2002, 02:34 PM
When i was younger i use to wear abercrombie and that american eagle stuff. Very funny, expensive, guess it was just the style though.

Now i wear mostly Armani Exchange and Structure, probably cause i can afford it and girls like it :D.

Also i like locamotion and a couple other surfing company clothes for more casual style.

But it really shouldnt matter, i mean alot of kids at my local field are like punkish/hardcore skaterish or nerdish :D

10-12-2002, 02:42 PM
hmm, why dont you see preps playing paintballl.... lets think about this for a sec. heres a crazy thought... its not a good idea to play paintball wearing nice clothes? but anyway i dont like any of the shirts like that that say stuff like "abercrombie surf shop" or "american eagle snowboarding" its kind of stupid to pay 15$ to have some name all over your shirt, and it seems like the people that buy those shirts just buy them to show that they shop at abercrombie. and i wouldnt really classify paintball to any one clique, cause in different areas the definition of a punk, prep, skater, etc. is different, and in my area there is no one group that only plays paintball.

10-12-2002, 04:01 PM
The only thing that turns me away from A&F, AE and Old Navy, is that all of thier jeans on the racks look to have been worn for 4 years by somone, then washed a gazillion times with stones. I prefer levi stratus clothes. They dont cost much, and they are guaranteed.

10-12-2002, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
or nerdish :D

lol.... just like Ender....

I'm such a trend setter at my school...
ok, there's me, the rec baller that likes having nice gear, a few really good actual tournament players, and a bunch of renegade/outlaw players that have maybe played at a commercial field 1 or 2 times.... and I wear one of my jerseys to school every once in a while...

now half of the outlaw players have those new JT bubble jerseys... there's even guys that don't even have guns, but have jerseys.

10-12-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by petefol
hmm, why dont you see preps playing paintballl.... lets think about this for a sec. heres a crazy thought... its not a good idea to play paintball wearing nice clothes? but anyway i dont like any of the shirts like that that say stuff like "abercrombie surf shop" or "american eagle snowboarding" its kind of stupid to pay 15$ to have some name all over your shirt, and it seems like the people that buy those shirts just buy them to show that they shop at abercrombie. and i wouldnt really classify paintball to any one clique, cause in different areas the definition of a punk, prep, skater, etc. is different, and in my area there is no one group that only plays paintball.

you mean like all the Paintball jerseys:rolleyes: so far the most over priced shirts iv seen have been paintball shirts. is it just me or does it seem that the "Punk" people here on AO are being very closed minded in this discussion?

10-12-2002, 05:02 PM
by nice i meant sweaters or a dress shirt or something. and about expensive jeans, the reason some are expensive is because they are "thread spun" im not exactly sure what it means but it makes them softer but more comfortable, the faded look is just the current style.

10-12-2002, 05:03 PM
I am would consider myself one of thoes crazy military fanitics that love anything involving slinging projectiles at a target. A/F just seems a little hippy like, to me. Hippys Hippys smoking pot and smelling bad -cartman(southpark)

The Dreaded Jew
10-12-2002, 06:07 PM
alright fine statemetn retracted

10-12-2002, 06:32 PM
no dont take this as an attack, more like constructive critisism.

10-12-2002, 07:24 PM
ill just put my opinion on it this way: i wouldnt wear any clothes from a place that paints a white stripe down some jeans and sells em as faded pants for 70 bux, but there isnt such a thing as bad publicity (well, maybe the eye shooting thing...) but this will give us more recognition. i still wish all a&fs were set on fire though

The Dreaded Jew
10-12-2002, 07:42 PM
im not taking it as an attack im just taking back what i said about telling them to get out of the sport and all that buti just dont thing that they are really a company that should be in paintball and i appoligize if i offended any one about the punk/prep thing paintball is a very diverce sport i was just speaking from personal experance. and im not just giving up cuz im a wussy or something have been persuaded to the other side

10-12-2002, 07:49 PM
Yeah you are. Wussy.

10-12-2002, 08:19 PM
does ambercombie host a 5 man paintball tournament?? or team?

10-12-2002, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
does ambercombie host a 5 man paintball tournament?? or team?


10-12-2002, 09:49 PM
blnk162 dont start. i know its a silly question but iv already realized what your gunna do.:D

Falcon, no they dont its just a design on a shirt.