View Full Version : Impulse and Warp Intellifeed problems

10-11-2002, 10:17 PM
Well I guess if this isnt the right forum for this it will be moved, but here goes.

Just got a ptp warp feed for my impulse. Being the tinkerer that I am, I wanted to run some sort of intellifeed type setup for it. So I bought a 3/32" phono plug, some wire, heatshrink and the like and proceeded to try and hook it up. I have the + and - wire running from the solenoid on the impulse, the + runs to the center hookup on the plug and the - runs to the outer connector.

Now for the problem, it doesnt work. I have the warp jumpers set to recieve a positive signal, and the imp still fires fine, but the warp isnt spinning. I have tried fresh batteries and still no go. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do, I havent gone out to but a multimeter yet to see what kind of voltage I am getting, but that is my next step if no one has a better idea. Any help is appreciated.

10-12-2002, 10:30 AM
1) test your connections and see if you are getting a voltage signal out of the plug when you fire it. (the signal will probally be about 7-9 volts)

put the plug in your mouth, fire the gun and see if you have a metalic tingly sensation in the mouth. if so, the interface is constructed properly.

2) see if you have the jumpers configured properly. lets just say the bottom of the warp is the side with the recpticle that you plug the cable into from the gun.

top- jumper-spin warp if 2 wires from plug are connected, no jumper-disable this
middle- jumper-spin warp if there is a voltage signal off of the 2 wires, no jumper-disable this
bottom- jumper-vibration enable, no jumper-vibration disable

you can pick only one of the top 2 jumpers you have in. this is for an agd warp, i think the pro team warp has a sligltly different jumper setup.

you should eiter have the middle jumper in, or the bottom two jumpers in (if you want to leave the vibration sensor active for fun)

10-12-2002, 10:32 AM
just noticed you said ptp warp.... the boklet that came with will tell you their jumper configuration.

10-13-2002, 09:54 PM
didnt get a book with mine, but I looked it up on their site and the jumpers are the same.

Went out a pikced up a multimeter today. I guess SP has their wires connected wrong, I was getting negative readings until I reversed the probes. Still the readings were under 1V, I guess I wasnt getting a decent enough signal to the warp. But after playing with the vibration sensor, I have it set to were it will spin when the gun fires, it is actually probably set a little too sensitive, but until I can figure out the intellifeed deal, it'll have to do. Thanks for the suggestions.

10-14-2002, 08:29 AM
hmmm, maybe if you connected it to the other pin on the microswitch it would work.

i dunno why that pin is there, but it might just be another output.