View Full Version : Silver Emag Questions

10-11-2002, 11:46 PM
Ok, here's the deal. I have a thing for silver guns. I love my Emag. I want my Emag to be silver. I have a silver mainbody. I know there are numerous posts about polishing your mainbody. What about the rest of the marker. Can you polish off the anno? Would this be unwise for some reason I am not aware of? Could I purchase a replacement rail, battery and gripframe that have yet to be anno-ed. What do you guys think?


Psycho Chicken
10-12-2002, 04:13 AM
Actually i've just heard that you can take off anno w/i oven cleaner. Now maybe not the quality of airgun's but i some this guy do it. Once you spray it down leave it for a half an hour then wipe... I couldn't believe it until he demonstrated it right before my eyes.

10-12-2002, 01:37 PM

Its called Lye. Takes off anno (and metal if you're not careful. I recently polished Assassn's Rail, Frame, Forgrip, Forgrip holder thingy, and ASA (from his RT, used to be my RT).

We both think it came out pretty well. There are small blotches where no amount of polishing would get the metal totally shiny. I dont know if it was a flaw in the metal, a flaw in something I was doing, but for the life of me it woudlnt stop being dull metal. Nevertheless, he's getting a completed picture up and with his junky powdercoated stuff it should look stunning.

I used Drain-O CRYSTALS to do the stripping. Pure red devil lye works, as does any oven cleaner that says LYE is the active ingredient. THe crystals worked best for me. Get a plastic container, not too thin, sacrificing tupperware is a good idea if thats cool with the other people of your house. Wear rubber gloves, and eye protection. Keep plenty of paper towels around.
For the rail I got a similarly shaped tupperware container, added probably 2-3 tablespoons of Drain-O crystals, and I was off to the races. After about 4 minutes or so it was bubbling violently. I took it out and most of the anno just wiped off with a paper towel.

Now for polishing. 2 good ways that I know of. Buffing wheel attached to a drill or a bench grinder + polishing compound for aluminum.

Other, easier, cheaper way is to get something like Mother's Mag polish from an autobody shop. Get a nice towel, start rubbing, and it does good stuff.

If you have any specific questions PM me, or p8ntballa, or i bet a bunch of other people. :) I'll find a pic of most of Assassn's stuff and post it here.

Enjoy your silver emag :)
My hands hurt...too long of a post.

10-12-2002, 01:39 PM


10-12-2002, 04:44 PM
Thanks Mossman. Thats what I needed to know.
