View Full Version : What is the shortest barrel possible?

10-12-2002, 05:20 PM
I right now have two barrels and there both 14in. To me these barrels are too long I want a more compact marker. So I want the shortest barrel possible without it hurting performance. Does anyone know what is a good size and what type of barrel I should get?

Will Wood
10-12-2002, 05:25 PM
After 8 inches, I doesn't really help any but to slow down the ball (thus using more air) and make less noise.

10-12-2002, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by 56kSomeGuy
I right now have two barrels and there both 14in. To me these barrels are too long I want a more compact marker. So I want the shortest barrel possible without it hurting performance. Does anyone know what is a good size and what type of barrel I should get?


10-12-2002, 06:05 PM
accually newbs have 16,18,20,21,24,32 inch barrels experienced have 12,8,7.5. That is just what ive noticed. The only barrel shorter than 10" that i know of is the bigshot 7.5"

10-12-2002, 06:05 PM
hiya blink let me be the first to say you suck:D , anyway 7" unported is teh optimum length i say go for a 10 or 12 i personally use a 14" and play back so it doesnt get in the way

~edit~ and not only newbs have barrels over 12" you tard do you even play tourney ball i mean i have yet to see front guys run anything shorther than 12, and most run 14's backs use between 14's and 18's some even use 20's! you gotta control the gun and bunker not let them control you~~

10-12-2002, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by dansim
hiya blink let me be the first to say you suck:D , anyway 7" unported is teh optimum length i say go for a 10 or 12 i personally use a 14" and play back so it doesnt get in the way

~edit~ and not only newbs have barrels over 12" you tard do you even play tourney ball i mean i have yet to see front guys run anything shorther than 12, and most run 14's backs use between 14's and 18's some even use 20's! you gotta control the gun and bunker not let them control you~~

yah i suck what team are you on again? rock the 16 or go home ladies

10-12-2002, 06:14 PM
yeah cause your real good what did you place last year? shut up, just cause someone asks what someones opinion on barrel length is doesnt give you anyright to call him a noob all your doing is post whoring , why dont you go play in pbnation with people more your....intectual level:rolleyes: i mean really i shoot farsides people yeah whatever sure you do, poser

how come you took your team part of your sig out btw you afraid they may come on here and bust you out/?

10-12-2002, 06:21 PM
Place in what your n00b little 3 mans? Yeah I actually do play against farside regurlarly and am best friends with the farside kids.

I can state whatever I feel, It is newbish to have a 7 inch barrel, please tell me WHAT advantage that has....Play on pbnation with my intellect level, your not even on my level of play or on my intellect level, sorry I dont spend my life and all my time trying to argue with pretentious *** holes like you.

I took it outta my sig so you homos arent like oh they are jerks because you had to start crap with me by saying I suck, and I also just got on the team.

10-12-2002, 06:28 PM
begone lil boy im done with you

10-12-2002, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by blnk162

yah i suck what team are you on again? rock the 16 or go home ladies http://www.digitalbrain.com/jonneh/URGE.jpg

10-12-2002, 06:34 PM
i voted 12". Lapco is great. their 12"ers are very nice, however on airball a 14 or 16" can be nice to "move" the bunkers around a little. gets a little tighter profile, but overall as playing both front (and more recently) back, i love my 12" Lapcos

10-12-2002, 06:36 PM
Not to get into a mudslinging match or anything, but I can vouch for Dansim's playing ability... My team just played a very good game against his last weekend.

(Look forward to seeing you soon Dansim.)

AO Nightmare

I use a 12" barrel by the way...

10-12-2002, 06:37 PM
Hey blink, good way to start off here, making fun of a well-respected member. Props to you. :rolleyes:

You, my young padawan, are not intelligent.

Oh yeah, I personally use a 12 inch cp. Beyond 12 inches, consistency starts drop through the floor. Granted, 7 inches IS the most efficient, however, for most uses, that just isn't practical. You want to be able to "aim" with your barrel, and use it to push bunkers, or rest on the side, top of a bunker. So, 10 or 12 inches is my vote. Or 14 if you play back and don't mind having a slightly less efficiency.

10-12-2002, 06:43 PM
I use a 12".

10-12-2002, 06:44 PM
start off here? Ive been here a year longer than you son.....and i dont care if he's the dali lama of paintball he said I suck....resulting in my retaliation....

10-12-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by blnk162


hmmmm, i see my mistake now, thats right your giving helpful advice here ....whoops i said i was done with you later

p.s i belive he mayhave been here longer than you blink just under another identity:eek: im sorry i thought you wer talking about riot, um yeah i wasnt saying you sucked as a player just as a human being;)

Spray Painter
10-12-2002, 07:23 PM
:eek: i'm going to jump into this
fisrt of all:i want to tell blnk162

and second of all: to answer your question 56kSomeGuy:
if you want a short barrel get a 12 inch. if you want a really short barrel get a 10 inch. and if you want a really, really short barrel get the 7.5 inch.

10-12-2002, 07:55 PM
Hmmmm intelligence level....

Well for starters you may want to use correct grammar in your sig, it should say " I shoot Farside's People" OR I shot people on far side, or I shoot people on farside

Hmm pb nation person....deduct all intelect points. If there is one thing i have noticed, pb nation is a board of pissing matches, where every one argues over everything. Not intellectual

Hmm even judging by your crappy post, im going to say your not intellectual.

Now as for barrels, I use a 14 for back, so i can push the bunker out of the way, and i use my stock emag barrel for front. THe longer the barrel, for back, the more advantage you have of pushing the bunker out of the way, its called leverage. If the guy wants an 8 inch barrel, whats wrong with that, hees optomizing his performance, and his efficiency. Who cares. If he can play better that way, then let him.

Also, who cares if hees a noob. I dont, and you shouldnt, you should be trying to encourage him and offer good advice, as he is the future of our sport, the person who will un do the dammage your atitude has done to our sport.

Also, please do not dissrespect our fellow members, Triad for one had added a lot of helpful information to this board, as has 56ksomeguy, much more than i have seen from you. Now please shut up, sit down, and enjoy the ride

10-12-2002, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by magman007
Hmmmm intelligence level....

Well for starters you may want to use correct grammar in your sig, it should say " I shoot Farside's People" OR I shot people on far side, or I shoot people on farside

Hmm pb nation person....deduct all intelect points. If there is one thing i have noticed, pb nation is a board of pissing matches, where every one argues over everything. Not intellectual

Hmm even judging by your crappy post, im going to say your not intellectual.

Now as for barrels, I use a 14 for back, so i can push the bunker out of the way, and i use my stock emag barrel for front. THe longer the barrel, for back, the more advantage you have of pushing the bunker out of the way, its called leverage. If the guy wants an 8 inch barrel, whats wrong with that, hees optomizing his performance, and his efficiency. Who cares. If he can play better that way, then let him.

Also, who cares if hees a noob. I dont, and you shouldnt, you should be trying to encourage him and offer good advice, as he is the future of our sport, the person who will un do the dammage your atitude has done to our sport.

Also, please do not dissrespect our fellow members, Triad for one had added a lot of helpful information to this board, as has 56ksomeguy, much more than i have seen from you. Now please shut up, sit down, and enjoy the ride

It's not even bragging about shooting farside players, it's an inside joke with the farside kids and team bam!

10-12-2002, 08:53 PM
11.5" Lapco all the way!

10-12-2002, 09:21 PM
I use a 12" BOA Snakebit barrel and love it to death. Stainless steel barrels rock!

10-12-2002, 09:23 PM
i shoot a twelve, though i am thinking of picking up a 14 for airball.

anything shorter than that gets hard to sight down, though im not adverse to using a 8 or 10 if theres a snake... :D

and i play front (left tape).

10-12-2002, 09:38 PM
Doesn't seem like many people around here respect eachothers own opinnions, or is that just me thinking this?

10-12-2002, 09:41 PM
Its just you:D

10-12-2002, 09:43 PM
As for material SS and aluminum are the most popular
for one pieces aluminum is great, but SS does not absorb vibrations. This makes SS barrels noisy. It also creates ball breakage at high rates of fire. But they are shiny:D
i recomend a 2 piece cambo of both as most campanys make.
if it is all SS then when its cold it breaks even more.
IMHO SS barrels suck.
As for length i like to use a 10" barrel

10-12-2002, 09:44 PM
Heh, alright :(

10-12-2002, 09:44 PM
and BTW repect the dansim Blink

10-12-2002, 09:47 PM
well recently wev had in influx of well um, new people. people from PBN come over get us ticked off and we start attacking lesser know members... simililar to your other thread that they got you on... also since we are use to being respectfull we snap wen someone isnt, like blnk162

its ok for him to have his opinions but to make fun of some one for not having the same opinion as his, or asking an honest question proves how narrow minded, and inconsiderate we as humans are. not to mention us violating his opinion by attacking him...

Im sure everyone will find thier place again and it will all calm down.

EDITED: for spelling and such:D

10-12-2002, 10:01 PM
wow i have fans, i just didnt like his comment about noob, nothing else, thats all he said and it was completly unwarranted

well friends atleast, and with them come powerful enemies! AUTOBOTS transform!!!!

10-12-2002, 10:18 PM
oh my! do we have a transformers fan
Transformers is the best cartoon...
i got the movie just a little while ago
check out ebay! theres a ton of transformer stuff

10-12-2002, 10:21 PM

10-13-2002, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
well recently wev had in influx of well um, new people. people from PBN come over get us ticked off and we start attacking lesser know members... simililar to your other thread that they got you on... also since we are use to being respectfull we snap wen someone isnt, like blnk162

its ok for him to have his opinions but to make fun of some one for not having the same opinion as his, or asking an honest question proves how narrow minded, and inconsiderate we as humans are. not to mention us violating his opinion by attacking him...

-I know what you mean about all the new people on the boards. I haven't been a member for long, but i have been surfing through here just reading posts. I hadn't been on in a while.. and posted my post (which was a stupid post.. i know that now that i look back at it). All of a sudden a wave of people start flaming.. lol. I was like, i don't remember AO being like this..

- For the 2nd part of your comment, that's what i meant about respecting eachothers opinnions. I meant it mainly for blink, but also for some of the AO guys. I realize when you've been offended by something, it's very hard to respect the other persons oppinion.. heh

- Also, i now know not to flame Dansim.. lol

Warped Designs
10-13-2002, 09:15 AM
Honestly I have too many markers (and barrels to go with them).
The barrel choice depends alot on the player and the type of field.
10 inch and under is great for indoors and other in tight play.
12 inch barrels (my second choice) because they produce less noise and can get a little leverage against sup air bunckers also slicing the pie is easier with this lengeth then those longer.
14 inch barrels (what I mostly use) decent sound level and can still push the bunker.
(Also there is a wide variety at this length some barrels under 14 and 12 inches are hard to find)
16 inch barrels (back player with a shocker) can lean on and move that sup air bunker.

And am I a noob because I recently rejoined AO and only have a few posts?

and stuff

10-20-2002, 06:40 PM
the TAG something tip. It is what like 4 inch tip for a freak. I forget but im sure there the smallest...

10-20-2002, 08:52 PM
I used a 16" (AA)playing mid in a 5-man tournament today... loved it. It gives me more to sight down, plus I can push my bunker all over the place... one thing to realize is that with twist lock, a 16" mag barrel feels more like a 14 on another gun in terms of sticking out past the breech.

10-21-2002, 07:43 AM
dude guys my 21" sniper barrel for my spyder makes my balls shoot further than anyother gun Even a cocker!

Temo Vryce
10-21-2002, 11:10 AM
Funny, it was my understanding that 12" - 14" barrel was the best length for a trade off between ball stablization and air efficency. If the barrel is too short the ball won't be as accurate, but if the barrel is too long you're just wasting air to get it out of the barrel at the right velocity. Personally I think that a 12" barrel is short enough, but i wouldn't go any shortter than 10". as for the shortest I've seen?

I have a friend with a minimag and an armason barrel. The mussel break on the barrel is the only thing that shows past the shroud on the minimag body. It looks like a 1" barrel but it' actually closer to 7" or 8" I can't remember which forsure.

10-21-2002, 11:33 AM
Once i get around to it i want an 8 to replace the stock emag barrel, partly for compactness, partly for the cannonish sound you get from unported barrels.

As far as the attitude of AO, since i started reading about a year ago its gone in cycles, it sucks for a while then it gets better and then it sucks, even when it sucks it seems better than the others ive read.

10-21-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by blnk162


I've got a four letter reply for you as well: Tool!

10-21-2002, 03:53 PM
Umm can you say SHORT?

Oh, not my cocker...

10-21-2002, 06:18 PM
lol the pnematics stick out further than the barrel......

10-21-2002, 09:04 PM

He he he... used to be a progressive till it met Mr dremel!:D

OK iv been told alot of my pics have been redX's lately, is this one too...?:confused: im not to computer savy

10-21-2002, 09:23 PM
nope, that one says hosted by angelfire....... even worse ;)

10-21-2002, 11:58 PM
Can't believe no one posted this link...


I like a 12-14" for speedball, but in the deep woods, I love my 16" Armson Stealth. I don't care if it eats too much gas, I like the trajectory(sp?) of it...

10-22-2002, 01:09 AM
I've got a 3" barrel and it's just about as accurate as it was before I cut it down.

10-25-2002, 06:49 PM
Place in what your n00b little 3 mans? Yeah I actually do play against farside regurlarly and am best friends with the farside kids.

I can state whatever I feel, It is newbish to have a 7 inch barrel, please tell me WHAT advantage that has....Play on pbnation with my intellect level, your not even on my level of play or on my intellect level, sorry I dont spend my life and all my time trying to argue with pretentious *** holes like you.

I took it outta my sig so you homos arent like oh they are jerks because you had to start crap with me by saying I suck, and I also just got on the team.

big E kingpin
10-25-2002, 08:24 PM
my micro came with a i think its a 5"er. i have and use a 16" boom that i scored when they first came out for about 60 bucks, if anyone remebers, that was a great deal at the time. if this makes me a noob, i guess im a noob, even though i have been playing longer then i think some of these members have been alive (well the age they act anyways, cough blink cough). i also have a 12 14, and am about to get a 10" boom.

10-26-2002, 12:59 PM
Well... getting longer barrels doesn't neccessarily mean you're newb-ish guys... think about it... you seen so many experienced players with 18" barrels at your woods fields... They're just uninformed players.

I have an extremely short barrel... 3" or maybe it's 3.5". It fires better than before I cut it down too.

10-26-2002, 01:24 PM
I dig the backwards tank Foo. Only way to go IMO.

10-26-2002, 02:10 PM
LOL - best thread ever.

Right now I've got a 10" on my mag that I like a whole lot. And a 8" and 14" on my angel....dunno which i like more. Prolly the 14" dye SS cuz it evens out the weight nicely, but they both shoot similarly.