View Full Version : Damaged Freak Back Help!

10-12-2002, 07:18 PM
I just bought myself a nice, new SP Freak Back for my Freeflow, but when I tossed it on my old cocker it got jammed in there pretty good and I had to use a wrench to take the thing out...

However, when I finally got it, the end where the tip screws in... is a wee-bit lopsided.

Any tips on how to straighten the thing out? :confused:

10-12-2002, 07:22 PM
well if worse comes to worse i may have one i can sell you...im not really sure how you could bend it back maybea pair of needle nose pliers on the inside and open em up :confused:

10-12-2002, 09:30 PM
I dont get where its messed up. Do the threads still screw in? Does an insert still fit? Does it still shoot?

I dont get if this is a working or cosmetic issue. I dont get how it could be lopsided without majorly screwed though :( Good luck getting it working

10-14-2002, 08:47 AM
Yeah, it screws in, and the inserts are fine, but the front is warped so that the tips wont screw in :(

10-14-2002, 02:06 PM
I had the same thing happen to me in the middle of the back instead of the end but you could use a vise and slowly put more pressure on the back until it bends back into the orginal shape.

I liked the old style freak backs they were more durable and didn't bend at all or as easily. I've seen a picture on a message board somewhere of a freak back bent at a 45 degree angle with the insert still inside the barrel, the guy bent it by sliding into a bunker.

10-14-2002, 04:53 PM
smart parts is doing something wrong. this happens to both of my angel freak backs but no other angel barrels it might be cause the freak doesnt actually bottom out in the breach but rather bottoms out on the body of the gun. solution first try to get it replaced by smart parts. if you cant then your best option is to get a different barrel . many other companies are making barrels with inserts now.