View Full Version : Back to the feild after 6 months...

10-12-2002, 08:26 PM
Well, I finaly saved enough money and got my dad to give me a ride to my local feild. This was the first time I got to use all my new goodies for my cocker. Every time before today my cocker worked like total crap! I hated my cocker for a while, but well ya, read on...

I started out the day pretty good, when the guy was filling my tank I was scared I was going to start hearing air hissing from my hoses or tank or something, because thats just always my luck, but to my surprise, no noises no nothing, well I goto the chrono, just to see if its too good to be true, I took a few shots, wow, it works!!! Ok So I go fill my pods and hopper and proceed to the first game, other than my pants falling off all day(I forgot to bring a belt) and my jersey being kinda tight because its a size too small for me, the day was great. After the first game I relized I used about 500 rounds so I decided to conserve a bit. So after that, I was able to make a game with about a pod and a half.

Ok, well now how my gun worked and what I did with it. Well the consistancy at first was horrible, one shot was 240 the next was 307 then the next was 329, then then next was 260. So then I decided I needed to mess around with pressure, so I backed out my velocity adjuster screw until the balls were comeing out just enough to show up on the chrono. Then I adjust the pressure on my reg up and the velocity went down, so I adjusted it down, and it went up about 20fps, so I went a little more down, it went up a little more, and then I put it down a little more and the fps went down too, so I put it back, and left it set at 250psi all day. Then I adjust the velocity to 277, then I take another shot 277, next shot 276, then 278, then 260, so that was kinda dissapointing, but it was still alot better than when I started, I'm not sure how to fix that inconsistancy, but it was still pretty good. I got about 1000rds on my 3000psi 68ci fill, so that made me happy. Another thing that made me happy was how my Blade frame is pretty much self adjusting, just set the sear release as short as possable then set the 3 way as short as possable, then it pretty much works like that pretty good. But it is realy easy to short stroke which I did alot today, but I had NO CHOPS, and NO BREAKS!!! So yay, my cocker ownz, it came out of time the last few games of the day, but its my fault for playing with out the actuator rod set screw. I'm going to try to put some teflon tape around the actuator rod where it goes in the trigger to get rid of some of the length of the pull because of the sloted trigger. And I'm going to retime it.

So ya, today was great, but I remembered something, FINGER HITS SUCK!!! I got hit in the hand and in the fingers like 6 times, it was realy annoying. I just wanted to share this with everyone, and I have a question. How can I help make my gun more consistant, I keep getting velocity spikes and drops out of nowhere, but when Im not getting them its realy consistant.

10-12-2002, 09:09 PM
are you sure it wasnt just a bad paint match it sounded liek it with all those close and then one off the wall like that it could have been a bad ball?:confused:

10-12-2002, 09:45 PM
Hey, thanks, it prolly was, wow that makes me feel alot better :)