View Full Version : Your Paint Price?

Pile & A Half
10-13-2002, 11:44 AM
Just wondering what prices of paint you have around your area. Considering the best paint that you think and the price. I just want to compare my paint around my area to your guys is.

I get Diablo Blaze for $44.00 A Case
Diablo HellFire for $46.00 A Case

10-13-2002, 11:49 AM
you get HELLFIRE for 46 bucks?!??! good lord....it's at least 60 around here

i aget proball for 55, voodoo for 60, inferno at the last tourney for 50, i dunno what else, that's pretty much all i buy

10-13-2002, 11:53 AM
damn hellfire for 46 huh, sounds like were getting the shaft down here in the south. . . i get midnight for about 50 or 55, depending where i buy from.

10-13-2002, 12:16 PM
Damn all you. I pay a whopping 60-65 bucks for Diablo Draxxus. That is, however, at a shop where the guy only carries paint, some minor paintball supplies, and some Point Zero's. I'm hoping to talk him into letting me and a friend do a little paintball business in his shop.:D

10-13-2002, 12:20 PM
Talking about 60 bucks a whopping price for paint :(
I wish I could do that..
I pay 80 per case of pmi premium, and thats at the CHEAP field. :(

Jack Napier
10-13-2002, 12:42 PM
$60 for a case of Evil

10-13-2002, 12:49 PM
i buy offline, so like 45 for bigball.
65 for fresh PMI at one field
65 for TC at the other (75 at tourneys for hellfire)

10-13-2002, 12:49 PM
Field paint costs are usually higher than shop paint costs I've noticed.

10-13-2002, 12:50 PM
At the fields I play it, it's $88 a case for Blaze and $90 for Marbs :( or $75 for PMI Premium.

10-13-2002, 12:55 PM
dang you guys should move to texas :cool:

at the store its 45 for big ball or great american, 50 for pmi prem's and it goes up from there... at the feild its 55 for a case of worr wiht all thoes magical elves

10-13-2002, 12:58 PM
at my field its 40 bux for a case of seconds, and 60 for venoms. but since venom sucks and the seconds are pretty damn good, the seconds are the way to go

10-13-2002, 12:59 PM
46-Diablo Blaze
45-Diablo Midnite(nightmare)
42-Recsport(good practice ball)


10-13-2002, 01:09 PM
€ 75 for a case of Diablo Midnight (2000)
€ 85 for a case of Tomahawk (2500)

10-13-2002, 01:13 PM
We usually buy ten or more cases of worr for 35/case (10 bucks off each case, originally 45 bucks a case)

10-13-2002, 01:28 PM
Marbs/All Star $65
Hellfire $75

One store was blowing out TC for 30 bucks a case not too long ago, the store owner said he can them at 15/case including the freight.

10-13-2002, 04:07 PM
Here in NJ paint is anywhere from 65-100 for a case. But with a pending Kick'n paint sponsorship, we'd be getting it for 15


mike e
10-13-2002, 04:19 PM
at my field its 50 a case for econo ball, or if your sponsored, 29 a case for anarchey

10-13-2002, 04:24 PM
$50/case - Chronic
- Big Ball
- RPS Premium
$40/case - Blaze

10-13-2002, 04:28 PM
i rarely have to pay for paint but when i do 24 for paintballjunkies paint is what ill get, it shoots good and is cheap

10-13-2002, 04:33 PM
65/ case of marbs at sherwood in Cali

so far nothing below 80 in the philly area

10-13-2002, 04:34 PM
I get Diablo Blaze for $40.00 a case. :p

10-13-2002, 04:53 PM
MAN.. if I could get Blaze at my local field for $40 a case I'd be THROWING paint out on the field! I pay $88 bucks a friggen case... can't believe you guys are getting it for less than HALF that!

10-13-2002, 05:03 PM
$34 for Worr

10-13-2002, 05:29 PM
Stores: 51 case Midnight + Bigball, 55 Case PMI Premiums + Blaze

Fields: 65 case PMI premiums or team colors.

Online - 40 bucks for best i can get in current deals. Just got a case of hot spot, case of Worr, and a case of pbj joker for 120 shipped online (split among 3 peeple for this weekend)

10-13-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
MAN.. if I could get Blaze at my local field for $40 a case I'd be THROWING paint out on the field! I pay $88 bucks a friggen case... can't believe you guys are getting it for less than HALF that!

My local field is BYOP. I buy my paint from my local store. They charge from $40 to $55 per case depending on what type of customer you are. I am a good one;) !

10-13-2002, 06:33 PM
Severe FP - $55/case
Nelson Hotspot - $55/case
Severe Terra Metalic - $65/case
PMI Premium - $65/case
Severe Cyclone - $75/case
PMI Marb/Allstar - $75/case

This is very interesting...amazing how the price ranges chance from area to area...


10-13-2002, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by AkaEnder
Severe FP - $55/case
Nelson Hotspot - $55/case
Severe Terra Metalic - $65/case
PMI Premium - $65/case
Severe Cyclone - $75/case
PMI Marb/Allstar - $75/case

This is very interesting...amazing how the price ranges chance from area to area...


It's also about who you know...and whats yo hookup!

Pile & A Half
10-13-2002, 08:59 PM
Gosh...I dunno if I could stand paying 80 a case. That would drive me up the wall big time. 44 a case is a lot better :) haha.

10-13-2002, 09:32 PM
At my field
Nelson Hotspot-$62
Big Ball-$69
PMI Premium-$72
Kick'n metalic-$72

I wish our field had cheap paint

10-13-2002, 10:01 PM
the reason its more at the fields is because thats the only way they make money really.

at my field its 65 per case for whatever they have.

10-13-2002, 10:04 PM
Country Club-$114 a case PMI

Badlandz-$55 for marbs or bring your own, it's $65 if it's not team practice which I never even go to.

Friendly Fire-$110 PMI

Fox River Games-$110 PMI

Challenge Park-$80 Brass Eagle

Paintball Blitz- $110 for open play, $40 for teams. But free for me because I work there and other good stuff.

10-13-2002, 10:14 PM
i hope the people that run those places realize their ruining the sport by making it too expensive for a lot of people to play.

10-13-2002, 10:18 PM
Think about it in this perspective.

Country Club- Indoors, carpet cleaning, insurance, building maintence, lighting, electricity.

Friendly Fire- Crappy Fields, High Prices, Owners a dick, Bad refs, I don't know where they get off.

FOx River Games- Crappy Fields, High Prices, Owners a dick, Bad refs, I don't know where they get off. Same as above

Challenge Park- That place costs a fricken tone to run and have refs and whatnot. It's a huge very expensive complex.

Paintball Blitz- It's 10 min away from the 2nd richest town in lake forest where most of the people come from. The homes and property value in this city would blow your mind. These people can dish out $110 a weekend like it's pocket change.

10-13-2002, 10:23 PM
I think the guys posting all of the low prices are getting some sort of sponsorship. Fields stay in buisness because of paint sails. The field I started playing at in 96 it was $145(member price) dollars for a 2500 round case.

And I would like to get Hellfire for that $46 price.

ps Hubalbwhatever this isn't smacktalk try and watch the language.

10-13-2002, 11:30 PM
Well at the field where I am from we pay the following

50 a case for anarachy (my personal fav) and proball
45 a case for big ball
55 for marbs and all stars

These are regular prices that everyone pays.

I haven't been able to check the fields around here yet.

10-14-2002, 12:06 AM
Around here you pay 80-110 a case, but the green fee is about $10. i think that's the difference between fields offering low prices and high prices: the admission price. One field allows BYOP for a $5 fee. Since I can get dirt cheap paint, I try to play there most often.

10-14-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Troy
Fields stay in buisness because of paint sails.


fields were open and operating AND making a profit for over 9 years before FPO became known. FPO is merely a way to make more money. when you make a huge investment in capital (fields) like CPE, you dont automatically try to make all your money back in the first week by gouging on the prices, you sell the product for the same price you did before, and jsut hope that the capital will draw more customers. my field is 40 for seconds, and they make a HUGE profit. they also have a ton of refs, and 4 fields including air ball. two games are always running, and they also have shaded staging areas and an airconditioned check in. and you know what? theyve only had fpo for 6 months. theyve done just bout everything they have without fpo, and they still made a profit then. think about it, paintball gel encapsulating machines cost millions of dollars to make, but you dont see them charging a million dollars a case do you?

10-14-2002, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by Trigger_Happy
Around here you pay 80-110 a case, but the green fee is about $10. i think that's the difference between fields offering low prices and high prices: the admission price. One field allows BYOP for a $5 fee. Since I can get dirt cheap paint, I try to play there most often.

I pay 10 dollars a day to play or 15 with all day air fill. It cost 25 dollars if you don't have any equipment.

I just think some fields are cheaper to run then others. Cheaper to run doesn't mean bad quality. The place where I played at is an old state park that the owner bought and fixed up. So he got the land and all the buildings already there and for a cheap price. We have three speed ball fields (one 10 man, one 3 man, and one supair) we have I beleive either 4 or 5 rec ball fields. There is nothing fancy there but it is not bad either, just a good field with cheap prices.

10-14-2002, 07:25 AM
Lubbock, Challenge Park: $80 Bigball
Fort Worth, FotR: $40 seconds - $80 premium paint (I usually get Midnight for $57)
Houston, Twisted Texas: BYOP = internet cheap paint.
(kickin for $30)

Pile & A Half
10-14-2002, 07:47 AM
Troy - I wouldn't consider that smack talk. I would consider it being honest. Would you rather have him say that that there all great places with all great people that when you go there your never wrong? Think about....Hes being honest. Nothing wrong with that.

And no I don't get a sponsorship at my feild so all those prices are feild paint prices. Yes I consider myself very lucky.

10-14-2002, 11:09 AM
FREE-Chronic, ZAP, Chronic Ultimate

10-14-2002, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
We usually buy ten or more cases of worr for 35/case (10 bucks off each case, originally 45 bucks a case)

you can't beat this stuff for 35 a case!

10-14-2002, 08:02 PM
The store i usually shop at is:
El Tigres-70
Big ball-45
PMI Prems-45

The closest store is:
Marbs/El Tigres-95
PMI Prems-60
And those are the only two they get...And they're not to good at fixing things either

10-14-2002, 08:11 PM
I get mad when i have to pay for paint and when i do its a booger to even pay 27(total with tax)

10-14-2002, 08:51 PM
$30 for a case of Worr. Being sponsored is good.:)

10-15-2002, 07:12 PM
I've never really cared for Worr paint but if it shoots good for youthen sweet.

Here's a funny story for you all.

While in Atlantic City we staged next to Lockout b/c we are like a sister team to them. Well the one player on Lockout owns there home field and has a full Diablo Sponsorship. So all day they were shooting case after case of hellfire. It was shooting awesome for them. Well they also have a full JT sponsorship and Jt got on there case about not shooting there paint. So Lockout gave us a bunch of there paint and JT gave them paint for the rest of the tourney. Well the paint they ended up shooting was Brass Eagle. They were impress with how it shot and didnt really have any complaints about it. This was just kind of a funny story b/c everyone puts down Brass Eagle paint but yet the Pro's shot it and didnt mind it. They did like the Hellfire better though.

10-15-2002, 07:33 PM
well the biggest problem with BE paint, aside from the smell, is the fact that when you buy it from wal mart its usually been sitting on the shelves for half a year. no exaggeration. and balls are often broken during loading of the balls.

10-15-2002, 07:57 PM
half a year?!?!? at one of my local Kmarts they still have Top Brass, didn't they stop making that over 2 years ago? And most of the paint is broke and they don't even take it off the shelf!!!

Well the prices for paint at my local store is

$75 for marbs and el tigre
$65 for PMI Premium
$59 for big ball and Blaze
And $49 for seconds.
about 2 years ago, I think this same store had like midnight or hellfire for like $100.

At my local feild there is feild paint at Feild pricing and store pricing, feild pricing is usualy $120 a case!! Thats just crazy.

Warped Designs
10-15-2002, 08:07 PM
On our home field we pay $80 a case and no field fee (ever even on open days/walk on)

Most field are around $90 to $110 and some still charge a field fee.