View Full Version : Lvl 10 fun

10-13-2002, 03:01 PM
After a long rainy 3-man tourny at Michigan Tech this weekend, run by skirts and myself, we had some ref ball on the air fields. Putting my level 10 to the test I played a few games with no paint, sliding in to bunkers and picking up anything that wasn't broken to shove in to my gun. Didn't break a single ball (granted didn't hit much either) and the Emag kept rocking.

Now I just have to clean the grass out of my revvy :)

PS- Big thanks to Troy and Airgun, couldn't have done it without you

10-13-2002, 03:10 PM
Yay! Another happy customer. :)

10-13-2002, 08:06 PM
i was playing some rec ball and i was picking up B.E. off the ground that were dropped my n00bs it shot preaty nice considering that it was b.e. and it was off the ground

10-13-2002, 10:32 PM
The best part is shooting most fragile tourny paint as fast as you can without worring about chopping.

Good Luck.

How did the tourny go?

10-13-2002, 10:36 PM
ya BE has nothin on 32Degrees! lol
i love Lv10!!!!!!!!!:D

10-14-2002, 03:47 PM
Overall everything went rather well. It rained all day, and needless to say Skirts and I were soaking wet. The Airgun airfield was a beautiful site to see, and being the first tourny at michigan tech with an airfield it went over well with the players. Everybody seemed to like switching fields for the finals as well (we had 2 fields made out of the 7-man field). Again thanks to Tom for the loan of the airfield, and thanks to Troy of National for donated prizes and all around good service.


hopefully there will be pictures to come soon....

10-14-2002, 06:37 PM
AHHH!!! your poor poor barrel.....:( i feel so bad for it...how could you subject it to such harsh treatment?!?! even if i had lvl 10 i'd sill only shoot unused paint because it could screw up ur barrel!!

still sounds like fun thought:D

10-14-2002, 08:43 PM
that's what your stock classic/minimag barrel is for!:D